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NUMERICA demoparty is unleashed - get your seat for it!

category: general [glöplog]
Did they? I heard they didn't...
Someone can say when some video reports might be available?
i had fun despite beeing sick like hell most of the time :)
thanks to orgas, dutch gods of airport lift saviors, the usual international friends, the free breakfasts, the cute french girls and fuckings to titan. ^_^
but please dtv orgas, next time:
a) dont let musicians comment graphics compos live
b) dont ask skrebble what he thinks about his own prod right after it got shown :D
added on the 2007-03-12 18:19:13 by psenough psenough
c) don't ask skrebble to comment on the oldskool demo compo

... ehr.. actually... do ask him next time, that was very funny :-)
added on the 2007-03-12 18:20:38 by sparcus sparcus
indeed, he's a gifted liar :)
added on the 2007-03-12 18:21:21 by el mal el mal
well it's more or less "plz orgas, don't move, just play the compos and then talk a bit about the weather" :D
What was is skrebble said exactly? Something like:

"This is the best Atari demo ever written. Actually this is the best demo ever written period."
added on the 2007-03-12 18:35:39 by GbND GbND
gbnd: "i had no idea these effects could be done with these machines! it completly blew my mind!"
added on the 2007-03-12 18:41:50 by psenough psenough
added on the 2007-03-12 18:57:45 by el mal el mal

Ahh, I got my names mixed up. It was one of the Atari coders or something.
added on the 2007-03-12 21:53:03 by GbND GbND
kaneel: ricard sucks.. it's like absynth without the cool ;)
added on the 2007-03-12 22:43:48 by el mal el mal
ok, sorry for the typo and im not even really a musician..
added on the 2007-03-12 22:44:15 by el mal el mal
Yeah well if by the cool you mean you're fastly fucked up, yeah indeed, you lack the cool ahah.
But still, try the ricard+coffee or ricard+coca cola :)
BB Image just to say netpoet is sexy :D
added on the 2007-03-13 01:09:05 by med med
concerning the livestream comments, i would like to add that the organisers (netpoet in this case) did in fact make arrangements for "more suitable" commentators for some competitions. for example, i was asked to comment on the graphics compos because i'm a graphician.

unfortunately this whole scheme was interrupted by the schedule change which took place on saturday afternoon, right after netpoet had recruited us. i was expecting to take jeenio's seat at 17:00 after the music compos were over. but the gfx compos were played at 15:00 already (when jeenio was still in his seat, expecting to comment on music compos only).

the verdict? shit happens. ofcourse this could've theoretically been prevented, had arrangements been made at an even earlier point in time and/or had the organisers stuck with their original schedule. however, while the organisers' flexibility caused this minor issue to occur, it was also one of the main reasons why the party was so enjoyable at all. so i am definitely not complaining in any way :)
added on the 2007-03-13 04:27:05 by havoc havoc
havoc, you're right about the graphic compos. the switch of the music and the graphic compos surprised me as well, and when i found out i had to stay in the DTV studio to comment on things so i couldn't come get you any more. i hoped though that you'd find out and come upstairs by yourself.

anyhow, sorry for the glitch in the compos.
added on the 2007-03-13 07:05:28 by netpoet netpoet
oh and by the way: we are noting all your criticism points, both positive and negative, and will do our very best to improve the party next year.

florent: oh, it was the pasta that gave me the diarrhoea! i thought it was the buffalo grill, but if this many people got sick from the pasta, i guess it was that then.
added on the 2007-03-13 07:09:17 by netpoet netpoet
about that pasta stuff: i had it on friday and things were okay (i.e. no diarrhoea).. seems you guys catched teh shit on saturday (no wonder after the pasts being "cooked" for hours)...

about commenting the prods: personally, i tried to stay "politically correct" and like "finding something positive in every prod" to not influence the voting too much. :-)
added on the 2007-03-13 08:23:22 by unlock unlock
Hi all!

Before anything else, i wish to send you all again our thanks from the bottom of our hearts, as DTV and Numerica Party team for our presence, comments and feedback!

Be assured we have taken good note of your feedback (please do not hesitate!) and will include all improvments possible for the 2nd one-;)

About some points i have read in the post:

- We were a bit unlucky on XXX not being here, i was the 1st one disappointed too- we are great friends, we support and follow each others DTV and DK's paths and both XXX and Potti were among the 1st ones to register to Numerica. I trust both were really busy on preparing Cebit in Germany, important rendez-vous for DK as such. I also know XXX has changed position in his job and is currently very very very busy (i know the feeling myself).

- What else can i say apart from millions of apologies for the food shit? Having tested it beforehand ourselves locally, we truly did not expect it ,and it came of course as a bad surprise. To be followed..

- About the aggressive security dogs: Well, we share the feeling, i remember we had talks since we noticed it as orgas, but you know the score, it's a legal thing in France, we had to have it. but be assured we will feedback to the security company...to put the dogs in the same jail room as the damn food provider-:)

- I can also confirm we have recorded every bit of the Party, and that reports, extracts and the rest will be soon available on VOD...

- Thanks also for your precious feedback on our DTV shows and live comments on prods: lesson learned for the remote comments, commentators and all. Next time better!

Respect to all of you for your work, presence, and support again. You made it once again-:)

See on...on tour!

added on the 2007-03-13 09:30:24 by metapat metapat
i think the trend that netpoet started of asking me about my own prods and about oldschool compos is a great idea! i'm willing to provide live comments for the bp c64 compos!
added on the 2007-03-13 10:16:09 by skrebbel skrebbel
mkay, will there be one next year?
added on the 2007-03-13 10:24:33 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
skrebbel: getting live comments (in hall or studio) about compos is key for DTV live coverages (if you remember well, we have started to do it during assembly and next coverages of the Tour 06) so the netpoet session was quite a good one to further enhance it.

In one word, get your grip for Breakpoint 07 and get the message out to all sceners too. We would love to have you all commenting the compos (the ones you prefer) live on DTV, as you are truly much better than me to feedback on compos. I ll be the host, you'll be the essence of the comments.

You make it, you comment it-:)

Anyone interested drop me a mail and i will do a schedule and get you before compos!

I will also check with Scamp if we can get the live comments in the hall, and not only on DTV.

Take care
added on the 2007-03-13 12:23:45 by metapat metapat
If I may have my say, please no commenting during the entries themselves, not on the stream and definitely not at the party.
added on the 2007-03-13 13:05:13 by Preacher Preacher
i'll have to agree with preacher. some personal opinions after the compo are somewhat acceptable but not during/between entries beeing shown..
added on the 2007-03-13 13:18:35 by psenough psenough
plus we can certainly miss comments like: 'so what did you think of this graphic?' -'i liked the arrangement of colors!' (when musicians judge graphics!!!) :DDDDDD
added on the 2007-03-13 14:48:02 by el mal el mal


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