Open doors for your news on DTV!
category: general [glöplog]
As a new year never come alone, let's unveil together the first of the 2007 DTV surprises for you!
We have just released online an updated version of our news system allowing YOU to post your own stuff directly on DTV!
Get your own messages and info space directly on DTV...A new demo, or prod released? An update on a group or party? A piece of info you wish your viewers to have on DTV?
Go for it now! You post it!
Nothing simpler- just create your DTV account here - Register, and that' you ready to post! (if you have a DTV account, you are definitely ready to post!)
Demoscene TV, you post it, they see it!
We have just released online an updated version of our news system allowing YOU to post your own stuff directly on DTV!
Get your own messages and info space directly on DTV...A new demo, or prod released? An update on a group or party? A piece of info you wish your viewers to have on DTV?
Go for it now! You post it!
Nothing simpler- just create your DTV account here - Register, and that' you ready to post! (if you have a DTV account, you are definitely ready to post!)
Demoscene TV, you post it, they see it!
Oh? Can i make a video advertisement of my upcoming 64 byte intro with ripped code? :)
i guess i'll need to upload molotovmainos.