The random story thread.
category: general [glöplog]
your FAT dies.
This makes sense
to certain German
warm currywurstpuppe extimators
,registered at Mensa,
soon realised, that
is neat. "penis,"
is the word
for opening the
gate to oblivion
with his mighty
. "Why do you
not my rancid-anal-hole?"
i dunno. it's probably just
because it contains
some spectral analyzers
which analyzes spectrum.
10000 DATA 192
was written on
"What is this?", Optimus wondered while closing is computer and going outside for a walk (No, maybe later ;P) before deciding to write yet another story about himself.
A short story:
Optimist drowns in half full bathtub
Optimist drowns in half full bathtub
End of story.
At any rate, the chinese jetpilots were ...
At any rate, the chinese jetpilots were ...