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My Apology / About Me

category: general [glöplog]
IMPORTANT: Please read this post carefully.

I recently posted a lolicon picture in the random pr0n thread, and I wanted to apologize. ps informed me that it’s illegal in the country where pouet's server is located, and that posting such material could put this site at risk. I was angry about some of the hateful responses that I’ve received from certain people, so I posted the image as a way of getting back at them. I did this in anger, without any regard to the other people on this site who weren’t involved. Before you burn my house down, please listen to what I have to say about myself and my situation:

I’m an aspiring 3D artist. I’ve recently become very interested in demoscenes, thus the reason for my presence on this site.
The two things that I hate most are child abuse and bigotry.
I’ve never broken the laws of my country, and I don’t condone criminal behavior.
Pedophilia is the sexual or romantic attraction to minors. People don’t choose to be pedophiles, but they still have free will. Pedophilia is never an excuse for child abuse or illegal behavior.
Only 3% of pedophiles break the law. For that minority, the most common crime is the possession of child pornography.
Only 10% of child molesters are actually pedophiles. Most only molest children because they are easy prey, not because they are sexually attracted to them.
Pedophilia is defined as a mental disorder, but little substantial to suggest that all pedophiles have a problem. This definition is based almost entirely on studies conducted in prisons and hospitals, which adds a great deal of bias to the results. Psychologists are currently arguing over whether this definition is accurate and ethical.
People often tell pedophiles that they should seek psychological treatment. There is little substantial evidence to suggest that treatment is required, except for the fact that pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder. There are many common mental disorders which require little or no treatment.
No evidence has ever been given to substantiate the claims that fictional child porn encourages pedophilia or child abuse. Japan has one of the lowest rates of child sexual abuse, despite the fact that fictional child porn is very popular there.
I look at lolicon, but I only like artistic images that depict free and happy little girls. I hate lolicon that depicts child abuse.
Many pedophiles, including myself, see children as equals who should be granted equal rights. Our opinion on this subject is often criticized, but we’ll be happy with whatever laws are in the best interest of children. I speak for most pedophiles when I say that we don’t want children to get hurt.
Most people don’t hate pedophiles, but they hate child molesters. Sadly, most people don’t know the difference. However, there are some people who know better, but hate pedophiles anyway. These bigots are usually harmless, but there have been a few that have committed crimes such as hacking, assault, and even murder. We like to call these people witch-hunters, because their hatred echoes that of the puritans in early America.

If you want more information, please visit www.puellula.com. It is one of the best sites regarding the subject of pedophilia. It contains absolutely no illegal content, so it is perfectly safe to visit. Wikipedia is also a great source of information, but many of the topics concerning pedophilia have been the victims of vandalism.

From now on, when someone harasses me, I’ll kindly refer them to this thread. If they continue to harass me after that, I’ll know that they’re witch-hunters, and I’ll treat them as such. Again, I want to apologize for posting lolicon on this site. It won’t happen again.
added on the 2006-12-29 05:52:12 by Steohawk Steohawk
What enables most people to function with civility and objectivity on pouet is the fact that, on this very objectively DEMOSCENE-orientated community site, irrelevant interests, beliefs, obsessions, phobias, hatreds and preconceptions are largely left behind. That's pretty much a given in the semi-fantastical utopia in which bulletin board systems are conceived, and while pouet members on the whole don't realistically subscribe to that ideal, the newcomer always has the option of coming along, testing the water, keeping on-topic and pertinent and avoiding inflammatory threads of conversation.

So maybe the next new member will do that. We live in hope...

Anyway - whoever heard of people on pouet being apologetic? These are the sort of characteristics you should investigate in any forum before signing up... Oh - you should also expect a prodigious amount of flaming as this thread starts to gather momentum. Good luck!
added on the 2006-12-29 06:18:16 by syphus syphus
It's a very fine line between calling oneself a paedophile (but not child molesting) and Acting the way the paedophile does in todays society. you should not call yourself a paedophile unless you wish to bear the brunt of most people's reactions to the word (including mine, but I will stash those reactions in the knowledge that you are not one of them, but something else.)

Lolicon-r sickens me, but at least it is only animated. I will respect people's beliefs, fetishes and all others, so long as they don't try and force them on me (I have some twisted fetishes myself, I will admit - nothing violent though)

If I were you, I would use another word to describe yourself other than paedophile - you wouldn't say you were one to your parents, or to someone elses parents, so find another word.

