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The vista conspiracy

category: general [glöplog]
have i ever stated that they are? you have made a whole range of assumptions so far. the first being that i belive in ickes theory of lizards. But unlike you i belive in checking out peoples ideas if some of what they say can be confirmed and see where it goes.

Some call this method research and it is concidered a science that is taught at universities, and it is a process where you dont take stand on info or only the parts that you know can be verified untill more than one thing leads to the same conclutions.

In a court of law. There is a thing called circumstantial evidence. This is not the smoking gun kind of evidence. But small bits of fact that all points towards the same conclution. This kind of evidence is enough in some countrys to have people sentenced to death.

Freemasons come is as many form and shapes as christians. And so far there are roughly 35.000 different branches of christianity. Thats a lot!
And they range from peace loving hippie organisations preaching peace and love, that does community work and are in fact great people, and to the southern baptist church that are white supremist known for the direct opposite. Thats christianity for you.

Its the very same thing with masons. Some who are into what you could call the masonic principles, becasue that is what it is as opposed to a "masonic teaching" are wonderfull honest people, and their particular lodge is great. But in the other end you have guys like propaganda dua, ever heard of them ? The p2 lodge of italy? There werent even proper masons because most of the keystone principles of masonry was totally overlooke din the persuit of getting close to influential people. This is the kind of lodge activity that must be omnitored closely, and the people connected to this kind of thing should be monitored no less close than islamic and christian terrorists. Because it is criminally insane people with burning desire for power and gain and imposing other people to their own ideals and ideas.

The other thing you overlook completely is that our history is one long written testemony to the fact that man has, does and always will conspire on his fellow man id there is gain to be had. It altso shows us that the conspiracies that seems most nuts and unbelievable are actually the ones that got pulled of.

But people like you with a borderline denial personality type. belives that we somehow stopped doing that. That today its different. we have evolved away from such bad activity obviously, and we no longer band in secrecy if there is power and gain to be had. We should trust people in power beause we all know that power and authority makes people more trustworthy and true telling by default.

We are today too smart to be conspired against .You know what smarts? you couldnt boil and egg without a stove and electricity. we have moved nowhere but into deeper dependency on a very few people in fact. So, its important to keep track on what these people are up to.

When these people show up in connections to activity like P2 they should be noted in particular because that is nothing but organised crime dressing up as the masonic relegion. And what a good place to hide that is. Its a big relegion and its practice is kept secret, which IMHO is fair game. Many religiojns has and does practice some level of secrecy on their teachings to keep them esoteric and interresting. But it altso means that because of this protection masonry as a relegion to secrecy, those posing as it, gets the same protection. and thats where it gets bad news.

I dont have anyt proof you say? I think you couldnt tell evidence if it bit you in the arse. You see what you want to see, and anything that does not fit that particular worldview is totally wrong cracpot and conspiracy wacko.

Yo uknow what, rather than point you to any sites, i would like to point you to a library, where you should get hold of books on our history, and when you have done that, we can take it from there. There simply are things you need to understand and learn before you can actually learn anthing.

Now could you kindly leave my thread alone, and let those laugh that like me think the image is funny and remember the WTF thread?
added on the 2007-02-19 19:28:42 by NoahR NoahR
does it really come to any surpice that christian, wel any relegious reseacher into the "social side" of world business and politics label then satanists?

Such henious behaviour IS to them satanism, so within the framwork of their worldview and understanding it is a perfectly fair claim.

Personally i view it as these dark lodges just having another relegion. Like the death cult of the islamists, or the death cults of india, or anywhere else death cults has gained unfluence by deceit and violence.

But its not satanism because i dont belive in a satan, so within my worldview and understanding it is just another bizzare type of cult, and ti worries me to see it so close to those that we are so utterly dependent on.

added on the 2007-02-19 19:38:24 by NoahR NoahR
Can someone explain "what" Francis P Yockey "is", to a french that has not necessarily the US/English private joke culture, and please also explain why it should be fun in clear terms that would make sense. (I doubt that is the case.)

... wait a minute...

No, let it fall, explain nothing.
added on the 2007-02-19 19:40:11 by krabob krabob
gods are for ppl who dont believe in themselfs.
added on the 2007-02-19 19:41:44 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
iblis if you want to read some really important information regarding future of mankind you better put your tinfoil hat on and check this site http://homokaasu.org/pages.gas?5
added on the 2007-02-19 19:44:55 by uns3en_ uns3en_
see, automatic ridicule response. You dont point to anything that i have said. You'd rather go for the safe ad hominem by trying to link me to some crackpot who are advertising for grannysex than enter a debate that might force you to change some views. that is, if youre honest with yourself, and dont realy on the safety provided by not being your own individual with the right to draw your own none trademarked and copyrighted conclusions.

