What is the most wicked error message you have ever encountered?
category: general [glöplog]
Only for italians (but really exhilarating):

DevCpp. When pointing your mouse to some variable/function that your wanted to get information about (ala M$ Visual Studio) the tooltip read "Sometimes a header get to do a"
I never figured out what they meant...
I never figured out what they meant...
Courtesy of xernobyl.
Courtesy of xernobyl.
Nigga stole my error!

haha so funny pics :D
look this out

look this out

omg they did it!!! self-cracking software!
it seems it is a common mistake to query error messages twice consecutively and obtain a "no error" kinda error message. i wonder how many times i've made it and not noticed until now.
OH NOES! This could spell the end of cracking as we know it!
Although the requster is really dumb, its not quite "Self-cracking software". The software in question comes up with a "License expired" message. But the expiry date and a key are in the .ini file. You have to first change the expiry date and THEN you get this message, which means you do have to have at least the "l33t cr4cking sk1llz" required to locate an ini file and load it into notepad.
It was featured on http://thedailywtf.com/, which is a great site.
Although the requster is really dumb, its not quite "Self-cracking software". The software in question comes up with a "License expired" message. But the expiry date and a key are in the .ini file. You have to first change the expiry date and THEN you get this message, which means you do have to have at least the "l33t cr4cking sk1llz" required to locate an ini file and load it into notepad.
It was featured on http://thedailywtf.com/, which is a great site.
Some old Macintosh System errors

Enough is Enough.

Enough is Enough.
eclipse 3.2. all i did was an ordinary text copy paste.

and carets on message boxes suck.

and carets on message boxes suck.

not mine but funny anyway :)
"ERROR: Too many errors."
(some old Xilinx vhdl ide I think)
(some old Xilinx vhdl ide I think)

Not an error message as such.. but just windows in general. Some favourites:
"You do not appear to have anti-virus software installed. Click here to fix this problem." (Click...) "Fix it yourself." (Well, words to that effect..)
When downloading acrobat reader in IE6 (I do this a lot, happens every time): "Internet Explorer has prevented this site from downloading potentially harmful files." (Appears BEHIND the file's download progress bar!) There's another one - think it's when testing shockwave - where it says that it prevented a pop-up from opening. Behind the popup of course...
There was also a bug where if you enabled anisotropic filtering on the graphics card control panel and opened a java app, it would apply a wicked motion blur to the application's text, getting more blurred towards the top right of the window! I have a screenshot of that somewhere, i'll see if i can get it on the net tomorrow.
"You do not appear to have anti-virus software installed. Click here to fix this problem." (Click...) "Fix it yourself." (Well, words to that effect..)
When downloading acrobat reader in IE6 (I do this a lot, happens every time): "Internet Explorer has prevented this site from downloading potentially harmful files." (Appears BEHIND the file's download progress bar!) There's another one - think it's when testing shockwave - where it says that it prevented a pop-up from opening. Behind the popup of course...
There was also a bug where if you enabled anisotropic filtering on the graphics card control panel and opened a java app, it would apply a wicked motion blur to the application's text, getting more blurred towards the top right of the window! I have a screenshot of that somewhere, i'll see if i can get it on the net tomorrow.
43vbg355ghty5898944 etc.. etc..
43vbg355ghty5898944 etc.. etc..

not an error message, but a fun bit of engrish nonetheless..

Raina: Good to see another reason user around here. I think I got the same error in a slightly different version: 
This happened when I installed reason on a school computer and tried to start it. I'll see if I can find a zip file I have somewhere with a collection of errors I mailed to a swedish computer magazine a few years ago. (Some of them actually published in the magazine)

This happened when I installed reason on a school computer and tried to start it. I'll see if I can find a zip file I have somewhere with a collection of errors I mailed to a swedish computer magazine a few years ago. (Some of them actually published in the magazine)
Actually I'm not a Reason user. When I got access to a computer powerful enough to run Reason, I ran it, poked around for a while and then went "Argh, piano roll, what good is that for me and why do I need to click around with the mouse so much?!" Luckily I then remembered hearing the name Renoise once or thrice... ;)
The situation that caused this error message either occured during my short test run or I captured it on Kandy's machine. I have also been (somewhat inactively) collecting error messages for years now, too bad most of them (and especially the good ones) are in Finnish. Like the one where you typed a double backslash in the Start -> Run dialog on a Win9x machine and Windows would go something like "A remarkable error". :D
Well actually, here it is:

The situation that caused this error message either occured during my short test run or I captured it on Kandy's machine. I have also been (somewhat inactively) collecting error messages for years now, too bad most of them (and especially the good ones) are in Finnish. Like the one where you typed a double backslash in the Start -> Run dialog on a Win9x machine and Windows would go something like "A remarkable error". :D
Well actually, here it is:


hahaha that one totally pwnz :)
I was doing an assignment for university where i had to code simple programs for PIC-16F84 when i got this: