A I the ONLY scener that doesn't drink or smoke?
category: general [glöplog]
Smoking sucks but drinking is usually fun.
I'm not cool enough to smoke :(
i drink a bit - a few beers are nice,
not to get drunk.. for the taste. belgian beer is especially nice :)
also no smoking/drugs.. this view is religion based, but i totally agree with it - i don't feel i'm missing out on having hangovers or lung cancer...
not to get drunk.. for the taste. belgian beer is especially nice :)
also no smoking/drugs.. this view is religion based, but i totally agree with it - i don't feel i'm missing out on having hangovers or lung cancer...
i didn't know we have so many religious people around in the demoscene.
Am I the ONLY scener who uses heroin once a month on a purely recreational basis?
Am I the ONLY scener who uses heroin once a month on a purely recreational basis?
occasionally (5-6 times a year) i use cocaine,and of course i drink....i love Tequila!
Is there some scener who is really addicted to drugs?
I remember a post in an Italian demo related NG (Dixan or Pan,please help me) in which FroYd/Deathstar said that one Orange member was seriously addicted to heavy drugs...
i know a few active ones who snort cocain now and again. a couple others who were too much into speed for a while back, a few retired ones who were trickling with heroin issues for a while. and quite a few who cant live without weekly dosage of weed/hash. are those all hard drugs? i guess heroin can be considered one. luckily those heroin folks went into rehab and are now doing ok. cocain, speed and weed are abit easier to put in the back shelf for a while.
anyways, tpolm knows best don't do drugs kids! drugs are bad for you mmkay.
anyways, tpolm knows best don't do drugs kids! drugs are bad for you mmkay.
(italian digression)
ORB: ma chi diamine sei? -_-
(/italian digression)
ORB: ma chi diamine sei? -_-
(/italian digression)
ps: I think cocain and speed are hard drugs too, but so is alcohol (which shows why anti-drug laws are so absurd :-)
Hash/weed is a soft drug although it's getting stronger due to improved growing methods so some experts are suggesting that it should considered to be a hard drug as well.
Hash/weed is a soft drug although it's getting stronger due to improved growing methods so some experts are suggesting that it should considered to be a hard drug as well.
i hope nobody spreads old rumours!
Sparcus: Compared to losing a friend to heroin, alchohol is nothing.
Heroin sucks ASS and it may actually be less damaging to friends if, instead of doing heroin, people would just walk up to their friends, say "you made me do this" pull a gun out, stick it in their mouth, turn around and pull the trigger, splattering their friend with bits of skull and brain tissue.
I would have liked to have been given the choice of that rather than losing friends to heroin, quite honestly.
Alchohol is, in comparison, something we have methods of dealing with, going back centuries. The methods we have of dealing with heroin really should be 'forget person ever existed and just bury them' but that's impossible if they are a friend.
Heroin sucks.
Heroin sucks ASS and it may actually be less damaging to friends if, instead of doing heroin, people would just walk up to their friends, say "you made me do this" pull a gun out, stick it in their mouth, turn around and pull the trigger, splattering their friend with bits of skull and brain tissue.
I would have liked to have been given the choice of that rather than losing friends to heroin, quite honestly.
Alchohol is, in comparison, something we have methods of dealing with, going back centuries. The methods we have of dealing with heroin really should be 'forget person ever existed and just bury them' but that's impossible if they are a friend.
Heroin sucks.
(that is to say: while anti-drug laws may seem absurd, quite frankly, I'd rather have them in place so you can possibly get someone OFF heroin despite their refusal to do so, giving friends a tiny, tiny feeling after the loss that they TRIED to do something.
Somehow I sort of left that out, mainly because the thing I wanted to say was
Heroin sucks.
Somehow I sort of left that out, mainly because the thing I wanted to say was
Heroin sucks.
What about mushrooms?
Truck: Although I get your point, don't forget that *real* alcohol addiction is very ugly too. I have some family members who suffer from it and your advice of "better forget they exist" sounds way too familiar to me, unfortunately :-(
optimus: of which kind?
I don't know. I don't know much about these shit. What about Amanita Muscharia?
Hash/weed is a soft drug although it's getting stronger due to improved growing methods so some experts are suggesting that it should considered to be a hard drug as well.
Damn, is that old "drugs are many times more powerful than ten years ago" propaganda coming back in style? I first heard this in the mid-eighties. Then again in the mid-nineties. I suppose it's a ten-year cycle.
I remember one "documentary" we were shown in Jr. High School stating that LSD of today (meaning 1986) was hundreds of times more powerful than LSD of the sixties. Then I read the AADAC (Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission) pamplets we were handed that stated this was complete and utter bullshit. (It read something like this from their current website, but a little more in-depth: "Tolerance to LSD can develop very quickly. This means that after taking it for several days, no amount of the drug will produce the desired psychedelic effects. To feel them again, users must abstain for a few days.")
At any rate, I questioned this, but was told to "button up" and "quit causing trouble." No wonder I never did well in school...
optimus: well, there are the hallucinative kind and the kindadrunkstonedstate kind.. kindadrunkstonedstate kind i know a few sceners who are into them. not the hallu ones. dunno in which category amanita muscharia fits under, and im too lazy to google it up now.
thom, it's a fact that weed cultivation is getting more and more advanced and thus out of hand, and some stuff is simply not enjoyable anymore.
heroin sucks hard, as Trck reminded us... relating to my neighbourhood, for only one i've known to escape after heavy use, many more didn't make it :(
it's true that because of breeding new strains of cannabis can be more pontent than old ones, but this is a GOOD thing as it means you need to smoke less to achieve the desired state, which makes smoking more healthy (inhaling smoke is never healthy so you want to minimize the amount...)
tribe, nah, it sucks. because my desired state is not feeling like having a hammer hitten my head.
i prefer to smoke dmt.
thom: Well, it's especially the case with dutch cannabis (Nederwiet). In 1999 the average amount of THC in it was 8.9%, in 2004 it had already grown to 20.4%. This started a public discussion in the Netherlands about the question whether it was still ok to consider it to be a soft drug.
However, in 2005 the average amount of THC decreased again to about 17.7%.
For imported weed the average amount of THC has always been somewhere between 5-7%.
(Source: trimbos.nl)
However, in 2005 the average amount of THC decreased again to about 17.7%.
For imported weed the average amount of THC has always been somewhere between 5-7%.
(Source: trimbos.nl)
Wow! Almost as sucessful as my "David Hasselhoff" thread!
Bob Dylan introduced them to tea. And never forget.
Bob Dylan introduced them to tea. And never forget.