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DEViANCE isnt death!!

category: general [glöplog]
well, it's a new year and why not a bit variation, eh ? :)

Besides, isn't it about time to hit that thread thing with kittens?!?!
added on the 2007-02-15 00:37:12 by d0DgE d0DgE
Dip: my post was neither serious nor aimt at you :)
added on the 2007-02-15 06:54:44 by keops keops
i'm just tired of this hypocricy going on. on the one hand, i get requests from demo(!)sceners (not warezsceners) every week - on the other hand people are laming around and joking about it all the time. seriously, guys, why do you request then?

i stopped doing requests... i find no reason for some ISRAEL HIP HOP MP3 RIPPING Group or ROMANIAN CLOWN HOMO TRANSVESTITE PORN RIPPING GROUP that cannot even use my ascii right. and block ascii is gay anyway. ansi ftw! i just draw for fun. no logos except pen15 and maybe some funny things but yea. cool. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. wooooow. tits boobs porn. titan .... wohooo.. yeee.aaaa uuuuh uuuh ascii especially block ascii.. lol at it. especially there is no good makers like jed nowadays. jed/acid made nice fairlight and razor logos (They're like legendary to me but then lamers try to copy his style lol) and they even showed his farilght ascii wrong in tv news. lol.. i find no reason to draw anything for scene groups.. or sites. iam not into that anymore... i just draw because i draw and nmake vectors and stuff. i dont know why people wank that ansi/ascii/block ascii requires more skill t han good painting. its faster imo but this is all off topic etc... just keep on drawing and smoking good shit. and all ascii artists or artists generally who only use computer, get big all stuff you need to paint in canvas and påaaint big canvas and shut up. to me real ascii scene died when oldschool people left it.. 1997 1998 ? maybe... i talk about amiga ofcourse... nup only releases one colly in year.. or not. and this american ansi/ascii scene is just a joke. they are just irc wankers... redrawing comics heh thats why i like it. jokes are good. fuck you radman ... fuck you. it also died in 1997 .. or after acid closed ansi section.. so you all know.. there is no longer real textmode art scene except some wankers i dont wanna name. of course there is good artists but not scene as i used to know :)
added on the 2007-02-15 08:01:21 by uns3en_ uns3en_
okay i start o dosundsadas liekl deifs daxxxxx or am^Fm or optimus.. ...
added on the 2007-02-15 08:03:18 by uns3en_ uns3en_
nice conversation :) really :)
added on the 2007-02-15 08:38:53 by NuKem NuKem
this is not the scene as it was once...
added on the 2007-02-15 08:39:39 by NuKem NuKem
So where can you get Romanian Clown Homo Transvestite porn then?

Google is not over-helpful ;-)
added on the 2007-02-15 10:20:21 by CiH CiH
added on the 2007-02-15 10:25:53 by v4nl4me v4nl4me

The Scene nowadays has a lot of good and talented people. equal of Ascii , GFX , music or coders.

The mainproblem is... Maybe some of you talk to much about the back and spend more time in talking crap and "Fun and chabernack"... It would be nice to see more Friendship again, working together on things we love and we have fun since more than 20 years...

i was in 4 groups now and in all groups an important thing was missing: The perfect and reasoned planning. The communication between the members.
added on the 2007-02-15 10:38:56 by .. ..
sorry.. ...." talk to much behind the back"
added on the 2007-02-15 10:39:35 by .. ..
You think you are special with your dumb demos and intros, cracking the games and other softwares... doing warez and whatever you do of crime...

It would be nice to see more Friendship again, working together on things we love
added on the 2007-02-15 10:51:24 by gasman gasman
bla bla gasman...

the one has nothing to do with the second man...

in first i said : "You think you are special" ...

that means... that nobody should think he's a legend because he sit ago 20 years between a coder and a musican to look how they work ! the real "producers" of demos and intros don't call they self "legends"...

Sure... now you can quote my: "i am a legend" hehe but it was a joke.

Read between the lines man... -.-
added on the 2007-02-15 10:55:54 by .. ..
Or did you ever seen a hitchhikr talking about hisself "i'm a legend coder" ?

