fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
this ranked 1st \o/
done and congrats. :)
Better screenshot for this one: 
friol: upload that screenshot to imageshack, imgur or whatever, the current link doesn't work.
friol: upload that screenshot to imageshack, imgur or whatever, the current link doesn't work.
Here it is: 

My full HD and full speed videos for DOS prods, add/update please!
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
Youtube for this prod.
I replaced the screenshot, yt links will be done later (by me, unless some other gloperator decides to do it) ;)
macosx port of chevrolet :
changed from
changed from
Edit again: fuck youtube, the reupload stucked in processing, also happenned with 2 more attempts in different formats. So go ahead with the first link I posted above. :) kthxbye
all done except for marsel84's long list of j00t00bs. :)
what about my previous post!
Done, but next time please number those links. Right now it's easy to get confused.
Could you also add Windows as one the platforms for No more progress. Thanks!
I could and did. :)