scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
not to mention the starchild <- wtf -> danko
and that some retards have labeled the mp3's as "dune"
even on some collection-cd's i've seen it credited as "dune".....
and that some retards have labeled the mp3's as "dune"
even on some collection-cd's i've seen it credited as "dune".....
Repost of what I said:
Sorry, but to me this seems like a cheap gimmick to hype fff. You will probably deny it, but I still think that's the way it is.
nitro2k1: du borde gett upp första gången.
Annars är det det perfekta tricket. Tiden får visa vem som har rätt.
the page does have a disturbingly lot of links.
nitro: eller så kommer ett basebollträ visa FFF vem som har rätt... har jag hört
Repost of what I said:
Nobody cares (except dubmood).
okkie: yep that one.. what's the deal with that one? imitation or?

No respect for the dead :(
them are fat and ugly anyways.
nitro: eller så kommer ett basebollträ visa FFF vem som har rätt... har jag hört
Ragnhild fixar alla problem.
Maali: if you look at the mp3 entries from Takeover 99 you can find something special
Okkie: wtf? :-)
As far as I can tell the Rollergirl single was released on july 12th and Takeover was in June that year. Interesting :-)
sparcus: yeh, i recognized it too after hearing the rollergirl version first (dunno, '02 or so when i found out :P), so i was very curious about the story behind this thing... since it's rbi (forgot about THAT part, all i remembered was that it was done by someone named after soapmachines on boys rooms -prolly girls rooms too, but i cannot know for sure :D) ... okkie might know more details :)
I spotted a direct sample cd loop in a Timbaland song \o/
Noisia, the drumnbass gang, have a song containing the sample "the tough guys, who came to kill, but stayed to rape and ravage".
okkie: what makes you think EMI (owners Nelly) or Warner / Chappel Music Inc. (owners of Timbaland) are going to pay me anything?
hempest, he never said that. he merely stated the fact that you are a very cheap whore.
photoshop, like michael parks said to chuck norris in the hitman (1991): "you're as funny as a dead kid"
hempest think iam comparable to chuck norris \o/ iam gonna live for ever \o/ forever young \o/
Sampling a small part of an existing piece of music to create something new is hardly stealing imo.
mysterious scener rips off Tears For Fears and U2 to make profit.
Jeroen Tel sued a guy for stealing a snare from his Rubicon-tune... and won
Or was it Rubicon's "scratch" sound...
what bothers me a bit about this whole deal is the fact that the subjects of crucifixion appear to be minors... sure, that doesn't make 'em less guilty, but still... it would make the plaintiffs look good if they'd act a bit more accordingly. imho.