Fiver2/theunitedstatesofamerica for demoscene lifetime achievement award!
category: general [glöplog]
I am going to let you find out which productions he has been involved with. Coding in fr productions has been getting a lot of attention, while people often forget what it takes to "direct" a demo. Fr productions rank high in every chart, but of the people involved you only find the coders ranked high. Just my 2c..
stop opening a thousand crap threads, and rather come to a party or start coding or _fucking_ quit the scene.. kthxbye.
Sealthz: why do you think there is a Best Direction category in the Annual Awards ? Nowdiekthxbye
love is all around!!
Actually I was somewhat serious about this. It did not come over well in combination with the other threads.
For example: Go to the FR-08 page and check how many times people complement Chaos and Ryg for their code. Almost nobody acknowledges the work that actually went into finding way to make great scenes with wz.
Exhibit 2: Check random "diskmag" (there are a few left) and look into the charts section.
I guess that's the price to pay for making a great direction. The flow is such that many people don't even notice it.
a film director cannot direct without a script, as such a demo director cannot direct without visuals, more often that not coded fx. therfore a demo can be made without any direction, but would probably be messy, never the less it can exist.. however if you put both director and script together, you have good things, something watchable.
fiver2 is very, very good indeed, but there are also others. The farbrausch popstar hype already distorts the perception of too many sceners.

btw. that video is from 2003...
A great video indeed.
On the trip back to Berlin we had a very long discussion about fiver2 / debris etc. Actually we only talked about motivation / interpretation / relevance. I thought about writing something on this topic, basically to survive the shock. Maybe to learn something. Don't know.
There are so many fascinating ideas and concepts in debris. Like the Camcorder recording where the camera guy walks some steps forward around the fence to get a close look to the construction. Or the collapsing sky sphere.
I wonder if theunitedstatesofamerica is the mirror image of fiver2. The one that brings destruction and chaos instead of polished ironic popularity.
And then, after looking in the mirror after four days of drinking and party coding, I wonder if there isn't a self destructive side in most of us.
There are so many fascinating ideas and concepts in debris. Like the Camcorder recording where the camera guy walks some steps forward around the fence to get a close look to the construction. Or the collapsing sky sphere.
I wonder if theunitedstatesofamerica is the mirror image of fiver2. The one that brings destruction and chaos instead of polished ironic popularity.
And then, after looking in the mirror after four days of drinking and party coding, I wonder if there isn't a self destructive side in most of us.
dodke: whoopdeedoo, someone invented exploding buildings :D
actually the comparison to pleix' "sometimes" is correct. i saw that about one year ago and it left me speechless. i had been thinking about very similar visuals (debris. was about half-finished at that time) and was shocked how close this was to what i had in mind, only that it was even better. the fact that the way our debris looks so much like the debris in this video is coincidental, though. the effect was coded just to destroy a street made of a grid. but chaos coded it in a way that it could be used for any objects. so i tried it on several objects and was delighted to see that destroying fonts leave and incredible random structure. i guess it would be quite difficult to achieve such a structure on purpose :)