The 5th Annual Scene Awards
category: general [glöplog]
stefan, i care, and i'm pretty sure i'm not by far the only one out there.
It's the awards, it'll always be the awards, I don't give a flying fuck who renamed it, it's the awards. (No, I haven't read any arguments for why it's the scene awards, because it's the awards. Period.)
End of discussion, go make your demos for Icons and Breakpoint.
End of discussion, go make your demos for Icons and Breakpoint.
ti: and dont forget to come to inerc... erm.. breeze.
truck: you should run for president man, got my vote :)
nobody cares about your awards
I suppose the #1 and #3 entries in the top viewing list are part of the 'nordic conspiracy' too? :-)
they have firmer winters, it's a conspiracy!
we're not nordic.
nordic, nerdic, what's the difference...
does scene(.org) awards have lame joke of the year award too?
does scene(.org) awards have lame joke of the year award too?
The real question is, can you bribe the Scene(.org) Awards jury with beer? I'm talking like the fancy imported stuff. Weed perhaps? Suppose I know a guy.
"Hypothetically", that is. Hm?
"Hypothetically", that is. Hm?
Maali: if they did you already would have won the livetime achievement award for that :-)
the word "joke" has a cruel double meaning.
doom: we wont stop you from trying ;D
Thing is, you have to be this harsh to get your point through.
Yes, on pouet. With idiots, amiga zealots and stefan.
With the people from Not likely.
The real question is, can you bribe the Scene(.org) Awards jury with beer?
No, but jury bembers accept cold, hard cash. Beware though, they're prohibitively expensive -we couldn't get Rob Is Jarig in the nominations with what we had to offer :(
What a shame.
Oh ahd, for everyone else complaining the jury doesn't mirror the scene. Take a look at last years best demo vs public choice.. The exact same nominees (Which are the top 5 productions people vote for).
Yes... make your remote demos for Breeze! Not icons ;)
They have a real scene in Finland, we need to impress the Portuguese demo-brain here :(
They have a real scene in Finland, we need to impress the Portuguese demo-brain here :(
I like awards: They´re so pointless that I can get out and have a beer without risking to miss anything important ;D
sorry to be semi-ontopic, but has the video of the last years awards been released yet?
yes... of course! If you scroll down the pouët main page you'll see a link to it! (I think)
So how long is the poll going on?
until our graphician has time ;)
where to find out about the jury members of the last edition ?
i had a quick look on the official site but found nothing
i had a quick look on the official site but found nothing
Due to public request we've now changed the name back to Awards. Thanks for all the feedback!
Guardian, the old juries aren't unfortunately visible right now anywhere. We're still updating the new website and one thing missing is the overview of each past awards in the archive section. I rather say "soon" than give any dates.
Guardian, the old juries aren't unfortunately visible right now anywhere. We're still updating the new website and one thing missing is the overview of each past awards in the archive section. I rather say "soon" than give any dates.