USA whats your problem?
category: general [glöplog]
I thought most of the chemical weapons were made in the UK, but with financial support from the US during the Iran-Iraq war.
Wasn't this mentioned in the several thousand page arms declaration a few weeks back? I think so, because the "lesser" members of the UN had those bits censored and were consequently a bit peeved.
Wasn't this mentioned in the several thousand page arms declaration a few weeks back? I think so, because the "lesser" members of the UN had those bits censored and were consequently a bit peeved.
all policitic announcements through demoscene-related pages or sites should be voided.
and why is that?
Stop being so political, and listen to TypeO'Negative, their message is clear: Kill all the white people! :)
Human nature suxx
just because everyone says usa stinks i say they rule, how about that !
make love, not war!
from Russia with love...
from Russia with love...
Stop whining about the USA and make some demos already.
stop making demos already and become a bum!
I think everybody needs to watch this documentary. It says it all:
There are also some very interesting debates here:
Start the revolution!
There are also some very interesting debates here:
Start the revolution!
war for territory. usa-peacemaker? hahaha. nobody can't make love with war. nobody can't make demos if be a die.
Oh please. Bowling for Columbine is not a documentary, its just Michael Moore's latest spewing.
Oh please. Legalize is not a demoscener, he's just Pouë's latest glöpper.
Everything is allowed in love and war!
OK. I'm going to fuck off. No more scene for America. Bye bye now.
documentaries are the greatest lies of them all, with statistics
phoenix, but before you go listen to that song, its funny :)
shit, the song is no more online :(
Oh no, no,.. post the song in a better place please!
i heard saddam hides all his mass destruction weapons beneath some large oil fields. See, in order to destroy the weapons, someone has to suck off the oil first... :)
I love it, Where in the heck did ya find that may I ask?
I love it, Where in the heck did ya find that may I ask?
Caution: not for right-wingers. :)
Check out The Boondocks as well, tho you might not get some of the American celebrity references if you don't live there.
Caution: not for right-wingers. :)
Check out The Boondocks as well, tho you might not get some of the American celebrity references if you don't live there.