ripping design companies
category: general [glöplog]
So do I but since I need to whore Reed from time to time, I just can't brag too much about it :)
keops: your reed whoring days are over now he quit, so you can feel free to hate us as much as you like. :)
FAIRLIGHT have ripped their name from the company who designed the first digital synthesizer!!!

I think the name was coming from this game:

ok, i confess. i always hated fairlight for them never inviting me with my undisputed enormous talent to join their factory and produce the bestest demos of the ultraworld and beyond. they suck and i will kill them all with sharp sticks and stones in lack of beer and whiskey and wodka.
Don't kill Reed yet though, I might whore him once again someday, you never know :)
ps: Wouldn't it be nice if Fairlight was a little bit more like Titan so all that wanted could join them? ;D
gargaj: i did not imply it to be a permanent direction either. just that they gone dark. which they did. going dark doesnt require lack of activity in any other areas, not to my knowledge atleast, but i guess we're down to semantics now so i can shut up about it.
ps: how did you know about our factory? we opened it 4 years ago on an industrial estate outside wolverhampton. we've got a small army of immigrant labourers working on our demos right now!
Fairlight is closed and so are the internets, move along please.
smash: a little boy crawled to me on a dusty mountain road one day and murmored " you.. must.. stop.. them.. ... there.. are.. other..s.. .. flt.. the.. sce..." and died. i have been on a quest ever since.
that and pantaloon admitting to it when drunk but he has no recollection of the fact.
thom, I'm confused between your ability to have both a point and be totally ironic about it in a single post.
I like to think of myself as a Cubist.
that must be a werkkzeug influence though.
Or kklangzeug... (Which is yet another example of demoscene ripping, you naughty Hungarians. To the gas chamber with you!)
i'd love to answer to that, but i'm under NDA now.
gas chambers are soooo 1940-1945.. speaking of ripping ;)
I just had seven bean soup for lunch, and boy, am I ever inventing a lot of gas.
careful, you might end up joining titan :D
I just had seven bean soup for lunch, and boy, am I ever inventing a lot of gas.
That's the spirit.