Alien, so are governments
added on the 2007-02-19 19:52:39 by NoahR NoahR
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To add to the conspiracy, the URL starts with img404, so it shouldn't really exist. How's that for a cover-up?
added on the 2007-02-19 19:53:56 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
goverments are manmade
ohwait so are religions.

im screwed.

anybody got an island for sale? preferable with a fast line or something. gotta escape humanity.
added on the 2007-02-19 19:54:49 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
nitro...brillant! :D
added on the 2007-02-19 19:56:43 by NoahR NoahR
Not any more than previous generations alien.

But now that we have chosen to write down history as it goes along, and even did our best to flower it up so it looks less bad along the way and it still point towards the fact that were a bunch of gullible idiots in the hands of people who are far smarter than we are and where they are because they fuck us in the ass and dont even spit first. why not learn from it and make changes accordingly to the power structure?. You think representative "democracy" as we know it is a new idea?

but no...because if there are no easy mcdonalds solution its to much of a fucking hassle. So im asking you. Look at the world, hows it going? no really....hows it doing?

If not us, who? if not now, when?
added on the 2007-02-19 20:01:10 by NoahR NoahR
If you want to order your Windows® Vista™Upgrade kit by phone, please refer to your country in the list below :

Toll free Germany +800 666 44 666
Toll free UK +800 666 44 666
Toll free France +800 666 44 666
Toll free Italy +800 666 44 666
Toll free Netherlands +800 666 44 666

Oh and the homokaasu theory (Unssi's link) is a real classic, everyone who hasn't heard of it should check it out.
added on the 2007-02-19 20:03:12 by Sverker Sverker
yeah its absolutely brilliant, thanks for sharing :D

where is that phone list from? I have to show it to the christians if you didnt make it up. It will make them go four ways to sunday
added on the 2007-02-19 20:09:35 by NoahR NoahR
democracy = lunacy, we choose the ppl that fuck us over every time, different leaders, we will be the only species that will extinct because of someone we have chosen ourselfs.
added on the 2007-02-19 20:19:20 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
What are those ridiculous conspirations for, when you know THE HUMAN RACE WILL COME TO AN END WITHIN 2 CENTURIES, DESTROYED BY ITS OWN POLUTION ???
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added on the 2007-02-19 20:35:24 by krabob krabob
OMFG this thread turned out great...you the man!!!. I have some havoc to wreak with this stuff on the intarnetz :D. laterz
added on the 2007-02-19 20:37:31 by NoahR NoahR
Iblis: KTHXBYE!! :)
added on the 2007-02-19 20:38:37 by keops keops
alien...thats really good :)
added on the 2007-02-19 20:38:50 by NoahR NoahR
krb...yeah lets do the sane thing and lean back and wait for it to happen.

As opposed to deal with the people so dependant on power that they keep lying,, shedding the blood of others, and protect this evil to feather their own nests. Like animals hoarding before the fall they know are comming.
added on the 2007-02-19 20:42:02 by NoahR NoahR
The fact that people lie on a day to day basis is accepted and yet the concept that government, which itself consists of people, would lie about major events is somehow presented as an inconceivable concept. This is achieved merely by setting it against the buzz term "conspiracy theory," which has negative connotations attached to it due to decades of media stereotyping.

Skepticism and "conspiracy theories" are not the same thing yet simply by throwing them all in the same basket, a healthy distrust of authority is castigated as some form of mental illness.

I think we can all agree on that and if not then you are simply allowing yourself to be conditioned into an automatic, self-sersoring state of denial when faced with the (historical) FACT that governments - even OURS in the West - are prone to corruption and every action should be carefully scrutinized. It's just common sense. This is not about UFOs and Aliens.
added on the 2007-02-19 20:43:03 by button button
What are those ridiculous conspirations for, when you know THE HUMAN RACE WILL COME TO AN END WITHIN 2 CENTURIES, DESTROYED BY ITS OWN POLUTION ???
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added on the 2007-02-19 20:53:02 by krabob krabob
good point klipper. And that leads to the pointin all this that has my interrest. Religious and subversive movements is not just part of history. They ARE history itself. The french revolution being an example of such activity that is praised today. for some reason because in the terms of actual freedom, the french didnt win much, the just switched one bastard system build on the same fallacies with another with a new set of them.

But it is a fact that it was subversive movents that made it happen. It is a known and accepted fact that it was subversive movements behind the boston tea party etc... We acknowledge the activity when it has lead to good, but when it leads to avil in our lifes, we ignore it.

Death cults are not to be taken lightly, nomatter if they are a rich bunch of idealists leftovers with ideas from the time of reformation or an islamic death cult. The fact remains, that its a fucking death cult operating at high echelons!!!
added on the 2007-02-19 20:55:07 by NoahR NoahR
the fuck link doesn't work, try to find the stephen hawking http://video.yahoo.com video yourself...
added on the 2007-02-19 20:58:38 by krabob krabob


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