Living at sceners in Finland
category: offtopic [glöplog]

now iam home in my apartment
Time to think it all over...
yea, and the girl answered me now when its to late, guess i will try to have a bit of planning / extra money next time
you guess?
Told you.. in max 6 months he will be there again.. lost.. without money.
nope, will plan better that time
Explain to me, please. I am a reasonable man with more than enough inebriation-related lapses of sanity on my record, yet travelling to another country without so much as enough cash for the ride home isn't one of them.
And you knew you were going to buy another bottle of booze or 2, even drunks know they will whilst drunk.
Just wondering :)
And you knew you were going to buy another bottle of booze or 2, even drunks know they will whilst drunk.
Just wondering :)
(and by the way the ferry ride you took, is it a long one? I like those, hanging around in cheesy ferry bars)
Chucky, I hate when you're always right ;)
guess i will try to have a bit of planning / extra money next time
Hmm, I'm thinking a lack of this may have been you problem in the 1st place bittin. Then again there's a lot to be said for booze and fluffy toys...
w00t wins. :-D
"i've been on mental hospital, now on a vacation and back at evening"
will go there some other time when i got more money
will go there some other time when i got more money
Are you sure, that she wants everyone here to know that she was in 'mental hospital'?
not in dude, (s)he was ON a mental hospital.
Not even A particular mental hospital! Is there a Finnish show called "Mental Hospital"? I'm betting it's a reality game-show and she's 1 of the judges/compares... ;-)
Travelling to another country to meet a girl who's locked up in mental institution? Sounds like the girl of his dreams!
That explains the booze and the plush toy, though. Locked up chicks approve booze smuggled in a cute plush you. Cunning!
That explains the booze and the plush toy, though. Locked up chicks approve booze smuggled in a cute plush you. Cunning!
@jenni i diden't got to know that until i was home you fail
I think I'd go rather slow on handing out "fails" with your history :-D
A story with a 'happy' ending. Nobody was killed, maimed or otherwise injured in this dangerous epic tale of a hobbit's travels to moar door. \o/


That's still not a reason for doing to others what you wouldn't wish to be done to yourself.
this is the best bit of story generated by the demoscene for quite a while - you other klaphatte need to shape up!
who else has failed romantic relationships with a grand element of fuckedupness? tell me MORE STORIES!
who else has failed romantic relationships with a grand element of fuckedupness? tell me MORE STORIES!
And even if you stay in Finland, you can get in equal trouble, by, let's say, falling asleep on a bus to rovaniemi with only 32 euros in your pocket..
the futher away.. the better.....