fr-055: 828: OFFICIAL FLAMETHREAD 2007 !
category: general [glöplog]
keops, too late. You don't think i should plant one here as well, do you? :>
The "more than one CDC" scenario is retarded.
The demo itself, meh... I really enjoy some of it, but it's definitely up there with ye olde 2001 -you either think it's full of hidden meaning and powerful visuals, or it's pretty much boring and stretched out.
The demo itself, meh... I really enjoy some of it, but it's definitely up there with ye olde 2001 -you either think it's full of hidden meaning and powerful visuals, or it's pretty much boring and stretched out.

shifter youre right, its like when a great artist (prince/madonna) make a crappy song, every single critic is loving it - thats my oppinion, not that i dont like the other stuff fb made, this one is not good! - and _dont_ deserve 11 CDCs!
All for all retarded people who compare/say that visualice tried to do something mfx-like (aether or deities)... If you look reaaalll hard, you might see visualice's handle appearing in both of those demo's credits.
I'm keeping my cdc on 828. It has the best damn atmosphere and 3d ever. I couldn't give a damn if it was a bit rough on the edges or not.
All you dissing 828 can go and shove your animated characters/robots/whatever you like to do or see in demos, whereever you like to shove em.
I'm keeping my cdc on 828. It has the best damn atmosphere and 3d ever. I couldn't give a damn if it was a bit rough on the edges or not.
All you dissing 828 can go and shove your animated characters/robots/whatever you like to do or see in demos, whereever you like to shove em.
god, i wish i was cool and smart enough to love that demo.
828 is the new Kasparov.

Let me reiterate my comment...
828 gives one of the strongest emotional responses from sceners in a long long time.
If you don't like demos to make you feel something and rather watch skillfully crafted animated characters that are "cool", you're retarded.
Thank you.
828 gives one of the strongest emotional responses from sceners in a long long time.
If you don't like demos to make you feel something and rather watch skillfully crafted animated characters that are "cool", you're retarded.
Thank you.
my my, aren't we mr. touchy today.
I gave it a coup de coeur, because FR-055 is (for me, personally) by far:
- the most spectacular (dark) ambient demo out there
- the most interesting demoscene release I've seen for quite some time
- simply the best Visualice production under Farbrausch
I can understand the controversy to some extent. Polemic like this seems to happen often when someone makes something different from the "de-facto demo format". And hey, you have absolutely right to dig whatever demo you like. However, it's not going to change my opinion. Brilliant demo.
- the most spectacular (dark) ambient demo out there
- the most interesting demoscene release I've seen for quite some time
- simply the best Visualice production under Farbrausch
I can understand the controversy to some extent. Polemic like this seems to happen often when someone makes something different from the "de-facto demo format". And hey, you have absolutely right to dig whatever demo you like. However, it's not going to change my opinion. Brilliant demo.
rainmaker, well said.
to be honest, this demo was boring!
NuKe: in b4 b&
On the 'OMG I dislike that demo someone must have hacked pouet, it's by Farbraush therefore it can't have a CDC ever ever ever' reactionist stunt:
For me, a coop decoration says that 'this person feels that this demo is worth watching; something that is exceptional in SOME way or another."
Apparently, for the majority of Pouet people, it means "superthumb." And that by adding more and more superthumbs, it gains more value.
No, it doesn't, it never has, and we do not need to go changing anything in code to fix people's misconceptions.
11 coop decorations is a nice statistic. It's not "the best demo ever, as proven by glopwhorage." I realize some people are thinking this - it's not the case. Just as other demos in the past have recieved many Coop Decorations, others will in future. And changing that possibility in code will result in people clamoring for additional Coop Decorations for some particular demo or another - because the PERCEPTION of the Coop Decoration being a 'superthumb' will not be changed by altering the code.
Now - as for 828.
You may be confused by the fact that several people have openly stated that this is the best demo ever. People who create demos themselves, which many people see as 'great.' Again - the person GIVING the coop decoration shouldn't add any 'punch' to the Coop Decoration. It's a freaking coop decoration, not a means of generating 'the pouet guide to being an art fag.'
In short: There's NOTHING wrong with 828, Variform, Hardwired, Ikanim, Cuddly Demos, or 'the horror' having a Coop Decoration. While you may personally disagree with it (and I am fairly sure the entire human race would disagree with anyone giving 'the horror' a Coop Decoration) you CANNOT dictate how another person assigns their Coop Decorations.
Finally, raising such a stink over how people assign their Coop Decorations that people start justifying their assignment -
just nuke the fucking Coop Decoration. People don't understand why they're given, and they assign value to them that isn't there. Nuke them, the concept has failed.
For me, a coop decoration says that 'this person feels that this demo is worth watching; something that is exceptional in SOME way or another."
Apparently, for the majority of Pouet people, it means "superthumb." And that by adding more and more superthumbs, it gains more value.
No, it doesn't, it never has, and we do not need to go changing anything in code to fix people's misconceptions.
