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Solaris - 8th at Kindergarten, aka What was the demoscene again?

category: general [glöplog]
Sdw: Damn right... Well, in fact the tittle of this demo "Kiss my ASSembler" is a good joke valid for get some points in a joke compo.

I started posting in this thread I actually had serious intentions, now look what all you idiots made me do.. :(

added on the 2006-11-13 19:30:02 by ham ham
Sdw: I agree that demos should be judged primarily as demos, but the difficult thing is that people tend to have different ideas about what makes a good demo. A demo is not a pure demonstration of technology (thank god), it's a mix of code, graphics/design and music. And sometimes more. Focusing only on code results in stuff like this. While that is nice in itself (and imo a great demo), I'm bloody glad we have other stuff as well ;)
added on the 2006-11-13 19:30:26 by kusma kusma
Well, we won't go much further here I guess, atleast the thread wasn't pouetized (yet). Which makes me a bit happy.
added on the 2006-11-13 19:30:30 by mrdoob mrdoob
for the record, trace/sdw, I never said things weren't a bit unfair, I just said people are like that. That's why you get all the "all small parties are like that" comments, it's happened before. I'm also saying, however, that forcing people to change the way they are is a direction I don't want to see the demoscene go into, and really not one I want to be a part of.

But yeah, I've always been in this thing mostly for fun, that's why some people still don't think of me as a real demoscener..
added on the 2006-11-13 19:35:45 by leijaa leijaa
Sdw: You raise an interesting point. In fact I think snowboarding competitions suck, the only good thing about them is that snowboarding gets shown on TV every now and then because of them. (FUCK THE OLYMPICS!)
Perhaps demos shouldn't be shown in competitions at parties but in some kind of "show" instead where people could watch and enjoy them without having to worry (and vote) about which demo was the "best".
added on the 2006-11-13 19:36:13 by Sverker Sverker
Uhm, no, because demoscene is about competition.

A solution could be, letting the guy that submits the joke prod say that only wants to show it on the big screen to have a good laugh, but don't want it to be on the competition. So in results, instead of disqualified could say '(joke)'.

added on the 2006-11-13 19:40:32 by mrdoob mrdoob
maybe the particular demo isn't a joke from his side, maybe he even used month of mental work on the piece of art, and should be respected for making demos with gay sex fisting?
added on the 2006-11-13 19:42:11 by quisten quisten
Listen, when there's less than 100 people voting there's not enough "fairness" to pinpoint who should've been 4th or 5th or 12th. Here's a proposition for future events: How about just voting on who's going to win? So after the party there would be one winner in each category and the rest will just be listed without ranking. I think that's more fair than the situation you seem to have right now. The prizes at small parties amount to Archmage's old disk-stickers or the source code for IT's Ivory-demo anyway, right?
added on the 2006-11-13 19:44:55 by Hyde Hyde
No way! We had potatoes, pizza, old porn movies, a finnish book and lots of beer!! Not to mention 5 iso dvd's and what not.. :D
added on the 2006-11-13 19:47:01 by leijaa leijaa
hyde: are you saying the sourcecode for Ivory is a crap price? :)
added on the 2006-11-13 19:49:02 by arcane arcane
arcane: No, no no not at all! But Archmage's stickers are and so there is really just ONE prize worthy of handing out, and thus there should only be ONE winner. See? We agree! :)

btw: I would kill to get my dirty ol' hands on the source code for Ivory, and I would do it with a smile if I could have the module as well. You are not telling me that you have it, do you?
added on the 2006-11-13 19:51:51 by Hyde Hyde
Leijiiaai: As prizes? Wow - where do you get "old porn" I wonder. I hope you gave Archmage the potatoes.
added on the 2006-11-13 19:55:59 by Hyde Hyde
Hyde: No unfortunately not. :( I guess it will remain the lost grail..
added on the 2006-11-13 19:58:33 by arcane arcane
I think I have the module laying around here somewhere... ayhes, HERE it is...
added on the 2006-11-13 19:58:46 by kusma kusma
Hyde: most of the prizes were donated by our happy visitors, the porn donating person might want to stay anonymous - so I'll let him come out of the closet himself. Archmage donated coffee btw, no old stickers for us :(

We DID spend 300nok on prizes this year though, they went to one crate of beer and 5 iso dvd's :D

