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Isometric 3D???

category: general [glöplog]
Out of curiosity, I was trying to visualize a typical demoscene tentacled object moving about in isometric space. Dunno why I was thinking about this. I just was.

Is it possible to create an isometric 3D scene using hardware accelleration? There is an intro on Pouet which has a rotating isometric cube (or similar), but I can't remember what the prod was called, and if it was software or hardware rendered.

Oh. Not to important. Just mulling odd thoughts around in my head.
just set a non-perspective matrix
added on the 2003-02-06 01:08:16 by kusma kusma
"just set a non-perspective projection matrix", that is
added on the 2003-02-06 01:08:31 by kusma kusma
It is easy thom. Isometric is just a parallel proyection, this is, do not proyect the vertices (plural of vertex), only rotate. Since isometric uses 120-120-120 degrees axis, just rotate 45 degrees in the y axis, and then some n degrees in the x axis (I've not calcuted how many, but calcule it by yourself). Use a cube for testing. Well, about the "fake isometric", the common used filmation technic (knight lore - Spectrum, also in hotel habbo, for example) could be recreated also just rotating with a sightly different angle n.
added on the 2003-02-06 02:12:42 by texel texel
Hmm... It's easy, eh? Kinda surprising it's not used in more demos for "strangeness." I wonder if it could be used to recreate one of those oddball Escher paintings...? (Stairs ascending in a constant loop and stuff.) Double hmm...

Oh well, thanks for the replies. My brain is now satisfactorily full on either side!
its really not that cool, seriously , not on most scenes atleast ;)
added on the 2003-02-06 09:31:49 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Well, I've done it, and it sucks :)

The 3D cube in the Barbitoric demo presented at the Alternative Party is not perspective projected, and it looks weird...
added on the 2003-02-06 12:08:27 by Dbug Dbug
Would be cool in software. Diablo series have an interesting beautifull advanced whatever isometric engine, like beeing the evolution of the old 8bit isometric engines..
added on the 2003-02-06 18:34:45 by Optimus Optimus
And yes, non perspective 3d stuff doesn't look that good anymore but might be a good speed up in old computers. Some I can remember might be the great 3d cube bobs (the possitions of the bobs had no prespective) from Elysium or the most 3d dots part in Oneder. I think that also the 3d dots on H2K+ demo have no perspective too..
added on the 2003-02-06 18:39:27 by Optimus Optimus
in lba it looked good ;)
added on the 2003-02-07 01:41:18 by superplek superplek
thom, Ascending and descending for MC Escher looks to be to hard to do in a camera flying animation since it is not isometric or parallax or non-parallax proyection. it is just a fake perspective. So, I'm sure it could be done in animation, but most as a vectorial animation with the most of the frames set vectorially by hand that in a "fake 3d" engine. About other paintings of Escher, wich are in isometric perspective, yes, you could represent it, but the result should be just as a plain image, not as 3d I think. Well, I'm not sure, I've not seen and studied all the escher paintings... but well, it one of these is 3d representable, then, it is not a problem if it is proyected 3d or isometric. It it is a fake 3d, then you can't represent it even with isometric. And if it is a fake isometric where the strange effect is only done by one camera point and angle, then, it is more 2d than 3d. So...
added on the 2003-02-07 03:20:00 by texel texel
I do fully realize one would have to 'cheat' a 3D model of a constantly ascending staircase. But I personally think it could only be done convincingly in isometric. Perspective would give it away, me thinks.

On another note, I don't think isometric 3D would necessarily be boring. Depends how creatively the coder/designer uses such a method, and to what extent.

But I digress...
About isometric to be boring or not... it is obviosly not. It is the way you use it. Take a look of this (if you haven't seen it before):


This is, IMHO, one of the most copied and well designed thing in a lot of time before. Even VIVA TV used for werbung (spots time) the same style... And that viva "short movie" or "20 seconds thing" or how it is supposed to be called, it is very very cool. A well done isometric or filmation thing in a demo, if it is well done, could be a "fresh air" in the world of 3d perspective nowadays demoscene prods. It is interesting, thom, at least, IMHO. About the Eschers ascending and descending copy, if you want to work on it, and if you want my help and/or support, I will give you. I've think about doing that some time ago, and I've not found yet a good/easy way to do it, but we could think in how to do it together if you want. So, write to my e-mail if you are interested.
added on the 2003-02-07 19:20:54 by texel texel
This Habbo hotel is really cool,. grrr... I have eaten a lot of my inet time I pay in the Icafe now, brrr...
added on the 2003-02-07 20:13:24 by Optimus Optimus
wtf optimus do you always sit in internet cafes? dont u have a home? =)
(bum scener) hoho, would be cool


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