What is demoscene about, according to you?
category: residue [glöplog]
she has seen enough misery in life to compose the most beautiful blues songs!
The code, the gfx and the music and what you feel about these three separately and combined.
S7UPH that has been done.
demoscene is about unconditionally hating facebook
Jeszcze Scena nie zginela, kiedy Hugi zyje! :)
Adok: this is wrong in so many places... That includes you not realising how wrong this is.
Its about having revenge, in cold blood.
God Save The Scene!
Sie ist tot, Jim.
demoscene is about blackjack, and hookers!
Unity and Justice and Liberty for the Scene!
ataris and strippers!
more beer
Its about frying bacon at 2AM in the party.
Beer and more beer.
Last person to ever post in this thread wins!
To be fair, whether that survey was wrong or not, most people I saw at the last few parties I attended were indeed in their thirties or close to that, including my friends and myself. Many were significantly older, but the same time there were almost no teenagers (well, other than the Assembly crowd) so the distribution was, at least anecdotally, certainly not too much in favor of the younger side. Though I guess it depends on what one's definition of 'youth' is.
I wrote lots of text (as always), then hit some weird key-combo and been back to the browser-session as it was half an hour ago! ;) (i wasn´t even finished with my
"new WallOfText = WallOfText(String.Infinity);"
And some old Tabs where back all of a sudden! Vivaldi rulez, but i wonder what key-combo caused this, haha!)
What i tried to say was:
Demoscene is to me like my entire Life as a Punkrocker is:
It´s all about FREEDOM! That Freedom to do whatever i want to do at any point of time! ;)
-No Regulations (comments: "This could have been done in 4096 bytes! :P", "Too bad you didn´t finish in time for the Deadline!", "Get a Designer, Demos should be ästhetik!", "...")
-No Limitations (I am doing (mostly) 4Ks for the last decade! ;) Because i love to do so!)
-No Borders (well, been too young back then to code them myself, but i adored them for sure on good old C=64 when they disappeared for the first time! Things like these made me go pseudo-Skizzo in the first-place -> getting a punkrocker AND a demoscener at the same time!
Demoscene made me what i am nowadays, at about 50% ;)
(Just another abomination of Life! ;) )
30+ years of Demoscening for me, i just cant describe what it means to me! ;) I guess most of what all others said before! Plus what i just tried to say here! :)
♥ I LOVE YOU ALL♥, my demoscening family!
Greetings fly out to... (lol, just kidding!)
All in all it´s just another brick in my Wall-of-Texts! ;)

"new WallOfText = WallOfText(String.Infinity);"
And some old Tabs where back all of a sudden! Vivaldi rulez, but i wonder what key-combo caused this, haha!)
What i tried to say was:
Demoscene is to me like my entire Life as a Punkrocker is:
It´s all about FREEDOM! That Freedom to do whatever i want to do at any point of time! ;)
-No Regulations (comments: "This could have been done in 4096 bytes! :P", "Too bad you didn´t finish in time for the Deadline!", "Get a Designer, Demos should be ästhetik!", "...")
-No Limitations (I am doing (mostly) 4Ks for the last decade! ;) Because i love to do so!)
-No Borders (well, been too young back then to code them myself, but i adored them for sure on good old C=64 when they disappeared for the first time! Things like these made me go pseudo-Skizzo in the first-place -> getting a punkrocker AND a demoscener at the same time!
Demoscene made me what i am nowadays, at about 50% ;)
(Just another abomination of Life! ;) )
30+ years of Demoscening for me, i just cant describe what it means to me! ;) I guess most of what all others said before! Plus what i just tried to say here! :)
♥ I LOVE YOU ALL♥, my demoscening family!
Greetings fly out to... (lol, just kidding!)
All in all it´s just another brick in my Wall-of-Texts! ;)

I hate this, really, but I've created a facebook account.
Demoscene == showing off splendid/beautiful/unbelievable stuff can be done in a non-capitalistic-way! (just as in the real definition of democracy!)
We are the Elite and we don´t care about your capitalistic lifestyle!
We don´t need any money to be awesome anyway! ;)
We are what you´d like to be, try to buy with money, but won´t ever be: GOOD HUMANS! (i´d like to emphasize this does not mean BETTER humans! :P)
FUN: You may love us, maybe, but if we´d know you, we´d love you, too, maybe! ;)
(5 occurences of "," in half of a sentence! ;) WorldRecord worldRecord = new WorldRecord(","); // java sugar!)
Demoscene == showing off splendid/beautiful/unbelievable stuff can be done in a non-capitalistic-way! (just as in the real definition of democracy!)
We are the Elite and we don´t care about your capitalistic lifestyle!
We don´t need any money to be awesome anyway! ;)
We are what you´d like to be, try to buy with money, but won´t ever be: GOOD HUMANS! (i´d like to emphasize this does not mean BETTER humans! :P)
FUN: You may love us, maybe, but if we´d know you, we´d love you, too, maybe! ;)
(5 occurences of "," in half of a sentence! ;) WorldRecord worldRecord = new WorldRecord(","); // java sugar!)
OKAY, this is what the scene is about:

♥ to DDT/Accession --> demoscened until death, as all of us will!

♥ to DDT/Accession --> demoscened until death, as all of us will!
... and I think the above might be good for an end of this topic.
Hardy, a couple of days ago I actually had the idea to write an article called "The Economics of the Scene"... Maybe I will write this one day.
Essentially, I agree the demoscene is mostly non-capitalist.
That is a very cool picture, Hardy. =)
And I totally agree that it is (and should continue to be) a non capitalist thing.
Love you all too.
And I totally agree that it is (and should continue to be) a non capitalist thing.
Love you all too.