Wii me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
well, at least the gfx isn't really any better than a gamecube.
on one side i hate those fanboys standing days in front of a shop waiting for a console, thinking they ll buy the "messias to turn on". so smack that crap.
on the other hand the whole thing is a promo for a stupid website. imagine somebody is throwing away food while poor hungry ppl watch him. of course you can give a shit, but its somehow a strange humour.
wii looks like a lot of fun, the ps3 startlineup is a fckn joke (interesting titles will follow)- havent seen an uninteressting console for the last years, so...^^.
on the other hand the whole thing is a promo for a stupid website. imagine somebody is throwing away food while poor hungry ppl watch him. of course you can give a shit, but its somehow a strange humour.
wii looks like a lot of fun, the ps3 startlineup is a fckn joke (interesting titles will follow)- havent seen an uninteressting console for the last years, so...^^.
Think of the children! Won't somebody think of the children.
The main processor is ~700 MHz or something. The gamecube is ~400 MHz.
The GPU is also about 2 times faster.
The GPU is also about 2 times faster.
"I suppose I could give you a list of the technical specs. I believe you would like that, but I won't for a simple reason: they really don't matter." - Satoru Iwata
Plus, who, among the three main contenders CEOs actually coded games? ;)
Also, let's see how many pouet thread I can combine in one single post:
satoru iwata - check
bill gates - check
ken kutaragi - check
satoru iwata - check
bill gates - check
ken kutaragi - check
the machinery... it all works?

be careful while playing with your wii ;)
be careful while playing with your wii ;)
Gargaj, I can't neither find "bill gates" nor "ken kutaragi" credited as coders on http://mobygames.com .. Care to give a reference?
i believe your question was missing "professionally" - we all coded games, but not all of us got to mobygames :)
for bill, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DONKEY.BAS is a rather complete reference.
for kutaragi, well, ok - he designed the console for games, so even if he didnt CODE the games (which i'm sure he did to test it at least), he was instrumental for the games which came out on it.
for bill, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DONKEY.BAS is a rather complete reference.
for kutaragi, well, ok - he designed the console for games, so even if he didnt CODE the games (which i'm sure he did to test it at least), he was instrumental for the games which came out on it.
You might as well claim that that janitor back then is responsible for the first mario game.
read above - your question was merely about coding games, not specifying the insight or the level of participation.
(in those terms, john carmack might not be considered the coder of doom3 because he might not have written the actual ingame code, only the 3d engine.)
(in those terms, john carmack might not be considered the coder of doom3 because he might not have written the actual ingame code, only the 3d engine.)
I don't know if Ken Kutaragi was a code coder but he was a chip coder :) (read hardware deginer).
Today he's a fucking idiot but in the past he has done Super Nintendo's (great) sound chip.
Today he's a fucking idiot but in the past he has done Super Nintendo's (great) sound chip.
Wow! That guy has some cool hardware if you take the PS2 ;)
i heard the c64 is a high-end but very expensive gaming platform if you replace it by a ps3 before turning it on.
just so you know.
just so you know.
Judging from the looks of DONKEY.BAS I dislike Microsoft even more...
Judging from the looks of DONKEY.BAS I dislike Microsoft even more...
Considering the date and the software/hardware platform specs ...boy are you going to to fucking hate atari, commodore and just about everybody!
Just so I can find the link when I remember in the future. I'll makeup a funny word never used in a pouët thread. Will I remember it?
So, here it is:
...I guess I'll remember Wii me beautifull ;)
Just so I can find the link when I remember in the future. I'll makeup a funny word never used in a pouët thread. Will I remember it?
So, here it is:
...I guess I'll remember Wii me beautifull ;)
Shifter, then again, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacewar%21