Most Sexy Scener Awards
category: general [glöplog]
I just couldn't resist doing this...


It has to be Dr.beard!
xernobyl: Someone posted a picture by Delilah into this thread. She is a goth girl.
xernobyl: And you also might want to check out...
(I just chose these because I didn't want to link to individual girls' LJs.)
(I just chose these because I didn't want to link to individual girls' LJs.)
Goth girls \o/

Of course my favourite is number #1 (hehe :)), but #2 and #3 also look very decent.
Adok: I may have opened the wrong links inside but I didn't see any real good looking girl. Goth persons are way too religious for me. And they take to much care with how they look.. They make up their faces white with dark shadows arround the eyes and look all the same. You can't see if they're pretty or not!
They may have good looking bodys, but that's just a quarter of what's needed.
They may have good looking bodys, but that's just a quarter of what's needed.
BTW, if I happen to find something that I like I'll post here.
xernobyl: Well, my impression is that there are two types of goth chicks. One type looks very good in this style, while the other looks very bad. IMHO it depends very much on the girl's aesthetic taste, whether she chooses the right clothings and the right make-up, etc. Every girl needs a different set of clothes and make-up.
Adok: There are more than two kind of people, but here's two: Ugly girls with money, and pretty girls without money.
xernobyl: Which of these two types do you prefer?
oh btw,
Sorry, but... WHAT?
Goth persons are way too religious for me
Sorry, but... WHAT?
Maybe xernobyl means superstitious?
What kb_ said.
earx is gonna label everyone and is gonna spit some bile in your faces!
xernobyl probably didn't mean that goths are religious but that pure goths are all esoteric wankers (mystics). which is a fact. this kind of mysticism doesn't affect most of the industrial/electro-goth types but they seem equally intent on spending too much time on their appearance and hating mainstream society in general. another aspect is that both groups are essentially bourgeois. with that i mean that they have a set of unwritten rules like a dresscode. this also goes for a lists of movies/books/records you are supposed to have heard of. but luckily for the extreme elitist bourgeois goths there is always a drunk person in white with no shoes who occasionally drops by a goth venue. joy!
but in terms of hospitality, goths aren't the worst kind of folk: racist skinheads or straight edgers are much worse. also, headbangers often also known for their elitism (especially black metal). and don't forget chamber orchestra folk: you gotta hate 'em.
in terms of music taste, the average goths (mostly not the elite ones) are suprisingly gullable. they accept everything with enough "darkness" in it, even if it is done without originality, talent or effort. huge groups liking lacrimosa is a good example. without any criticism huge flocks of goths accept this kind of cliche feel-bad trash, almost comparable in quality to the worst tracks from the top 40. seen in this light, an average goth party turns into a discotheque, with the only difference being ppl wearing black instead white t-shirt and jeans. hell, ppl just wanna get laid.
when i comes to drugs this scene is largely allergic (luckily!) to hard drugs. you are much more likely to find junkies in techno- and top40 loving crowds. this is my experience at least, and probably one of the more positive experiences.
now to get to the point: yes, goth/rivethead chicks can look damn fine! but some indeed spend way too long behind the mirror. sorry, 3 hours is too much waiting for me. i now settle for a gf with 1 hour or so. ;) anyway, i still have to see the first (or second/third after the pics in this thread) goth girl in the demoscene.
eh.. phew.. =)
xernobyl probably didn't mean that goths are religious but that pure goths are all esoteric wankers (mystics). which is a fact. this kind of mysticism doesn't affect most of the industrial/electro-goth types but they seem equally intent on spending too much time on their appearance and hating mainstream society in general. another aspect is that both groups are essentially bourgeois. with that i mean that they have a set of unwritten rules like a dresscode. this also goes for a lists of movies/books/records you are supposed to have heard of. but luckily for the extreme elitist bourgeois goths there is always a drunk person in white with no shoes who occasionally drops by a goth venue. joy!
but in terms of hospitality, goths aren't the worst kind of folk: racist skinheads or straight edgers are much worse. also, headbangers often also known for their elitism (especially black metal). and don't forget chamber orchestra folk: you gotta hate 'em.
in terms of music taste, the average goths (mostly not the elite ones) are suprisingly gullable. they accept everything with enough "darkness" in it, even if it is done without originality, talent or effort. huge groups liking lacrimosa is a good example. without any criticism huge flocks of goths accept this kind of cliche feel-bad trash, almost comparable in quality to the worst tracks from the top 40. seen in this light, an average goth party turns into a discotheque, with the only difference being ppl wearing black instead white t-shirt and jeans. hell, ppl just wanna get laid.
when i comes to drugs this scene is largely allergic (luckily!) to hard drugs. you are much more likely to find junkies in techno- and top40 loving crowds. this is my experience at least, and probably one of the more positive experiences.
now to get to the point: yes, goth/rivethead chicks can look damn fine! but some indeed spend way too long behind the mirror. sorry, 3 hours is too much waiting for me. i now settle for a gf with 1 hour or so. ;) anyway, i still have to see the first (or second/third after the pics in this thread) goth girl in the demoscene.
eh.. phew.. =)
i didn't know scamp was a goth girl
Well, then just come to some German demo party (e.g. Breakpoint or TUM) - more than 50 % of the girls you'll meet there are goths.anyway, i still have to see the first (or second/third after the pics in this thread) goth girl in the demoscene.
Or check out:
and the two already mentioned ones
- all of these are demosceners and goth girls in personal union.
jeenio: he's pretty good at hiding it, but not good enough for me :)
earx: and as always, this has some grains of truth in it but describes only a fraction of the (.nl) goth scene. Others' mileages do vary. Massively. But nice attempt at trolling ;)
earx: and as always, this has some grains of truth in it but describes only a fraction of the (.nl) goth scene. Others' mileages do vary. Massively. But nice attempt at trolling ;)
Or check out:
since when celeth is a girl? oO
kb_: ah, shit, i forgot about all the harddrugs in .de ;)
adok: will i lower myself to surfing through livejournals today??? you bet! *GG*
adok: will i lower myself to surfing through livejournals today??? you bet! *GG*
Adok: A certain part of your last post made me chuckle, I just don't know why exactly it did, nor do I want to know it.
earx: Huh? Sorry, didn't listen, I'm still busy ROTFLing over an ATARI SCENER calling other ppl ELITIST :)
nitro: Trying to fill Optimus' shoes, are we?
i feel that /|\ vs C= vs PC vs BASS vibe coming on ;))