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3D acceleration kills the demoscene

category: offtopic [glöplog]
i find it absurd that this many people actually answered to this discussion. i personally find it childish/lame to exclaim that some piece of hardware kills the scene.

stop complaining, start producing.
I don't know about the coding, but I can tell you that 3d-demos
provide some really bad habits. There is some groups out
there that can create som kick azz 3d-prods. But for those
groups that can't: "Don't even try!". Do as skarab tells you:
. Stick to great design an 2d. It WILL get boring otherwise.
I think I have fallen asleep at least 3 times, watching boring 3d demos.

I pledge to ya' all: "Please don't bring trends into the scene,
3d sure isn't all!"

If you don't agree, I will call you bad things.
added on the 2002-10-16 16:25:10 by superfrog superfrog
shut the whining, og I'll kill the demoscene!
added on the 2002-10-16 16:27:17 by kusma kusma
first thing... I don't whine.
second thing... not caring = shit prods
third thing... this is serious (?)
fourth thing... I live in a tree
added on the 2002-10-16 16:56:56 by superfrog superfrog
shitty prods suck, not hw accel.

there were lame sw rendered stuffz too, and everybody complained that "fast computers kill the demoscene" and that "windows kills the demoscene" and that "my girlfriend kills the demoscene"...

none of'em is true. just the whining...
added on the 2002-10-16 17:32:02 by FooLman FooLman
homos are attacking the demoscene.
seek cover.
added on the 2002-10-16 17:50:08 by superplek superplek
I am the scene.
added on the 2002-10-16 19:16:37 by steffo steffo
Time to be lame, lamer most lame..

Some things spoiling demoscene:

1. Windows, Linux, Java etc. You have to make different versions of your demos.
2. Different speeds of x86 machines. You cannot really show how cool and optimized your code is when tomorrow you'll get a couple of more megaherz.
3. 3d and 2d accelerators. If one has a faster accelerator or nonaccelerated the other has more features and the rest have something else who would you please? - yourself ofcourse and pals next to you etc.
4. Lack of opensource demorunning system which runs on x86 micros, limits the speed, resourses and gives you only limited capabilities to run demos (well we have windows xx and linux xivyz... versios to do that..)

But the demoscene will survive as this site clearly shows.
"But the demoscene will survive as this site clearly shows."

what the hell are you talking about? name one thread worth reading on this site. rather visit totalkaos.de
added on the 2002-10-17 22:05:52 by hooligan hooligan
now is it dead already?
added on the 2002-10-18 09:54:26 by delta delta
this is stupid. what indication says that the scene will die. fuck ya' all!
added on the 2002-10-18 10:58:10 by superfrog superfrog
whatever was born, must die sooner or later.
this is pure philosophy, you can't argue with it. :)
added on the 2002-10-18 11:21:48 by FooLman FooLman
hah! but see. I don't think the scene was actually born.
I think it slowly grow bigger from the ground.
just like a tree.

I should know about trees. I'm living in a one. :)
added on the 2002-10-18 12:49:34 by superfrog superfrog
FooLman, you know very little of philosophy, now don't you?

added on the 2002-10-18 13:37:24 by steffo steffo
stefancrs it's not about my knowledge in philosophy (which is very little to be precise on the matter), its about dumbass answer for a dumbass question.

Anyway, let's talk about philosophy!

-Do all philosophers have an 's' in them?
added on the 2002-10-18 14:32:45 by FooLman FooLman
yes, all philosophers have an ass.
added on the 2002-10-18 14:52:21 by sagacity sagacity
They are the discussions as that which slows down the scene (or which kills it). The 3d acceleration especially makes possible to have result much faster than in the past. And this time of dev decreases over the make-ready time of a demo. Stop to waste this so invaluable time, to code, to graph, to made musics, to made demo.
The 3d acceleration (easier than the software) makes it possible more world to make demo. More group = more demos = more productions of worse quality.
The last thing is that in the past, there was not the simplicity of Internet to communicate or find information. Also there is much less exchange between the various groups what does not allow any more one continuous evolution of the general quality of the scene.
added on the 2002-10-19 11:36:39 by cykocator cykocator
They are the discussions as that which slows down the scene (or which kills it). The 3d acceleration especially makes it possible to have result much faster than in the past.
And this time of dévellopement decreases over the make-ready time of a demonstration. Stop wasting this so invaluable time, coding, grapher, made musics, made demonstrations.
The 3d acceleration (easier than the software) makes it possible more world to make demonstrations. More world = more demonstrations = more productions of worse quality. The last thing is that in the past, there was not the simplicity of Internet to communicate or find information.
Also there is much less exchange between the various groups what does not allow any more one continuous evolution of the general quality of the demonstrations.
added on the 2002-10-19 11:39:13 by cykocator cykocator
They are the discussions as that which slows down the scene (or which kills it). The 3d acceleration especially makes it possible to have result much faster than in the past.
And this time of dévellopement decreases over the make-ready time of a demonstration. Stop wasting this so invaluable time, coding, grapher, made musics, made demonstrations.
Code: The 3d acceleration (easier than the software) makes it possible more world to make demonstrations. More world = more demonstrations = more productions of worse quality. The last thing is that in the past, there was not the simplicity of Internet to communicate or find information. Also there is much less exchange between the various groups what does not allow any more one continuous evolution of the general quality of the demonstrations.
added on the 2002-10-19 11:40:19 by cykocator cykocator
old surehand beseitigt 3d demos!
added on the 2002-11-17 17:29:42 by oner oner
the internet continues to amaze :(
added on the 2002-11-17 17:55:54 by superplek superplek
added on the 2002-11-18 08:41:36 by stil stil
i'm gonna smack the next person who starts a "Demoscene is dying because of ...". In the face. Hard as well.
added on the 2002-11-18 13:39:56 by thorsten thorsten
oeh.. a thread, that is.
added on the 2002-11-18 13:40:24 by thorsten thorsten
i honestly don't understand why people care so much if someone else uses a different platform from what they would use. while i fail to be impressed by windows demos, i still view the accelerator as a valuable research tool so i don't have to fuck around with boring, tedious code if i want to see whether or not an idea is actually feasible.
added on the 2002-11-18 17:10:23 by evilgeek evilgeek


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