So yeah, actually I think Brainstorm should just be happy they didn't end up with any of that crap :) And all this stuff doesn't belong here!
added on the 2006-11-13 20:04:14 by leijaa leijaa
I heavily disagree with those who thumbed down the prod in question, but I can see their point. And being in the scene is all about being able to handle criticism, even if it turns out to be nothing more than pure ad hominem from random assholes on Pouet. :-) <repeat small parties + weird results stuff>
added on the 2006-11-13 20:12:32 by Radiant Radiant
lol, thanks Leia. (*throws potatoes at Archmage, steals the old pr0n and runs*) :)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:12:58 by Axel Axel
I won the best price of them all!!! haha fuckings to all you other lamers.

But seriously. I am killing myself now because my demo did not win. I worked hard on it :( Even droped being drunk one day last week because of it.

Everyone critism the organisers on this party should be stabbed btw. They did one hell of a job creating one hell of a party.

(okay now I have fucked it up so start poueting this lameness)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:13:57 by Proteque Proteque
wow, what an entertaining thread. :) i agree with you trace; the thumbs are sure as hell handed out in a personal and not always thought-through fashion here at pouet, no question. i also agree with lug00ber, since his point is very valid too.

i was sort of stunned when i read the results, because i actually thought that assembler-demo was going to win (perhaps i was just too darn sober to get maximum enjoyment out of the rest of the compo which was an odd textmode-gayporn-internaljokeprod-fest :)

i DO however, think that oldtimers and "well-known" people have a sort of a responsibility when it comes to being a little careful handing out fuckings (which is basicly what a thumb down combined with a snyde remark really is) since newbies might find it less threatening if their first demo isn't hated by people. i don't think that was the case here though, as the demo got a mixed bag of comments.

..but then again; this is pouet -- we even have a troll-warning on the bbs for christs sake. :)

oh; props to leia for making me laugh so hard i had to spit out my cookie just now:
trace: first of all, why the hell do you always start whining threads about everything I arrange, you got some secret grudge I don't know about?

seriously; how fucking conceited can you possibly get? believe it or not, but not every single thing that goes on in the demoscene is about you. :)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:16:25 by gloom gloom
Well, we won't go much further here I guess, atleast the thread wasn't pouetized (yet). Which makes me a bit happy.

I beg to differ -you started it. Worst PS-thread impersonation ever.

A lot of people already stated the obvious: small local party + "wrong" (cough) kind of mood = manic sweeps of polarized voting favors. I can happily confess I've seen that swing either way for me in the past.

Grow a pair, Trace. The demoscene is not a goddamn rainbow-farting unicorn :)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:20:33 by Shifter Shifter
kusma: thanks! What started out as a rotten Monday for me, is suddenly starting to look good!
leijjija: Money well spent.
added on the 2006-11-13 20:21:16 by Hyde Hyde
\o/ greetings to gloom for completely missing the point :)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:22:48 by leijaa leijaa
but yeah, I already tried telling trace this on irc but since he never replies I'll repeat it here...

I admit I was a bit too fast replying after only reading once. I basically came home and read the whole first page, mixing up all trace's comments into one and got the whole thing to be about the party organizing and not about the demoscene in general :)

and I'm still shit tired after that organizing so i got a bit annoyed by the fact that I should have demanded people vote better on top of it all ;)
added on the 2006-11-13 20:27:57 by leijaa leijaa
I think some of you might have slightly misinterpreted my earlier comment. When I'm talking about judging demosfrom a technical standpoint, I'm not just talking about code (although I do have a soft-spot for the real oldschool record-breaking stuff like "most multiplexed sprites).
What I mean is that a demo should have a high "quality" for lack of better words. This encompasses music, graphics and general design aswell. I have nothing against demos having a bit of comedy, if the rest of what makes a good demo (coding, music, gfx) is in place!
What I'm not so fond of is if someone who lacks the technical or artistic ability uses cheap jokes to win votes from stoned/drunk/sleepy party-voters and succeeds.
added on the 2006-11-13 20:36:54 by Sdw Sdw
I agree. It's not wanted. But I'm sure I'll be seeing similar comments 10 years from now as well.. "How could this demo win?"
added on the 2006-11-13 20:39:10 by arcane arcane


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