Random Hentai/Lolicon Thread
category: general [glöplog]
Spin is right:
Pornografische Darstellungen, die den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern zum Gegenstand haben, unterliegen gemäß § 184b Abs. 1 StGB einem absoluten Verbreitungsverbot – auch wenn sie ein fiktives Geschehen zeigen. Sowohl das Verbreiten und Zugänglichmachen als auch entsprechende Vorbereitungshandlungen werden mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft. Dementsprechend ist auch der Verkauf pornografischer Dōjins, die diesem Genre angehören, – etwa auf Conventions – verboten. Der Besitz von Darstellungen, die nur ein fiktives und kein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben (vgl. § 184b Abs. 4 StGB), ist dagegen nicht rechtswidrig."
Pornografische Darstellungen, die den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern zum Gegenstand haben, unterliegen gemäß § 184b Abs. 1 StGB einem absoluten Verbreitungsverbot – auch wenn sie ein fiktives Geschehen zeigen. Sowohl das Verbreiten und Zugänglichmachen als auch entsprechende Vorbereitungshandlungen werden mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft. Dementsprechend ist auch der Verkauf pornografischer Dōjins, die diesem Genre angehören, – etwa auf Conventions – verboten. Der Besitz von Darstellungen, die nur ein fiktives und kein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben (vgl. § 184b Abs. 4 StGB), ist dagegen nicht rechtswidrig."
I don't know enough german to read that well, but here's my opinions anyway:
#1 - Real child porn is harmful to kids, therefore it is wrong.
#2 - Virtual child porn that partially features real kids can also be harmful, therefore it is also wrong. This includes photomanipulation of real kids' faces on cgi bodies, etc.
#3 - Virtual child porn that does not feature real kids in any manner doesn't hurt anybody, therefore it's alright.
This boils down to two basic principles:
#1 - Using kids for pornography, whether they actually participate or not, can harm their mental developement.
#2 - Fantasy and reality are different.
I never have, and never will, have sexual interaction with kids or look at kiddy porn that features real kids. Not only is it illegal, but I have a consciense. I use lucid dreams and lolicon as a tool to satisfy my fantasies. These actions do not harm anybody, because they stay in the realm of fantasy. Personally, I am put off by kiddy porn and child molesters more than other people, because it makes me afraid to express myself. I don't want people to compare me to those sickos out there with no soul.
BTW, if you don't know what lucid dreams are, check it out a here: http://www.dreamviews.com/
#1 - Real child porn is harmful to kids, therefore it is wrong.
#2 - Virtual child porn that partially features real kids can also be harmful, therefore it is also wrong. This includes photomanipulation of real kids' faces on cgi bodies, etc.
#3 - Virtual child porn that does not feature real kids in any manner doesn't hurt anybody, therefore it's alright.
This boils down to two basic principles:
#1 - Using kids for pornography, whether they actually participate or not, can harm their mental developement.
#2 - Fantasy and reality are different.
I never have, and never will, have sexual interaction with kids or look at kiddy porn that features real kids. Not only is it illegal, but I have a consciense. I use lucid dreams and lolicon as a tool to satisfy my fantasies. These actions do not harm anybody, because they stay in the realm of fantasy. Personally, I am put off by kiddy porn and child molesters more than other people, because it makes me afraid to express myself. I don't want people to compare me to those sickos out there with no soul.
BTW, if you don't know what lucid dreams are, check it out a here: http://www.dreamviews.com/
let's stick to demoscene :p
let's stick to demoscene :p
Zest: We could have demoscene hentai/lolicon.
Just kidding! But seriously, if anyone thinks that this board should be removed, talk to the lobster god. I doubt he'll care, but if he does, I will respect his wishes.
Just kidding! But seriously, if anyone thinks that this board should be removed, talk to the lobster god. I doubt he'll care, but if he does, I will respect his wishes.
Pahaha.. the thing about hentai is it's hardly immoral for children to draw naked pictures of other children.
Wow, this is getting waaaaay below average.
and by average, i mean pouet-average.
and by average, i mean pouet-average.
steohawk = nitro2k or stelthz who are trying to shut down this site. plz delete this thread
are childkillers better then childfuckers?
"Deutschland Pornografische Darstellungen, die den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern zum Gegenstand haben, unterliegen gemäß § 184b Abs. 1 StGB einem absoluten Verbreitungsverbot – auch wenn sie ein fiktives Geschehen zeigen. Sowohl das Verbreiten und Zugänglichmachen als auch entsprechende Vorbereitungshandlungen werden mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft. Dementsprechend ist auch der Verkauf pornografischer Dōjins, die diesem Genre angehören, – etwa auf Conventions – verboten. Der Besitz von Darstellungen, die nur ein fiktives und kein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben (vgl. § 184b Abs. 4 StGB), ist dagegen nicht rechtswidrig."
Was this written before or after WW II?

pedobear approves this thread.
now gtfo.
end of thread.
now gtfo.
end of thread.

what red- said...
Anoyone interested in stupid policemen confiscating the pouet-server to scan it for childporn?
Anoyone interested in stupid policemen confiscating the pouet-server to scan it for childporn?
OMG! There'd be so many releases all of a sudden! \o/ But no way to download them. :(
What child porn on the pouet-server ???????
Those are only links to pictures...
As long as you are not the host hosting the pictures it's perfectly fine !
Look at all the torrent links website.
They are not hosting the crap, therefore it's perfectly fine, although it might be "unethical" it's not against the law...
Those are only links to pictures...
As long as you are not the host hosting the pictures it's perfectly fine !
Look at all the torrent links website.
They are not hosting the crap, therefore it's perfectly fine, although it might be "unethical" it's not against the law...
Right. ;)
Anyway, if that happens, we can always switch to one of the backup servers until the legal department straightens things out.
I think we should be more concerned with this.
Anyway, if that happens, we can always switch to one of the backup servers until the legal department straightens things out.
I think we should be more concerned with this.
Your right Doom, crappy wilds from over five years ago should be our top concern.
AARGH!! I swear to GOD if Pouet turns into 4chan i'll personally come to your house and fucking kill you!
Next thing you know the furries are here :(
AARGH!! I swear to GOD if Pouet turns into 4chan i'll personally come to your house and fucking kill you!
Next thing you know the furries are here :(
i am personally waiting for next caturday.

give them weapons to defend themselves, Mr Tarantino!

People are worried about kiddy porn ending up on pouet just because I started this thread. I DO NOT condone child porn, and I don't want it here or anywhere else! Lolicon is not child porn anymore than hentai is adult porn. If someone does post kiddy porn here, I hope it is removed ASAP. I don't want pouet.net gone either. If lolicon is illegal in your country, I suggest you leave that country. Child porn is wrong, but lolicon is FANTASY. If your country doesn't like lolicon, it's just a matter of time before they ban violent and sexy video games, movies, and DEMOSCENES! Leave those countries to decay in their own communist ideologies.
Steohawk: You've guessed it right - in Germany, Lolicon is considered child porn.
In Germany, it's also illegal to sell games like Mortal Kombat to people aged 17 or less.
In Germany, it's also illegal to draw swastikas and other nazi symbols for anything but artistic purposes.
In Germany, it's also illegal to spread demos that contain copyrighted material owned by a third party.
Does this make Germany a communist country?
In Germany, it's also illegal to sell games like Mortal Kombat to people aged 17 or less.
In Germany, it's also illegal to draw swastikas and other nazi symbols for anything but artistic purposes.
In Germany, it's also illegal to spread demos that contain copyrighted material owned by a third party.
Does this make Germany a communist country?
I think so.
Doom: Why do you think so?