BcnParty 110
category: general [glöplog]
OCTOBER 13th 14th & 15th 2006
Welcome to the bcnparty, Spain's coolest demoparty, shining with good atmosphere and inquiring scene spirit!
Every year at bcnparty, hundreds of sceners coming from all corners of the world come together to share, enjoy and compete in the demoscene's true spirit. Three days of non-stop frenzy and oozing creativity in a great location, the heart of Barcelona.
Here is a list of the compos that will take place at bcnparty this year:
Intro 64k
Intro 4k
2D graphics
3D graphics
Tracked music
Streamed music (MP3 / OGG)
Chiptune compo
Vintage Demo
One day Vintage CODE
Wild compo
Fast compos (Fast Music - Fast Graphics - Fast Code)
For more information and pre-registration please visit
Welcome to the bcnparty, Spain's coolest demoparty, shining with good atmosphere and inquiring scene spirit!
Every year at bcnparty, hundreds of sceners coming from all corners of the world come together to share, enjoy and compete in the demoscene's true spirit. Three days of non-stop frenzy and oozing creativity in a great location, the heart of Barcelona.
Here is a list of the compos that will take place at bcnparty this year:
Intro 64k
Intro 4k
2D graphics
3D graphics
Tracked music
Streamed music (MP3 / OGG)
Chiptune compo
Vintage Demo
One day Vintage CODE
Wild compo
Fast compos (Fast Music - Fast Graphics - Fast Code)
For more information and pre-registration please visit
i got my plane ticket already \o/
Phook... 2 weeks earlier...
I might not make it this time, I'll see what I can do.
I might not make it this time, I'll see what I can do.
You forgot to emphasize that the website is up and running \o/
(Nice website this time guys!)
(Nice website this time guys!)
yeah... they really took in account my sugerences... :)
AAAUGH how on earth can I make all these parties... I so dearly want to come but I know there's no way I can make Sundown, X, and TUM _AND_ BCN _AND_ Inercia _AND_ Function, and, oh for crying out loud...
Can you move the party to January? that would rule!
Can you move the party to January? that would rule!
but truck, then how will you make Nullarbor? o.o
THAT I have to plan for well in advance. Like, integrate it with the trip to Japan.
Thanks for overlapping with X, now I can't come :(
i should probably start thinking of buying my ticket or figuring out who can drive there....
is it possible to send prods without being physically in the party? warning: i don't care about the prize money, just in case... :P
I second sole.
just want my prod being shown on big screen and hopefully people enjoy it
just want my prod being shown on big screen and hopefully people enjoy it
I really love money, too bad that I suck :(
I will probably have an exam on that saturday, so it will take a will for me to confirm my presence :(
I will probably have an exam on that saturday, so it will take a will for me to confirm my presence :( for cheap flights in spain and portugal. too lazy for bbcode
I also wonder if it's posible to release without being there. (Mainly because I don't want the dutch people to win again, and I don't want to go to the party either (I was enough time in Spain this year)).
trace: yeah bring back the minimal animal demos!
Trace appears to forget a conversation over dinner at PMP this year :'(
Wasn't it about doing the worst prod ever?

define "vintage" :)
Well, for the vintage demo compo we allow prods running on 8 or 16 bits platforms...
what about the remote entries?
still no reply :P
still no reply :P
damn you! and damn your cool city & cheap beer! I want to go there.. :( I want to go there.. :(
ok, more questions about the vintage compo:
"Your production has to work on the original machine, without not commercial expansions." (let's just ignore the typo for now..)
Does this mean no 512k mem-expansion for a500?
"Your production has to work on the original machine, without not commercial expansions." (let's just ignore the typo for now..)
Does this mean no 512k mem-expansion for a500?