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WTF!? (Music industry now)

category: general [glöplog]
BASS tabs and Sheet Music are now ilegal!

added on the 2006-12-21 13:25:23 by xernobyl xernobyl
The entire scene is illegal! \o/
We are doing this to protect the interests of the creators and publishers of music so that, the profession of songwriting remains viable and that new and exciting music will be continued to be created and enjoyed for generations to come.

This is the fucking biggest bullshit I've read for ages. And a bit later, it even includes the starving artists and families bit.
added on the 2006-12-21 16:05:40 by Preacher Preacher
Many of those who have written to us have expressed frustration at the possibility of losing access to "free" guitar tab files that have been posted on various web sites. While it is true that tablature for some of the songs on these sites have not yet been produced legally by a music publisher, it is the presence of the unauthorized free product that is largely to blame for that situation.

... r.i.p. olga.net :(
added on the 2006-12-21 16:20:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
Okay, so if they stop spreading tabulatures, music publishers will publish the tabulatures to all songs.

Is that a promise?
added on the 2006-12-21 16:27:37 by Preacher Preacher
garg: that happened with mysongbook.com too :(
added on the 2006-12-21 16:27:59 by el mal el mal
now we have to buy our tabs from shady looking guys at street corners, or a half-legal russian site.
added on the 2006-12-21 17:41:50 by linde linde
just steal all your music. its your duty.
added on the 2006-12-21 20:45:54 by uncle-x uncle-x
we need an open-source tablature format
posting illegal content on pouet!
Code: Mommy, What's A Funkadelic - Funkadelic Tabbed by Elmo Corrected by Achilles (blue_sincere@hotmail.com) Main part in E min G|---------------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------5-------------------------------5-------| A|---5----5--7------5--7----7------5----5--7------------5---7----| E|-7----7---------7--------------7----7------0-3--03567----------| And then there are some funkie variations like: G|------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------5---------------------------------5-------| A|---5----5--7------------5----5-7--7-5------5----5--7-----------5---7----| E|-7----7------5-0-3----7----7-------7-----7----7------0-3--03567---------| A lot goes as long as you keep the E on the 1 (one) every bar.
added on the 2006-12-21 21:51:00 by linde linde
argh fuck you linde!! admins can you please delete his post! it is illegal in my country.
cool, will we get guitar tab warez groups now? =)
added on the 2006-12-22 00:46:45 by dipswitch dipswitch
who the hell needs guitar tabs anyway?
added on the 2006-12-22 01:58:51 by noouch noouch
argh fuck you linde!! admins can you please delete his post! it is illegal in my country.

now people can secretly plant bass tabs to frame people of a certain nationality.
added on the 2006-12-22 03:52:00 by linde linde
who the hell needs guitar tabs anyway?

euh me, for my great metal covers!!! =)
added on the 2006-12-22 08:53:49 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
alien: in 5 years doing covers will be illegal aswell. think of the composers children you bastard!!!
added on the 2006-12-22 12:24:09 by psenough psenough
but i only do covers of bands nobody listens to :)
added on the 2006-12-22 12:31:10 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
i will do only covers of bands that do not exist
added on the 2006-12-22 12:32:58 by noouch noouch

i hope someone will pick up the pieces that are not copyrighted and put them online again.
being mainly interested in old stuff (baroque/renaissance) this mpa-bullshit should NOT concern me, but well they managed to piss me off to. :(
added on the 2006-12-22 14:25:22 by cp_ cp_
soon we'll have to pay royalties just to namedrop a band
added on the 2006-12-22 14:29:24 by linde linde
or whistling a melody in public (it really wouldn't surprise me if someone already got sued over that, though)
added on the 2006-12-22 14:30:25 by linde linde
Soon the fucking artist asociations will make us pay even for singing in the bathroom.

Maybe the solution to all these "crimes" is just to forbid Internet.

Music and movie industry is the shit. What they tell is something like "we've been earning a lot of money for decades, and now new technologies are killing us". Well, thats right, but this is true for ANY business, no business (except Coke) works forever. The main difference is that for music and movie industry laws are set up to continue making them money without any improvement. If I have, for example, a restaurant, and for years it works great until the same recipes I use are created for microwaves home use, and then people start to cook similar food at home. Then what, a law to forbid people eat at home and make them go to my restaurant? Or what? In that case I should renew my business, maybe creating new recipes, maybe selling something else, maybe adding more quality to my products... why shouldn't it be the same with music and movie?
added on the 2006-12-22 17:28:18 by texel texel
You don't understand. The solution to "this" problem is to produce our own music, graphics and entertainment. And not buy any of that other shit ;)
added on the 2006-12-22 20:04:37 by _-_-__ _-_-__
this entire debate is retarded from all aspects.

however, as julien and others of the pirate party use to say: "if you have a law that criminalize the majority of the youths - then you will soon enough have a society operated by criminals"
added on the 2006-12-22 22:10:41 by Hatikvah Hatikvah


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