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please stop gay pics post

category: general [glöplog]
iam reading pouet.net at school computer room
and everybody starts to think that iam weirdo
because i watch gay pics at school.

thanks in advance.

yours sincerely

added on the 2002-11-21 13:56:17 by uns3en_ uns3en_
perhaps you are gay, and still in denial
Fuck th3 immatur3 sc3n3. G3t a wif3.You can fiddl3 with your own p3nis.
added on the 2002-11-21 15:09:21 by Wain Wain
i think i gotta join oreokillers...
added on the 2002-11-21 16:17:16 by uns3en_ uns3en_
hehe, unseen, I found that pic, (the gaypyramide)and added it to pouet in school, on my schoolcomputer, I also put it as background for a while in windows and showed it to some of my classmates. they liked it, very much. stop crying.... =) you are just afraid that ppl will think you are gay because you are really gay. I dont think ppl think im gay because I know im not and they dont think it either, maybe you should be true to yourself and accept that you are gay.
its all lost already...they already know my secret
identity as demoscener...

added on the 2002-11-21 17:02:00 by uns3en_ uns3en_
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i hate you all...
added on the 2002-11-21 17:09:30 by uns3en_ uns3en_
Wow, that's a pic I hadn't seen for a couple of weeks! =D
added on the 2002-11-21 19:15:11 by sprocket sprocket
what's worst enema showering or gayporn??

My girlfriend thought I was a sick pervert when this beautiful piece of ART revealed itself.

Please stop posting your personal masturbation pictures ( and all those f****n banners in other posts!)!
added on the 2002-11-21 20:05:56 by ekoli ekoli
i love that they felt the need to pixel out her vagina
ile: standard japanese pr0n policy.
added on the 2002-11-21 22:22:32 by moT moT
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added on the 2002-11-22 00:46:12 by cats cats


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