American Demoscene
category: general [glöplog]
Americans are not interested in the scene because it's a refined, intellctual past-time. Let's not forget, they literally have no brains. "They're stupid - stupid!"
As for Canadians being "substitute Americans" well they're not! Let's not forget who pw0ns the Canadian region - France! Canadians - generally - are a lot more intelligent than yanks.
As for Canadians being "substitute Americans" well they're not! Let's not forget who pw0ns the Canadian region - France! Canadians - generally - are a lot more intelligent than yanks.
which could lead into a diatrabe about the quality of math education in the US
There's an issue about that here in Portugal too, but in my opinion the education is great, but the kids are simply to dumb and stupid.
According to tv series our math education is WAY MORE advanced than your's ;)
And to follow. We've got math that's as good as your math.
panamerican scene dominates ^^
Panamerican scene is dead -- it was run over by an SUV.
the pan am scene died in 1991. :(
Fuckings to Canada for bitching at us for YEARS that they were just as American as we were, then deciding it wasn't appropriate after a building got mashed into. You don't get that from Mexico. And where the hell are the Delabu Alama guys anyway? (Yes, there were Mexican sceners who won parties back in the late 90's with their demos, despite not having parties of their own.)
That out of the way.
There are sceners in all parts of the US, with the exception of Utah. I've talked to folks in as remote places such as New Mexico; small town Oregon hosted some; Chicago had a thriving community once and then there is C attle and the Akron scene, which oddly may have had a ton of influence on hornet and so on. Phoenix, Basehead... hell, if I'm not mistaken, an American just teamed up with a Spaniard and won Euskal...
Ignore distance. Work on things you enjoy, and make friends with folks.
Remember Pouet != scene and scne != Pouet.
Canada needs to have another demoparty, Montreal would be good. I said that on ASM TV today, and I didn't even know this thread was up.
Anyway, no, you don't have to move to Europe to be an active member of the demoscene. It does make it a HELL of a lot easier to get to a lot of parties. And the scene IS social. Go to a party sometime, plan it and go. Work on things before that, and above all, have fun while working. Get something out of it for yourself and hope that someone else enjoys it too.
Oh, and, um - learn how to spot trolls, cuz it's fun to troll Americans. We fall for so much shit (: Learn how to laugh at yourself and not take everything seriously, and know when to make a point and when to back off. And be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. That sucks ASS.
Wait wait wait - no, ignore all that. The way to be a scener in the US is to send me the Arrogant Bastard and Clam Chowder. New England Clam Chowder, and Arrogant Bastard. Send to Truck, and you'll get my "yes I am a scener" verification stamp.
That out of the way.
There are sceners in all parts of the US, with the exception of Utah. I've talked to folks in as remote places such as New Mexico; small town Oregon hosted some; Chicago had a thriving community once and then there is C attle and the Akron scene, which oddly may have had a ton of influence on hornet and so on. Phoenix, Basehead... hell, if I'm not mistaken, an American just teamed up with a Spaniard and won Euskal...
Ignore distance. Work on things you enjoy, and make friends with folks.
Remember Pouet != scene and scne != Pouet.
Canada needs to have another demoparty, Montreal would be good. I said that on ASM TV today, and I didn't even know this thread was up.
Anyway, no, you don't have to move to Europe to be an active member of the demoscene. It does make it a HELL of a lot easier to get to a lot of parties. And the scene IS social. Go to a party sometime, plan it and go. Work on things before that, and above all, have fun while working. Get something out of it for yourself and hope that someone else enjoys it too.
Oh, and, um - learn how to spot trolls, cuz it's fun to troll Americans. We fall for so much shit (: Learn how to laugh at yourself and not take everything seriously, and know when to make a point and when to back off. And be yourself. Don't try to be someone else. That sucks ASS.
Wait wait wait - no, ignore all that. The way to be a scener in the US is to send me the Arrogant Bastard and Clam Chowder. New England Clam Chowder, and Arrogant Bastard. Send to Truck, and you'll get my "yes I am a scener" verification stamp.
Fuckings to Canada for bitching at us for YEARS that they were just as American
Huh? Canada's greatest (and lamest) source of "National Pride" is not being American. Has been for almost a century.
Except Utah? Isn't that where Pilgrimage is?
Well if anyone wants to organize a Montreal party, I'd be glad to help out. But I don't know how to initiate anything like that, and I don't have enough ties in the scene to even know if there's anyone left who would come.