11 coop decorations is a nice statistic. It's not "the best demo ever, as proven by glopwhorage." I realize some people are thinking this - it's not the case. Just as other demos in the past have recieved many Coop Decorations, others will in future. And changing that possibility in code will result in people clamoring for additional Coop Decorations for some particular demo or another - because the PERCEPTION of the Coop Decoration being a 'superthumb' will not be changed by altering the code.
Now - as for 828.
You may be confused by the fact that several people have openly stated that this is the best demo ever. People who create demos themselves, which many people see as 'great.' Again - the person GIVING the coop decoration shouldn't add any 'punch' to the Coop Decoration. It's a freaking coop decoration, not a means of generating 'the pouet guide to being an art fag.'
In short: There's NOTHING wrong with 828, Variform, Hardwired, Ikanim, Cuddly Demos, or 'the horror' having a Coop Decoration. While you may personally disagree with it (and I am fairly sure the entire human race would disagree with anyone giving 'the horror' a Coop Decoration) you CANNOT dictate how another person assigns their Coop Decorations.
Finally, raising such a stink over how people assign their Coop Decorations that people start justifying their assignment -
just nuke the fucking Coop Decoration. People don't understand why they're given, and they assign value to them that isn't there. Nuke them, the concept has failed.
rainmaker: and i hope you can realise that while some people may find it deep, emotional and amazing, perhaps others may find it a collection of cliches glued together with badly made graphics, and that doesnt make them retarded. maybe they prefer something with a bit more skill towards directing the emotional response than "i'm so abstract!" - and a bit more skill in the implementation than throwing out some warped boxes with envmaps on in the name of "art", and recognising that having ideas alone arent enough - you have to communicate them in a way that doesnt continually distract the viewer with jarring "bugs" or poorly made models+textures. perhaps some of it was so bad it makes some people laugh.
i'm sitting somewhere in the middle - to me it had flashes of the former (the planet for example - despite it's cliche) and a whole load of the latter. the reason i dont love it is not because i dont "get it", believe me. and it's not because i demand every demo is like 195/95 (or 1995 for that matter. :) ) either.
however, i can understand why some people love it - and thats fine by me. some people love 2001 as well - i dont. what utterly pisses me off is that some people imply "if you DONT love this you are in some way less of a person - stupid, uncool or unable to appreciate this peak of demoscene art".
(by the way, this has nothing to do with a love of skillfully crafted animated characters.)
i'm sitting somewhere in the middle - to me it had flashes of the former (the planet for example - despite it's cliche) and a whole load of the latter. the reason i dont love it is not because i dont "get it", believe me. and it's not because i demand every demo is like 195/95 (or 1995 for that matter. :) ) either.
however, i can understand why some people love it - and thats fine by me. some people love 2001 as well - i dont. what utterly pisses me off is that some people imply "if you DONT love this you are in some way less of a person - stupid, uncool or unable to appreciate this peak of demoscene art".
(by the way, this has nothing to do with a love of skillfully crafted animated characters.)
"The King is naked!" shouted the boy.
I find it extremely interesting that so many people care so much about what other people think of a demo they themselves had nothing to do with.
A demo comes out. Some people like it, some people don't like it. OMG! OPINION WAR!!!111
I mean jesus christ people, relax. :)
A demo comes out. Some people like it, some people don't like it. OMG! OPINION WAR!!!111
I mean jesus christ people, relax. :)
what is a coup de coeur ?
it was brought to put some light on underrated prods.
personally i derived a bit its meaning to 'a prod which gives me strong feelings each time i watch it'.
it was brought to put some light on underrated prods.
personally i derived a bit its meaning to 'a prod which gives me strong feelings each time i watch it'.
The Emperor's New Clothes is pretty much the same thing as Hitler.
@rainmaker: If you don't like demos JUST beacause they show skillfully crafted animated characters that are "cool", then you are seriously retarded as well.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I think it's common sense that a demo should idealy be a balance. If it's not, its not a demo. It's probably a boring slide of shaders (non interesting since then you probably enjoy more Pixar's movies). Or it's may be a boring ambient demo (non interesting since then you probably enjoy more a life performance). For those that like only the shaders, or only the concept, you should try to search other places than the demoscene; really - give them a try.
Smash: I didn't point my comments to you directly, although FLT is the current group with most animated characters ;) While we clearly have different taste for demos, you atleast can give some proper arguments why you don't like it.
iq: i never said i didn't like demos with animated characters. For me it's irrelevant. I was just pointing out that it looks like some people are judging 828 by it's technological aspects, and it's not about technology with this one.
My main concern is that some people thumb down and diss 828 because:
a) it doesn't fit their presumptions of a "normal" demo
b) it's not perfect in technological aspect
c) others love it
d) it's farbrausch and they should do more popular demos
iq: i never said i didn't like demos with animated characters. For me it's irrelevant. I was just pointing out that it looks like some people are judging 828 by it's technological aspects, and it's not about technology with this one.
My main concern is that some people thumb down and diss 828 because:
a) it doesn't fit their presumptions of a "normal" demo
b) it's not perfect in technological aspect
c) others love it
d) it's farbrausch and they should do more popular demos