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Any of your planning a serious body modification?

category: residue [glöplog]

Body modification (or body alteration) is the permanent or semi-permanent deliberate altering of the human body for non-medical reasons, such as spiritual, various social (markings), BDSM "edgeplay" or aesthetic[citation needed]. It can range from the socially acceptable decoration (e.g., pierced ears in many societies), to the overtly religiously mandated (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures) to corporal punishment, to provocative statement by the rebellious (e.g., tongue splitting). Some even become physically addicted to the adrenaline/endorphin release associated with a painful procedure in a way analogous to that experienced by those who self-harm. Some people experience an abstract but distinct compulsion to modify their body that appears to have no underlying or external reason.


OK, when are we finally going to have network connectors in our skull? Or do you think it should be wireless?
added on the 2007-02-22 17:25:46 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Maybe you should start by implanting a brain into your Head
I'd go for infrared.
added on the 2007-02-22 17:36:32 by doomdoom doomdoom
i need two more fingers for each hand, so i can code faster
added on the 2007-02-22 17:36:56 by rmeht rmeht
"I have a drinking problem, ..."
added on the 2007-02-22 17:38:37 by Gargaj Gargaj
rectal prolapses!
added on the 2007-02-22 17:49:26 by el mal el mal
cyberpunk is so 80s...
added on the 2007-02-22 18:07:41 by Zest Zest
someone i know has wings where people usually don't grow wings (..) - i wouldn't call that one serious, as he always smiles when he tells stories about that
added on the 2007-02-22 18:23:04 by dalezr dalezr
wings... !?
added on the 2007-02-22 18:24:22 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
wings... !?

BB Image
added on the 2007-02-22 18:28:47 by ilmarque ilmarque
wings... !?

BB Image
added on the 2007-02-22 18:44:59 by doomdoom doomdoom
A math-coprocessor would be cool for me.
added on the 2007-02-22 19:03:22 by xernobyl xernobyl
My body actually modify itself without warning.
I had my jawbone going awry of 2 or3 millimeters 2 years ago. It seems to be stable now, but I lost my dental occlusion, I can't just close my mouth or chew normally. As my teeth have shifted, their contact just displace or destroy them, bringing several complications.
So, thanks, I had enough body modification.
added on the 2007-02-22 19:33:36 by krabob krabob
im growing a heiniken-spoiler
added on the 2007-02-22 19:52:14 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
and dyslexia :)
added on the 2007-02-22 20:12:40 by el mal el mal
i had a wee wee and replaced my front teeth. these experiences were enough for me to stay away from this shit.
wee wee chop that is.
Yeah, I'm planning on getting in shape!
I'm planning to cut a commodore logo in my shoulder
added on the 2007-02-22 21:03:24 by cruzer cruzer
i've planed some scene-related tattos :) they will be made this year.

and when everything goes well, i get my snakebites (two piercings the lips, left and right each) next week, yay!

and of cource i want one of those vio mini motherboars inside my body, oh, and i would like to replace my penis with some tentacels!
added on the 2007-02-22 22:54:36 by psykon psykon
There are some very cool logos to pixel in your body... I almost can imagine someone geting at a Tatoo shop and asking: "Do you do pixel work?"
added on the 2007-02-22 23:03:22 by xernobyl xernobyl
i'm gonna go for sex change next summer, gonna get myself turned into a lesbian hermafrodite.
added on the 2007-02-22 23:59:06 by nosfe nosfe
but i like your beard!
added on the 2007-02-23 00:14:15 by dalezr dalezr
I can't just close my mouth

I think a lot of demosceners have this ailment.
added on the 2007-02-23 10:26:25 by Shifter Shifter
i'm gonna lose some weight
added on the 2007-02-23 10:53:23 by jeenio jeenio


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