BITS threaten me with Law and Justice
category: general [glöplog]
what keops said
this whole thread is just sad.
Preacher: the stubborn troll being SoLo, not you, although... ;)
now that the compo is cancelled, everybody will send their BITS demo into the demo compo! (including SoLo, i guess)
Thanks for removing the shit compo.
BITS produce actually old school style.
Thanks for removing the shit compo.
BITS produce actually old school style.
solo: did you like my bitburger photoshop? you can use it in your next pc demo without copyright issues!

OK. Right, I never intended to provoke such ire from people, nor did I want to hurt anyones feelings or pull any cheap PR stunts for Sundown - honestly, not much thought went into it.
The legal threat I received I thought was rather funny at the time, and that's the only reason I posted it.
In hindsight it was a bad decision to post the e-mail and set up the competition in the first place, and I take full responsibility for it.
Whether Herman Samso is real, or an elaborate troll effort is certainly food for thought, but I'm willing to consider the possibility that he could be a slightly misguided guy with good intentions, and as such I'm cancelling the BITS competition out of respect for that.
Whether he is real or not, Im sad that you pulled the comp because of this fucking idiot.
I had already coded my own bits tribute for the party, admittedly it didn't suck shit as much as Solos own stuff but I was looking forward to the party.
In making legal threats Solo shows (yet again) that he is a cunt and shows no scene spirit and I'm sad that you caved in so easily Rc55. Respect to you for organising Sundown and for being my friend, just a real let down that someone who will never attend a demo party can have this influence on one.
/me starts on a Preacher fucktro in a BITS style.
So Preacher and Keito are definitely part of "Bits" !
coders make legal threads.
Megadrama 2000!
I'll be seriously pissed off if it turns out solo is a person.
I'll be seriously pissed off if it turns out solo is a person.
Actually what Preacher said made me wonder who I am?
Being bullied in school is something I went through too. When it's directed towards me I react but when it was directed towards others I didn't cared and sometimes enjoyed watching as I wasn't the target. Well, I don't say I ever enjoyed watching when some people were beating the crap out of somebody (that made me angry), but mostly in other cases where bullying was more of this kind of form, making fun of someone. Yet when someone in the scene made fun of me I wasn't happy. But the same didn't occurred when I have seen about the bits compo.
Today I wondered about myself and felt a little sad..
Being bullied in school is something I went through too. When it's directed towards me I react but when it was directed towards others I didn't cared and sometimes enjoyed watching as I wasn't the target. Well, I don't say I ever enjoyed watching when some people were beating the crap out of somebody (that made me angry), but mostly in other cases where bullying was more of this kind of form, making fun of someone. Yet when someone in the scene made fun of me I wasn't happy. But the same didn't occurred when I have seen about the bits compo.
Today I wondered about myself and felt a little sad..
The BITS collective is proud of you Optimus!
Optimus PWNS Bits though, I remember his BP prod, it was funny because I thought it was okay, but Optimus used the screen space to moan about how he didn't think he was good enough etc etc.
If Optimus wanted to win, he just needs to keep coding and stop talking so much.
If Optimus wanted to win, he just needs to keep coding and stop talking so much.
rc55: how about organizing a SHITS compo instead? That way everybody will be happy and lawyers won't make huge moneys on the demoscene's back!
I said I cancelled the BITS competition, I didn't say that people couldn't submit what they wanted to. :)
i promise that at the next party i organize there will be a BITS - compo.
preacher, i thought you would've been smart enough to not go protecting some lame troll. well, maybe not so lame as it has been quite successfull one, but a troll anyway.
preacher, i thought you would've been smart enough to not go protecting some lame troll. well, maybe not so lame as it has been quite successfull one, but a troll anyway.
since when do we need special compos to produce shit ?
Based on the colorschemes in bits demos, I'd say that they're dutch, and okkie, you seem to know a awful lot about this, and maali made a too alike image!
rc55: lamer.
It had to be said.
It had to be said.
quisten, the Dutch scene is way too busy to pretend to be a spanish loner on pouet!
### too busy, what okkie said ###