Quotes from God
category: general [glöplog]
"There's only one God. But that's not me."
Thou shall have no other gods before me (but i can have all the ones that i want after, right?
I am your god, a jealus god (jealous at whom? )
I am your god, a jealus god (jealous at whom? )
"I am what I am"
"Goddammit i'm too bored to continue this world game."
"Ichirin no hanaa"
"Leave me alone!"
"Took 7 days of coding - still unfinished & somehow sucks - here it is anyways....live on it.."
"What the fuck, let's do it all again on c64! Who needs all those fancy colors anyway??"
"fuckings to satana"
"I am an atomic playboy!"
"My realtime raytracer and physics are better than yours"
"i invented your scientists who invented electricity?
"Women, they were just a partyprod"
"4 8 15 16 23 42"
"... only a piggy from me for this 7days prod called 'world' !"
"I am Chuck Norris"
"I am leet"
"I am lost"
"I am gay"
"I didn't do any of it, it must have been some other god?"
"My brain hurts!!!"
Thus God finished the Rhein- Ruhr- Area on the 6h day stating:
"Essen is' fertig !"
"Essen is' fertig !"
hail satan
"Wow, thrilling to see my 'sheep' slaughtering each other just because I spread more aliases of myself among them...muahaha...jerks"