What the fuck happened to the logos?
category: general [glöplog]
I mean -- jesus christ.. Did someone just reverse the votecount? What's up with this shit being shown all the time?

Where the fuck did all the GOOD ONES go? Please, someone, say that this is just a piss-poor attempt at an april fools-joke.

Where the fuck did all the GOOD ONES go? Please, someone, say that this is just a piss-poor attempt at an april fools-joke.
hehehehe.. I surely hope it's NOT an april's fool joke!
But it probably is :)
But it probably is :)
And when i posted it got this gem!



i'd say a true case of April 1st. :)
Looks like the graphics for the first homepages ever done on the internet, except that its not lots of animated gifs.
April 1st brings back the only demo art!!!!!1

pouet logo?? :D
actually i think this more elite pouet
Nooo they be stealin' my Logos

scary stuff!

Hmm, with a little care, this could actually have looked good.

And this one:

Fugly, yes, but I want tips on programs to make reliefs like that.

Fugly, yes, but I want tips on programs to make reliefs like that.
The relief is too perfect. It's probably made with a program that takes a shape and return a pseudo-3D image like that.mspaint?

What a beauty! *juck*
Here's another one that could've been ok with some care:

The scary thing is that some of these are seriously submitted by some people as 'good' logos! :D

I like it. I think it should only have been tinier.
Interestingly many of the fugly logos handle transparency much better than some of the better looking ones. But I guess that subject has been discussed enough.

my fav: 
I remember a presentation at university about Polygon-3D-coding concerning detail level, with examples from Stunts.. all the students cheered and applauded :D

I remember a presentation at university about Polygon-3D-coding concerning detail level, with examples from Stunts.. all the students cheered and applauded :D