fr-055: 828: OFFICIAL FLAMETHREAD 2007 !
category: general [glöplog]
page widening is not an issue with opera :)
it's not as if other visualice's prods have always been unanimous, specially since he joined fr.
and dissing this demo because it's not technically revolutionary is so oldschool : demoscene has got mature with lots of good demos focussing on ambiance and artistic values whereas it is usually beaten by other scenes on the technical aspects UNLESS it deals with uberconstraining size limit, 64k and 4k intros are the technical gems of the demoscene :)
and dissing this demo because it's not technically revolutionary is so oldschool : demoscene has got mature with lots of good demos focussing on ambiance and artistic values whereas it is usually beaten by other scenes on the technical aspects UNLESS it deals with uberconstraining size limit, 64k and 4k intros are the technical gems of the demoscene :)
Gargaj: Where is the issue with that? There is no CDC ranking.
Isn't that some sort of cdc ranking (scroll down) ?
no, that one is unrelated to the personal CDCs you set in your profile.
anes: or with a large enough screen :D
Stelthz: it's more a conceptual question, not a user-moral one :)
Stelthz: it's more a conceptual question, not a user-moral one :)
scroll a bit more.
ah, didnt know that. fr-55 has a nice lead :)
Scroll down to the bottom of the page ?
so, again, question is, should one be able to give multiple coup de coueuoeårs?
imo, no
hmm. maybe pouet should have polls :D
yeah but before that, we should clean all the fake accounts used for comments/thumbs and above all, for logos (tons of fake accounts are created to selfvote logos and have them accepted)
at last, now we know that "FB IS NOT DEATH"!
A list of who gives cdc to which productions may shed a light on some lameness.
hitchhikr: then again, you can just use the profile pages.
Sure but it's too long to search for bozos using cdc on their own productions.
You mean like this?
gargaj: i used to think it didnt matter because if someone loves one single demo good enough to put all cdcs on it its got to be worth the glops they consumed to reach them.. but then again since we've lowered the needed number of glops to get a pcdc people are starting not take their use all that "seriously" anymore so i dunno what to think about the whole ordeal really.. on one hand it makes sense to let the ppl who loved variform and 1995 and starstruck to show their extra love, on the other hand it's defeating the purpose of allowing people to find hidden gems instead of the popularity ranked stuff.. i guess a limit to 1 per prod and possibly a timelock of something like 6 months for beeing able to change their pcdc again would make sense.. i dunno, and now im biased so i cant even just decide whatever i would prefer and not give a fuck. discuss it with analogue and stil i guess.
ps, timelock + limit 1 per prod would be good.
then the demo itself, its rare to see a production with so much feeling in it. releases like this are the reason why i still bother to watch compos after attending demoparties for over 12 years. hell, productions like this are the reason why i show up at parties at all.
it's about time for some people to realise that demos are not just about counting polygons and dots anymore. masturbating with your coder skills is so 80s.
then the demo itself, its rare to see a production with so much feeling in it. releases like this are the reason why i still bother to watch compos after attending demoparties for over 12 years. hell, productions like this are the reason why i show up at parties at all.
it's about time for some people to realise that demos are not just about counting polygons and dots anymore. masturbating with your coder skills is so 80s.
Allowing multiple cdc's would make them loose their special flavor and degrade them to just a little more than a thumbsup I think.
this is just another hype that'll wear off, give it a week or so...
Every Visualice demo needs a Cheat sheet, for those poor souls like myself and Thec who might keep thinking: "OK, WTF? Am i too stupid or are our brain wavelengths just WAY off?"
don't worry it's an euro thingie :p
eye^PaC: could you please stop and save that retarded poll thing for the BBS and not post it in comments on ALL prods Visualice was involved in?