Seems that's part of the problem with the US scene. People here tend to think that you "outgrow" the demoscene. I guess people do, but here the cutoff age is like 22. People generally don't consider themselves to have time for the scene after that. They just get jobs, and spend all their time on that, and it's over.
Well if anyone wants to organize a Montreal party, I'd be glad to help out. But I don't know how to initiate anything like that, and I don't have enough ties in the scene to even know if there's anyone left who would come.
Seems that's part of the problem with the US scene. People here tend to think that you "outgrow" the demoscene. I guess people do, but here the cutoff age is like 22. People generally don't consider themselves to have time for the scene after that. They just get jobs, and spend all their time on that, and it's over.
Weren't the canadians merely pointing out the stupidity of hijacking the word Americans as if all the other countries were not on the same damn whole continent
draft: According to Richard Lynn, the average IQ of the population is higher in the USA than in France.
(I mean according to his most recent survey, which unfortunately is not published on the web yet)
yesso: why, yes, yes it is! Pilgrimage is in Utah. Shame there aren't any sceners there in Utah...
As for ties to who'd come, talk to Keops and Phoenix and myself, and hell, just start with a pubmeet. See who shows up, see who's interested in doing what, and gradually build up the ability to host something.
!= : yes. that's EXACTLY what they USED to do, and then, post 9/11, it was "NO, we NEVER did that." And, yes, they used to give us whole rations of shit for hijacking the term. Which, indeed, is wrong; we're NOT the only nation on the two continents. It's why some of us switched to referring to ourselves as 'the states.'
As for ties to who'd come, talk to Keops and Phoenix and myself, and hell, just start with a pubmeet. See who shows up, see who's interested in doing what, and gradually build up the ability to host something.
!= : yes. that's EXACTLY what they USED to do, and then, post 9/11, it was "NO, we NEVER did that." And, yes, they used to give us whole rations of shit for hijacking the term. Which, indeed, is wrong; we're NOT the only nation on the two continents. It's why some of us switched to referring to ourselves as 'the states.'
Well, I guess the whole outcry was misguided anyway, since the term is prevalently used outside to refer to statesunians. It would be tiring for a canadian to be blamed for random invasions and colonization of countries.
Adok, since you brought it up.
Leon Kamin had this to say about Richard Lynn:
Richard Lynn is heavily sponsored by the Pioneer Fund, a very questionable organisation.
Leon Kamin had this to say about Richard Lynn:
Lynn's distortions and misrepresentations of the data constitute a truly venomous racism, combined with scandalous disregard for scientific objectivity. Lynn is widely known among academics to be an associate editor of the racist journal "Mankind Quarterly" and a major recipient of financial support from the nativist, eugenically oriented Pioneer Fund.
Richard Lynn is heavily sponsored by the Pioneer Fund, a very questionable organisation.
Adok posting about some racist fuckhead? I'm not very surprised..
yeah, adok likes to bring IQ stuff up. i don't know why, let me think... oh yeah, he made some dubious test and he got high marks, and would like to remember THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD AND THE INTARWEB about it.
Who cares about all this pro/anti american retarded shit... how about making some demos already?
Perhaps you will begin to care when they decide France needs to be invaded? When they flatten YOUR home and destroy YOUR life and kill YOUR family. how will you have the equipment and leisure-time needed to live a carefree life and enjoy the pleasures of Scene activities then?
oh, and incase anyone doesn't get the point: the REAL reason ppl detest the Americans is not because of their inferior intellect. I can live with idiots. but idiots governed by evil-minded war-profiteering maniacs with powerful weapons and the ability to destroy people's lives are a different matter.
oh, and incase anyone doesn't get the point: the REAL reason ppl detest the Americans is not because of their inferior intellect. I can live with idiots. but idiots governed by evil-minded war-profiteering maniacs with powerful weapons and the ability to destroy people's lives are a different matter.
Who cares about all this pro/anti american retarded shit... how about making some demos already?

Sparcus: Leon Kamin, on the other hands, claims that IQ is not hereditable at all. That's nonsense, too. At least IQ is partially genetically determined. Think of Down syndrome, for example; it is a genetic disease and it implies a far below average IQ.
All these interpretations are dubious. Only facts count. If somebody measures a representative sample of say 10 % of the American population and a representative sample of an equal amount of the French population and compares their IQ, that's okay.
All these interpretations are dubious. Only facts count. If somebody measures a representative sample of say 10 % of the American population and a representative sample of an equal amount of the French population and compares their IQ, that's okay.