browser demo effect
category: general [glöplog]

Modified (vertical) version (just playing with the code).. sorry p01 :P
javascript:L=document.images[0];b='';for(y=0;y<L.height;y+=2)b+='<tt style="position:relative;display:block;margin:-2px 0px;overflow:hidden;width:'+ L.width+'px;height:4px;background:url('+L.getAttribute('src')+') 0px -'+y+'px no-repeat;"></tt>';L.parentNode.innerHTML=b; T=document.getElementsByTagName('tt');t=setInterval("*8+'px -'+Math.abs(42*Math.cos(t/3))+'px'; for(i=0;i<T.length;i++)T[i]*Math.cos(t/3+i/17)",20);void(0 )
Sweet and no problem.
javascript:i =0;HB = document.getElementsByTagName("table");f unction FX(){RN= Math.floor((Math.random()*HB.length)); HB[RN].style.position= 'relative';HB[RN] = Math.random()*12-6; HB[RN].style.left = Math.random()*12-6} setInterval('FX()',5); void(0)
Some other modification.. this is rather useful to annoy unsuspecting BBS users.
That Tech Tech is very nice. Pouet should have that by default. It would also weed out users with weak (undemoable) computers.
not too sure about that one :P
copper me beautiful
javascript:L=document.images[0]; O=L.offsetTop;'relative';>>1); d=new Date().valueOf(); P=L.parentNode;for(i=0;i<8;i++ )P.innerHTML+='<div style="position:absolute; left:0;border:2px '+ (k='rgb('+ Math.round( 128+127*Math.cos(d-4 )) +','+ Math.round(128+127*Math.cos(d-2)) +','+ Math.round(128+127*Math.cos(d+=.2)) +')') +' outset;border-width:2px 0; width:100%;height:8px; background:'+k +'"></div>'; H=P.getElementsByTagName('div'); t=setInterval(' t+=.05;for(i=0;i<H.length;i++){ a=t+i/3;H[i]*(1+1.1*Math.sin(a)))+"px"; H[i].style.height= Math.round((H[i].style.zIndex=Math.round( h*(1+Math.cos(a) )))/16+4) +"px"}',20);void(0)
LOL! I was thinking about doing something like that too :)
thats cool :D
btw: How to activate these effects quickly:
1) highlight code with mouse
2) Press CTRL+CLV and then enter..
1) highlight code with mouse
2) Press CTRL+CLV and then enter..
Oh, I think that is firefox only ..
what's CLV?
Trace nice ripple effect with the pouet logo dude
It's p01's code :)
Sorry man ejoying myself too much I was thrown off, p01's
no hard feelings none taken?
no hard feelings none taken?
CTRL+CLV = Press CTRL+c,CTRL+l,CTRL+v one after another..
This thead is better then "origins of the pig"!

Doesn't work on IE7.
...there could be a compo of this things in a demoparty ;)
has somebody already made this in qbasic ?^^
ie == cancer
Stelthz: in Opera, highlight, press Ctrl+CLB
Mike3D: no hard feeling and being based on my code ( on the previous page ) it looks quite different
xernobyl: there's a browser demo compo at Assembly, but those favelet effects are more like 256b or 512b intros. That could be a nice alternative/fast compo at a party.
Mike3D: no hard feeling and being based on my code ( on the previous page ) it looks quite different
xernobyl: there's a browser demo compo at Assembly, but those favelet effects are more like 256b or 512b intros. That could be a nice alternative/fast compo at a party.
Next one:
Dunno whose idea it was to implement that effect like this (string=>div[]) in the first place.
javascript:S=l='';h=document;b=h.body;function C(){for(i=0;i<l;i++){T=R[i].style;p=parseInt(T.left);T.left=(p<1)?p+l*30+999:p-5;*100}}O=h.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];while(O.tagName!='BR'){O=O.nextSibling;S+=(O.nodeType<2)?O.innerHTML:O.nodeValue}l=S.length;R=new Array(l);for(i=0;i<l;i++){d=h.createElement('div');;d.innerHTML=S.charAt(i);N.position='absolute';N.fontSize=30;N.left=i*30+999;R[i]=d;b.insertBefore(d,b.firstChild)}setInterval('C()',9);void(0);
Dunno whose idea it was to implement that effect like this (string=>div[]) in the first place.
Doesn't seem to work under FireFox...
Tried it on Firefox, Safari and Opera. Doesn't work. Is this a IE only thing again? :(