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How to find all demos which have been ripped to video?

category: general [glöplog]
Yeah, I'd love too.. Had it lying around on disc for some time, but: The regular DosBox screws it up as it seems to use some funky VGA-tricks. I'll try throwing some CVS-Builds and special versions at it in a few...
added on the 2006-12-15 01:16:37 by raer raer
Late christmas present at http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/
NEW: Astroidea & Chrome - Angeldust 2

I also updated the Javascript and CSS to suck even more. Take a look at http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/index.php
Now it doesn't work on IE anymore. If you're a CSS/Javascript expert or have an idea for a decent design your help is most welcome :-)

I added an RSS-feed to keep you people informed about new videos or site updates: http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/news.xml
added on the 2006-12-26 22:04:32 by raer raer
and another one:

NEW: Shock! - Angeldust (whopping 6 minutes and 75 Megs!)
added on the 2006-12-27 00:46:58 by raer raer
added on the 2006-12-27 00:49:04 by waffle waffle
the capture of gustar is really ugly.
better convert the r,g,b-triples to rg,gb-scanlines to keep the tv-mode-effect and encode using interlacing.
added on the 2006-12-27 01:19:08 by hfr hfr
hey hell fire : did you see my previous post about misguided : any chance to have this nice demo converted to win 32 ?
added on the 2006-12-27 10:16:55 by nytrik nytrik
sorry pal, there's absolutely no chance for a port - the demo was coded in turbo pascal ;)
a video is managable though, probably even a fix to work in dosbox...

added on the 2006-12-27 13:13:10 by hfr hfr
Well that would make my day :)
However I always felt frustrated not to be able to watch it again afer being beaten at wired 97 :)
( you ranked 2nd and cocoon 3 rd ).
added on the 2006-12-27 13:57:04 by nytrik nytrik
rarefluid: how about this one? :)
added on the 2006-12-27 14:23:26 by psenough psenough
d0DgE posted a link to ada.untergrund.net some time ago... now I've downloaded "Bier" by Ephidrena, and it's an Amiga 4k. How do I start these in WinUAE? How do I transfer files from/to Amiga disks anyway, and how can I navigate in the filesystem?
In other words, a link to a FAQ for Amiga newbs would be appreciated. :)

What about Delphi? ;)
added on the 2006-12-27 15:08:33 by ie ie
...and as requested:

NEW: Blocc - Planet Superfish (yeah, blame me for scaling the artwork to 320x200, scaling everything else up, would have looked shitty)

I'll fix Gustar next year... I understand what you suggest Hellfire, but it means some work. Don't know if it'll look much better though...
added on the 2006-12-27 22:59:52 by raer raer
fucking great!!

how about smegma/success :D
added on the 2006-12-27 23:27:28 by psenough psenough
Looks as weird as puker :-)
I think I won't find time for capturing till next year, but I'll take a look a it then...
added on the 2006-12-28 00:43:36 by raer raer
Big sigh of relief as you got rid of the unreadable JavaScript abortion that was gracing your site... \o/
added on the 2006-12-28 01:00:52 by nagato^ nagato^
lol nagato. At least your could have told me that it sucked :)
I've really grown to hate Javascript by now. What IDEs/Editors are you people using? The Syntax-Highlighting of PSPad helps, but it sucks a$$ to find out that you typed "lenght" instead of "length", which is something that I do on a regular basis...
What do you think about my newest creation on http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/index.php? No design, doesn't work with IE (6 at least), but still I like the zooming stuff...
added on the 2006-12-28 08:58:52 by raer raer
Still terrible. It's just that the concept of putting text over images is broken in the first place, nevermind how you implement it.

It's really hard to read the text, in some cases impossible because it overlaps with the 'pouet link'.
And the text re-flows when the image resizes which looks nasty...

But to be honest I don't really care what your site looks like, as long as I can download the videos :P
added on the 2006-12-28 16:19:03 by nagato^ nagato^
Screencap incase it's just broken on my browser or something: http://www.beepupload.com/uploads/af4d3_Screenshot.png
added on the 2006-12-28 16:25:52 by nagato^ nagato^
The font's bigger in your browser, that makes it (even) hard(er) to read the text.
Maybe I need to come up with some sort of design in the future. I liked the idea of having everything in one place (title/link/image) though... How about some layer behind/right to the image containing the text?
I need something simple, I'm not actually a (web)design god I must admit... :)
added on the 2006-12-28 17:20:35 by raer raer
I liked the idea of having everything in one place

You've really accomplished that, atleast in my browser
BB Image
added on the 2006-12-29 10:35:26 by hollowman hollowman
added on the 2006-12-29 11:20:40 by waffle waffle
jeah, doesn't seem to work on IE... I know :-/
added on the 2006-12-31 16:54:06 by raer raer
do you have to put the text on top of the screenshot? it makes it terribly unreadable this way
added on the 2006-12-31 16:58:07 by el mal el mal
This has been on my list for some time:

NEW: Purple - Toypusher

...I'll fix the php-page next weekend... until then use the good old [url=http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/]http://wurstcaptures.untergrund.net/[url]
added on the 2007-01-03 22:12:53 by raer raer
added on the 2007-01-03 22:13:52 by raer raer
NEW: Success - Smegma

...tell me if you think the capture is broken... :D
added on the 2007-01-03 23:55:11 by raer raer


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