scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
By the way, does SidStation happen to have HVSC as "built-in sounds"? You should have the permission to use them freely then, right? :)
Gloom: good to hear. One more point: Perhaps they're afraid of the American-style libel lawsuits? Considering that if they run a story and Timbaland wins at court (if it ever gets to that), he might sue the hell out of everyone who ran the story. There are plenty of precedents on that when tabloids have run false stories about celebrities.
Doom^IRIS : "sampling" is one thing.. "plagurism" is another..PERSONALLY when I sample stuff to use in my tune. IF it was say a c64 sid tune, i'd sample ONE note then make a totally fresh arrangement, OR better still remake the sound in something like quad-sid/ or a real c64 then make a tune in my case.
NOT take a big sequence of notes put a standard hip hop click track, and a bit of boom bass behind it. Hence why I don't make hip hop or "4-to the floor" stuff. for me its not a challenge and I'm suprised people buy it, well no I'm not really.. its called mass marketing and about a fake/media friendly persona some artists project.
Preacher: I'm sure the main news agencies are very aware of the story, wether they choose to run it or not is a different matter. Some of the media industry mogals have fingers in many pies.. eg... news papers / tv AND music companies.
Thing with many labels is, their parent companies are majors (some try to hide this is very small print). A lot of the music I buy is from artists who have set up their own labels, the way things are its better for muscians to do this, they have far more control of the music.
NOT take a big sequence of notes put a standard hip hop click track, and a bit of boom bass behind it. Hence why I don't make hip hop or "4-to the floor" stuff. for me its not a challenge and I'm suprised people buy it, well no I'm not really.. its called mass marketing and about a fake/media friendly persona some artists project.
Preacher: I'm sure the main news agencies are very aware of the story, wether they choose to run it or not is a different matter. Some of the media industry mogals have fingers in many pies.. eg... news papers / tv AND music companies.
Thing with many labels is, their parent companies are majors (some try to hide this is very small print). A lot of the music I buy is from artists who have set up their own labels, the way things are its better for muscians to do this, they have far more control of the music.
Preacher: The liability-argument is both well-founded and extremely likely. However; it hasn't stopped people from poking fun at everyone from Joe Schmoe to George W. Bush. :)
VizNut: it has 6581 sounds as presets, yes, but not the same ones as GRG used, and it certainly doesn't come with the entire melody. :) That is, unless the SIDStation-people put it in there as demo-songs without permission, which I highly doubt. However; it made me think, and I think I will mail them and ask, just to be sure. One thing is clear though; the SIDStation can _load_ SID-files directly, and then play them back.
VizNut: it has 6581 sounds as presets, yes, but not the same ones as GRG used, and it certainly doesn't come with the entire melody. :) That is, unless the SIDStation-people put it in there as demo-songs without permission, which I highly doubt. However; it made me think, and I think I will mail them and ask, just to be sure. One thing is clear though; the SIDStation can _load_ SID-files directly, and then play them back.
Ok, perhaps then we can regard HVSC as some kind of extended driver package :)
Really, I still think it is a plausible possibility that the whole thing is about pure cluelessness about what .sids are (songs with copyrights of their own, etc.)
Really, I still think it is a plausible possibility that the whole thing is about pure cluelessness about what .sids are (songs with copyrights of their own, etc.)
viznut/pwp : I doubt it, BUT you can load a ".sid" format tune into the unit and it can be used for playback. I read the specs for it, the manual is online..
I notice something that isn't in the manual, which I think they should have included. BUT the in built patches are made by the people who made the machine.
I was tempted to buy one, but I'd rather leave my sid chip inside my 64. Although now I'm very tempted to buy a prophet 64 =)
anyone got a broken 64 they don't want? hehe
I notice something that isn't in the manual, which I think they should have included. BUT the in built patches are made by the people who made the machine.
I was tempted to buy one, but I'd rather leave my sid chip inside my 64. Although now I'm very tempted to buy a prophet 64 =)
anyone got a broken 64 they don't want? hehe
thats one thing I would like to see, timbaland & his posee pissdrunx in the gutter at boozembly with damones. that would not only make me forgive everything, but also make me start love him=)
Haha yes! That would fucking rock :D
"Justin! Justin get back here!! There are cliffs!"
"Dirty baaabe.. you see these shackles baby i'm a sla-AAAYEE"
"told ya!"