I believe children should not be allowed to vote, btw. I also believe that you cannot negotiate with a 7 year old screaming his head off in the supermarket.

anyway, enough rambling from fdisk, you may proceed with your lives.
added on the 2006-12-29 08:46:55 by fdisk fdisk
added on the 2006-12-29 10:34:01 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
i dont care. just fucking call demoscene nto demoscenes, its just demoscene and dont force us to see kid porn
added on the 2006-12-29 11:22:00 by uns3en_ uns3en_
added on the 2006-12-29 11:31:07 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
added on the 2006-12-29 11:31:57 by Spenot Spenot
dont feed the troll.
added on the 2006-12-29 11:58:56 by nosfe nosfe
On Pedophila: The thought of having sex with somebody underage has passed trought EVERBODY'S Mind, using this as an excuse does not make it right to bumfuck 7Yr olds.

(this might not relate to above posts, but like i can be fucked reading it)
added on the 2006-12-29 12:24:20 by BiasZ BiasZ
dont fuck kids, make demos!
added on the 2006-12-29 12:48:12 by smash smash
Make demos, not love.
added on the 2006-12-29 17:37:35 by doomdoom doomdoom
I know how they act, I know how they think... I was one for Christ's sake!
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Sadly a 'Peter File' has been attacked and had his car set-alight, but come on, if your surname was File would you call your son Peter??????

added on the 2006-12-29 19:08:07 by syphus syphus
First Name Stephen
Last Name Hawkins
Birthday Dec 4, 1986

hmz... what's your definition of minors? :P
added on the 2006-12-29 20:20:02 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2006-12-29 20:48:38 by havoc havoc
Hentai is ilegal? :|
added on the 2006-12-29 21:08:01 by xernobyl xernobyl
I don't give a shit about people being pedophiles, as long as they behave civilly towards others. I do however give a shit about drama crap in the Pouet BBS, so I'm asking those involved: Is this conflict entertaining enough to merit further background investigation on my behalf, or is it all just fail?
added on the 2006-12-29 22:04:52 by Radiant Radiant
Narcissism. That's all there is to it.
added on the 2006-12-29 22:29:32 by _-_-__ _-_-__
If she ain't got curves, she ain't worth a fuck.
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added on the 2006-12-30 03:24:23 by doomdoom doomdoom
You've got a fucking nerve pointing the finger and calling others bigots and witchhunters!

I understand it's in some people's genetic make up that they find minors attractive just as some prefer big, petit, latino, black women...or men.

But actually fantasizing over children and looking at images, whether it's real, implied or illustrated is a conscious choice and I have every right to call that person a sick pervert!

added on the 2006-12-30 03:29:28 by Flunce Flunce
Thank you all for your responses. If nothing else, they have been mildly entertaining, except for Mr Guts^Kefrens. He does in fact have the right to call me a sick pervert, but I also have the right to call him a bigot. I use the term bigotry, but the word prejudice is probably better, as defined by Wikipedia:

Prejudice is, as the name implies, the process of "pre-judging" something. In general, it implies coming to a judgment on the subject before learning where the preponderance of the evidence actually lies, or formation of a judgment without direct or actual experience. Holding a politically unpopular view is not in itself prejudice, and not all politically popular views are free of prejudice.

Simply put, Mr Guts^Kefrens either hasn't read my initial post, or doesn't care. Either way, I have put him in my list of witch-hunters, so I will know how to respond to any future posts from him.

I posted my apology because it's the right thing to do. I posted the information because I'm getting tired of the hateful posts I've been getting lately. This information leaves people no excuse for calling me a child molester, except that they are bigots.

I won't stop calling myself a pedophile just because the word has been twisted. J Edgar Hoover hated gays, and he tried to convince people that they were mindless rapists. He even quoted "scientific evidence" to back up his claims, but he ultimately failed. I wouldn't encourage a gay person of Hoover's era to call themselves something different just so that they can avoid a lynching.

In my country, a minor is defined as someone below the age of 18.
added on the 2006-12-30 18:59:33 by Steohawk Steohawk
main question is: are you a demoscener? apparently not, so GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. we got enough own dramaqueens in the scene already.
added on the 2006-12-30 19:04:25 by dipswitch dipswitch


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