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category: residue [glöplog]
Oh yeah!
He said:
1) It's not hacking
2) It's trying new possibilities
3) Implied: Hacking and trying new possibilities is not the same thing.
I said:
1) It's hacking (No I didn't actually make a statement about what this thread is, but I meant to say it is in fact hacking)
2) It's trying new possibilities (Same as 1)
3) Hacking and trying new possibilities is the same thing.
added on the 2006-09-02 01:41:57 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
i still think that picture rocks
added on the 2006-09-02 01:42:13 by dalezr dalezr
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:42:34 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:42:57 by zoom zoom
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:43:44 by Preacher Preacher
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:44:14 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
nitro: still, hacking implies that i am getting 0,05 euro from ps's bank account with every post [or cat picture] MHWUHUAHUWHUAHUAHUAHUAAA
added on the 2006-09-02 01:44:26 by el mal el mal
nitro: it's like saying "It's not cool, it's ubercool". But ubercool is still cool... Get it? :-)
added on the 2006-09-02 01:45:14 by sparcus sparcus
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:48:15 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
Fuck it, it's not worth wasting time on.
We'll just hang around in this "hidden" thread and post images of cats in bags, ok?
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:50:00 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
sure :-)

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added on the 2006-09-02 01:52:24 by sparcus sparcus
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:53:30 by zoom zoom
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:55:38 by sparcus sparcus
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:56:43 by el mal el mal
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(Insert arrow drawn with red 8px solid square shaped brush)
added on the 2006-09-02 01:57:59 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
Some make it:
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Some don't:
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added on the 2006-09-02 01:59:34 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
this thread that no one was supposed to be able to get into (i guess) is turning out to be the one of the most popular threads ever

here's a picture of a cat:
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:00:29 by Sverker Sverker
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:00:41 by el mal el mal
dude you cant even derail a thread properly...
added on the 2006-09-02 02:00:45 by Gargaj Gargaj
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:01:08 by zoom zoom
This is not a cat. This is not a picture of a cat. But almost.
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:02:00 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:03:35 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:03:41 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2006-09-02 02:05:11 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01


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