The random confucius thread
category: general [glöplog]
Confucius said: LOL
Confucius said: Too much randomness is bad for your health.
Confucius said: one demo a day keeps the doctor away.
Confucius said: Build cheap netcafes over the city for the people!!!
Confucius said: BASS!
Confucius of Google said: Mr. Optimus! We rather want to provide free WLAN widespread over the citys!
Confucius said: The origin of the pig is you.
Confucious say: Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.
(Authentic spam)
(Authentic spam)
Confucius said: The scene is just for fun but fun is not just for the scene!
What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.
Confucius said: STFU!
Confucius said: To make a mistake and not correct it—that, indeed, is a mistake.
What you do to others, you do not want done to yourself.
"All your base are belong to your spirit", said Confucius.
-"Whatever thing Confucius it's going to say is false", thus spake Zarathustra.
-"Zarathustra said the truth", said Confucius.
-"Zarathustra said the truth", said Confucius.
Confucius said: DIE
(cit. Duke Nukem Manhattan Project)
(cit. Duke Nukem Manhattan Project)
Confucius say: Die nitro2k01
Confucius said: Git-R-Done