i'm going to join the scene.
category: general [glöplog]
It looks like fun!
I'll bring the booze!
sorry! my english is shit! welcome! this is pouet.net, the main headquaters of the demoscene! don't be afraid, pouet.net is full of annoying people! they will post sex pictures and mock you! but it's fun! welcome!
you forgot the posting of swastikized pics
pouet bbs is the public sewer of the demoscene where sceners let off whatever excess they have in them. not quite the headquarters! ;]
that, and the occasional display of cluelessness, yeah.
![BB Image](http://www.itsallabouttheflag.us/Join%20or%20Die.jpg)
pouet has been doomed to become pouet since its launch with such a pouet name !
wtf was analogue thinking :D
wtf was analogue thinking :D
the scene is dead! long live the almighty bunghole!
Reminder: pouët != scene && scene != pouët
Reminder: demoscene = scene && scene != demoscene
and here all this time I thought = was an equivalence relation...