Sure, we know he is a real Coderlegend!... His works are amazing and one of the best in this scene, but he don't need to profile hisself like some other guys who not know what coding , gfx , ascii'n or making music is...
added on the 2007-02-15 11:02:22 by .. ..
tristar, deviance, scoopex, trsi ...

i was in 4 groups now and in all groups an important thing was missing: The perfect and reasoned planning. The communication between the members.

and you honestly think those four groups are representative of the demoscene in general?
added on the 2007-02-15 11:08:52 by reed reed
NoNoNo.. I don't think that... but this 4 groups are one of the oldest groups in the scene or? ok i know it excist much more like triad, rebels, fairlight etc etc... but i'm anxious to try out another group :S really...
added on the 2007-02-15 11:16:22 by .. ..
bah... why groups? ... if i think about that i ask me, why groups...? why not for exsample:

hey hitch.. wanna code ?
hey daxx... wanna make music ?
hey alien^pdx wanna make gfx ?
hey iks wanna make ascii ?

you will never see that kind of constellation...
added on the 2007-02-15 11:20:05 by .. ..
nowadays block "hotshots" .. they dont know people like dieznyik/nootropic for example.. they think that ansi is winxp colors (They are wrong) pablodraw at least shows color correctly. they dont know mr 4tune, bym, konami, lol.. they just think webpige0 or ferrex is ascii gods. of course some lamers got out of box to "real scene" .. like m0l0 for example
added on the 2007-02-15 11:22:08 by uns3en_ uns3en_

that is, what i mean too... we have much more talented guys in the scene. but all watch to the "pseudo legends" who sit ago 20 years between a coder and a musican... ^^
added on the 2007-02-15 11:25:37 by .. ..
i'm wondering that i'm not banned from pouet right now :)
added on the 2007-02-15 11:37:06 by .. ..
"tristar, deviance, scoopex, trsi ..."

NoNoNo.. I don't think that... but this 4 groups are one of the oldest groups in the scene or? ok i know it excist much more like triad, rebels, fairlight etc etc... but i'm anxious to try out another group :S really...

But that's the whole point. Of all those old groups, Fairlight is the only one that's an active part of the current scene. Neither Tristar nor Deviance nor Scoopex nor TRSI have done ANYTHING that was not a) some oldschool tribute intro/musicdisk, b) a solo 4k for fun or c) a coop demo with another group which (wild speculation ahead) probably also means one member plus the whole other group.

So, strictly speaking, those groups are perhaps some old chaps trying to have fun with what they've done years ago, or perhaps they are nice to hang out with at demoparties, but that's about it. They haven't been able to produce anything worthwhile or better: anything showing some effort in YEARS now, and all they do is dwelling in some sweet nostalgia. That's not a part of the current, active demoscene for me, sorry.

And then all few weeks someone comes by, proudly wearing one of those stained and rusty labels, and pssing on everyone else because "I'm in Tristar, I'm SOOO 1337". Yeah, uh-huh- right. Funniest thing is if this person is a total scene newbie that's been recruited because "he shows so much potential" but then due to his 0->Tristar transition, all of this sweet potential is being drowned in an overdose of ego. We're already #1, so why try harder.

You want to experience a new group? Well, make some friends in existing demogroups and then join one of them. Or better - take a few friends of yours and found a new one. Even if you don't see it now: The whole friendship thing is the one thing that has NEVER changed in the scene. And if you think it's missing, you're simply knowing the wrong people (and judging from your past group affils and all the crap that's been going on with those groups, leadership wars, merges and splits, public flaming between group members, etc: Yes, you fucking ARE.).
added on the 2007-02-15 12:04:38 by kb_ kb_
Or better - take a few friends of yours and found a new one.

nah... we have seen whats going on if you "steal" users from other groups and build a new one... the old "legend" crews fuckyou up with downvotes and flaming where they can.

it remember me in the professional musicindustries... some labels hold the artists without give them releases but if they wanna try out other labels with friendship-producers they fuck you up with their contracts and the rules inside it.
added on the 2007-02-15 12:19:18 by .. ..
this is not the scene as it was once...

This sums it up perfectly! It's not! It's 2007 now! Times are changing! The ladies can do stuff now!!

If you still think the Amiga is the best computer ever or Tristar is the best group ever, don't come to pouet but start a nostalgic 'back in the days' forum.

And DaXX, pouet doesnt do banning, be a man and leave yourself instead of saying you're leaving and coming back to jack off over the comments on your childish trolling.

Okkie / Newbie fuckhead
added on the 2007-02-15 12:29:39 by okkie okkie
Oh fucking hell, i've signed my post :(

added on the 2007-02-15 12:29:59 by okkie okkie
Hehe okkie...

I did not leave everything. :)

The "banning" was just a wink to someone who know what i mean... a little insider ;) *wink wink*

There was a day i registered new account by this one i talk about to clear the problems between him and me but my chance was about 5 minutes and my new account was banned too... lmfao....

ok that distracts of subject now...
added on the 2007-02-15 12:36:05 by .. ..


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