why Kewlers stop the scene ?
category: residue [glöplog]
lets build our own guantanamo!!!
how... fitting :)
how... fitting :)
why they quit the scene? because they don't have any more good ideas... they are rotating abstract objects inside a tunel like the others now... innovation! o wait that was a tribute!! oh.. innovation!! X')
Flt! please, keep saving the scene!
Flt! please, keep saving the scene!
i wanted to comment but i'm too busy reading compiler help.
Kewlers last demo should've been an endless sine-scroller with starfield background and copper bars.
A bit hard to be motivated to be innovative when all the response you get is "wtf, this isn't variform 2".
Also, if the last demo had contained nothing but a camera flying trough a city, maybe people would have gotten the point better..
Also, if the last demo had contained nothing but a camera flying trough a city, maybe people would have gotten the point better..
i think you are overrating the whole concept of "the point" a bit right there now.
leijaa, flt already did that too ;)
because they have understood that real life is better than typing over a keyboard / using a mouse making demos for 3000 people in the world watching them.


Because they do it the organical way in real life! :) Wish them lot of fun by doing this. :)
Well, I'd rather love to see a comeback of LAZER than the big hype about Kewlers on every party over and over again...
comeback of LAZER or AVENA ;)
Everyone got the same junk: motherboards, processors that don't fit the motherboards, cordless mice and keyboards, finger print scanners etc. Most of us got that stuff already and/or don't need it. The only decent prizes that i know of, went to the compo winners (laptops and a projector) which are relatively easy to sell, unlike the other stuff.
Then again, the decent prizes are actually useful and not necessarily sold, as opposed to 1 year old games and Microsoft "I require 4 different service packs and an IR reciever" keyboards :/
The question is not "why?" but "why now?" Their death was already announced at brechpunktparty 2005 in a scroller:
Now it's time for a special Kewlers' fuckings-section. BIG FUCKINGS fly to Kewlers because they suck! Enough with the fuckings, it's time to send some luv to the people we love: EP and Adok <3 <3 <3 Keep up the good work boys. And last but not least, a special announcement: Kewlers is DEAD!!!!1 Oh well, that's about it. :)
A bit hard to be motivated to be innovative when all the response you get is "wtf, this isn't variform 2".
Pretty hardcore coming from the dame who dates an appendage of the kewlers entity...
Farbrausch has the same stigma with fr-025 , and you don't see them throwing themselves in a ditch every time they release something.
I think the saucer came early. Period.
kewlers are more popular than .the populardemo!
wtf do people need a whole thread for this? i mean, there seem to be enough hints to answer the question in 1995, or maybe i mistook something. ;-)
btw, all the best for what you'll do in the future guys.
btw, all the best for what you'll do in the future guys.