"Justin! Justin get back here!! There are cliffs!"
"Dirty baaabe.. you see these shackles baby i'm a sla-AAAYEE"
"told ya!"
One of the things that is definitely true is that a lot of the nay-sayers have no clue what SID music actually means in terms of creation and just how far off it is from pressing a button on a synth workstation.
A couple of braniacs accuse Tempest and/or GRG of just using the same "preset" as Timbaland. Obviously they've never tried to use a tracker on any platform before, since trackers don't work like that. More specifically, I tried SDI 1.8 (GRG used a version of SDI as far as hearsay goes) yesterday... The sheer amount of numbers you have to punch in just to get it to fart miserably is unfathomable, even for a Buzz user like me.
Next up, the bullshit statement that he might have accidentally copied / recomposed the same tune. That would still be ripping a song, but the most glaring thing here is that if he would have done that, why are all the dropped notes verbatim? If he just composed all portions separately, he wouldn't need to drop notes to accommodate the limited channels on a SID.
Honestly, I'm beginning to think it would be enlightening to the ignorant horde if somebody with some serious skills in SDI would put a YouTube video online with a tutorial of how this is not a case of picking a preset and punch play.
A couple of braniacs accuse Tempest and/or GRG of just using the same "preset" as Timbaland. Obviously they've never tried to use a tracker on any platform before, since trackers don't work like that. More specifically, I tried SDI 1.8 (GRG used a version of SDI as far as hearsay goes) yesterday... The sheer amount of numbers you have to punch in just to get it to fart miserably is unfathomable, even for a Buzz user like me.
Next up, the bullshit statement that he might have accidentally copied / recomposed the same tune. That would still be ripping a song, but the most glaring thing here is that if he would have done that, why are all the dropped notes verbatim? If he just composed all portions separately, he wouldn't need to drop notes to accommodate the limited channels on a SID.
Honestly, I'm beginning to think it would be enlightening to the ignorant horde if somebody with some serious skills in SDI would put a YouTube video online with a tutorial of how this is not a case of picking a preset and punch play.
dubmood: I would love to see Fitts for Fight come to Outline. I fear that if they're as dumb a pair of cunts as in the interviews that the trip will be one-way though :)
Icon: But all that stuff has already been said on youtube. ;) You should keep up man, Gargaj caught on to the irony. Anyway, yeah, the amount of utterly stupid stuff that gets posted on internet forums regarding these things is unbelievable. Those statements aren't even paraphrased that much.
Anyway, maybe the whole "let's talk about it endlessly on the internet" approach isn't all too useful after all. It's one thing to make your claim and prove you're right, but to expect that more than half the people who see it are anything other than spastic retards, let alone that a constructive debate will arise, is a tiny bit naive. Especially if you have to choose youtube of all places.
Anyway, maybe the whole "let's talk about it endlessly on the internet" approach isn't all too useful after all. It's one thing to make your claim and prove you're right, but to expect that more than half the people who see it are anything other than spastic retards, let alone that a constructive debate will arise, is a tiny bit naive. Especially if you have to choose youtube of all places.
shifter: a pair of cunts has never been dumb.
(think, think!)
(think, think!)
I will not talk about such experiences, ever again :)

Could we not turn this into a picture-posting thread btw? There is already a thread for that kind of thing, so please; let's keep this one readable.
added on the 2007-01-18 by gloom
Well, good thing is that dubmood no longer is the only one making chip-hop! :)
timbaland stole my .... eh.... idea of exploiting chipmusic into popular blaque culture! aaartgh
lol! shoulda copywrited itt, you idiot hahaha.
Doom: Ok, Im not just letting my mouth go here. As you are a musician you may change your mind after thouse "proofs".
1) The "original" "Do it" (first verse)
2) GRG c64 version. Pithed down a little to play in the same key as "Do it". Probably what Timbaland did aswell. (first verse) (bass+drums removed+pithed).mp3
3) Them both mixed together!
I have done what I can in this subject! Rock on!
1) The "original" "Do it" (first verse)
2) GRG c64 version. Pithed down a little to play in the same key as "Do it". Probably what Timbaland did aswell. (first verse) (bass+drums removed+pithed).mp3
3) Them both mixed together!
I have done what I can in this subject! Rock on!
