Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
aser, of course you have a point, but i can't help noticing that you're in fact just shooting the messenger. sure thing, no need to post awful things here, even this thread is part of a demoscene board. but horrible things happen and that's not proteque's doing. or, well, most of it :D
Sorry :)
oh, Cute !
skrebbel: well yeah you're right. something just snapped when i saw this... it was just so mean and cruel and sad. like you said it isn't proteques fault stuff like that happens.
and proteque: sry for cursing at you like this. regretted it the moment i posted...
and proteque: sry for cursing at you like this. regretted it the moment i posted...
stuff like that happens.sadly yes. sadly that its postet on pouet...i still remember the microwave'd cat.
we love you proteque <3
...Never been so much fun...
...Never been so much fun...
fuck off proteque!
virgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll <3
...and again...