How to ignore spammers like mahtiaivo
category: general [glöplog]
Since the faq isn't totaly clear about this I'll explain how to do this in Firefox. Maybe some other people could do this for other browsers as well.
Step 1)
Locate your userContent.css file.
Step 2)
Find the user id of the spammer you want to ignore. In this case we want to ignore mahtiaivo, so click or hover his avatar and you'll see the id (646) in the url.
Step 3)
Open the userContent.css file in a text editor and add the following lines:
If there are more than one users you want to ignore, just do something like:
Restart Firefox, and your life will suddenly be much more enjoyable.
Step 1)
Locate your userContent.css file.
Step 2)
Find the user id of the spammer you want to ignore. In this case we want to ignore mahtiaivo, so click or hover his avatar and you'll see the id (646) in the url.
Step 3)
Open the userContent.css file in a text editor and add the following lines:
See the user id in there? Replace that by the id of your lamer of[class="cite-646"]
If there are more than one users you want to ignore, just do something like:
Step 4)tr[class="cite-314159"]tr[class="cite-271828"]
Restart Firefox, and your life will suddenly be much more enjoyable.
Hmmz0rz, it's not until now I see that the fake user id's in sparcus' post is really the first decimals of pi and e... [-:
hmm empty thread
Empty thread? xxx in cite-xxx relates to user id's, not thread id's. And they're faked, yes.
haha you're such an idiot nitro :-D
up to ttl :)
up to ttl :)
not empty anymore :p
Anyway you forgot the coma between the CSS selectors in step 3)
Anyway you forgot the coma between the CSS selectors in step 3)
And all this is possible in Opera as well by creating/editing your user stylesheet in Preferences > Advanced > Content > Style[class="cite-314159"],
if nitro2k01 died, would it really matter?
just so you know.
just so you know.
Now you know everything.
Now you know everything.