OBS! I did NOT alter the bpm of the sid version just timestreched it to play in key. So the bmp was EXACT the same in both the cases.
Madmixx: People mess with Rob Hubbards work now? That is VERY sad.. I wouldn't even say commando was his best tune. He's done far better, although not my favourite SID musican, he and Mr Tel are probably the best known.
I don't understand the lyrics but from what I can understand is basically their hero's are hip hop producers from the states. They have no form of identity for themself. They aren't signed because they are so rubbish?
I don't understand the lyrics but from what I can understand is basically their hero's are hip hop producers from the states. They have no form of identity for themself. They aren't signed because they are so rubbish?
has anyone noticed that the first 3 letters of a certain producers surname name and the official name for the SID chip are the same? I think that itself is very ironic =)
Icon: Yes, I am a musician, but you don't need to be one to realize that it's the same song. I'm also a mathematician but again, you don't need maths skillz to realize that two people producing the exact same melody on the exact same chords with the exact same timing, both using SID sounds, SID-style arpeggio, etc., is not a coincidence. I also don't know of any synth that has presets like that, though if one exists, I want it.
Now, I'm not a copyright lawyer, but I'm pretty sure ripping music from someone else, then passing it off as your own, making big bucks without mention of or contact to the original author who DOES have implied intellectual possession of the original song, is an infringement. And it also suggests a huge character flaw.
So, in short, Timbaland ripped off Tempest, took credit for Tempest's work, made money off Tempest's work and gained recognition that is rightfully Tempest's, breaking copyright law in the process. He then used that to strengthen his image as an original creative musician, even though he takes so little pride in his own work that he's prepared to copy off others and lie about it. A genuine criminal asshole.
So it should really be open-and-shut, UNLESS it all drowns in Youtube trolling. My advice is, FWIW: don't give news reporters too much credit. They are as retarded as the Youtube trolls, and would probably agree with many of them. They don't actively seek out the news, that's a myth - they wait for public figures to announce something, then paraphrase it and type it down.
You need to confront one of them and spell out for him that Timbaland is being a dick, explain to him how this is a good story, and then what the advantage of printing a good story is, guide him step by step through the issue at hand as you would a mentally challenged 8-year-old, and then do the same over and over again until you find a reporter who gets it.
I also don't see what's wrong with a lawsuit. Do it for the next guy about to be ripped off by Timbaland or some other commercial musician whose reputation has outgrown their talent. The world is somewhat fair but only to the people who demand it. If you just bitch and whine about stuff (which I believe is what posting on Youtube amounts to), then you might as well just accept people like Timbaland.
I don't know if Tempest has any carreer in music or if he wants one, but if so, this could be a big break for him.
That's more than €0.05 though, isn't it..
Now, I'm not a copyright lawyer, but I'm pretty sure ripping music from someone else, then passing it off as your own, making big bucks without mention of or contact to the original author who DOES have implied intellectual possession of the original song, is an infringement. And it also suggests a huge character flaw.
So, in short, Timbaland ripped off Tempest, took credit for Tempest's work, made money off Tempest's work and gained recognition that is rightfully Tempest's, breaking copyright law in the process. He then used that to strengthen his image as an original creative musician, even though he takes so little pride in his own work that he's prepared to copy off others and lie about it. A genuine criminal asshole.
So it should really be open-and-shut, UNLESS it all drowns in Youtube trolling. My advice is, FWIW: don't give news reporters too much credit. They are as retarded as the Youtube trolls, and would probably agree with many of them. They don't actively seek out the news, that's a myth - they wait for public figures to announce something, then paraphrase it and type it down.
You need to confront one of them and spell out for him that Timbaland is being a dick, explain to him how this is a good story, and then what the advantage of printing a good story is, guide him step by step through the issue at hand as you would a mentally challenged 8-year-old, and then do the same over and over again until you find a reporter who gets it.
I also don't see what's wrong with a lawsuit. Do it for the next guy about to be ripped off by Timbaland or some other commercial musician whose reputation has outgrown their talent. The world is somewhat fair but only to the people who demand it. If you just bitch and whine about stuff (which I believe is what posting on Youtube amounts to), then you might as well just accept people like Timbaland.
I don't know if Tempest has any carreer in music or if he wants one, but if so, this could be a big break for him.
That's more than €0.05 though, isn't it..