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My apologies

category: general [glöplog]
I'm outraged and disappointed in you, texel. Go sit in the naughty corner!
added on the 2008-12-22 23:54:22 by button button
I think all of us have thumbed incorrectly at some point. If not on Pouet, then in "real life".

No apology necesary for bad thumbing, we can't hold it aginst you if we are guilty of the same thing.

We should all apologise for everyone we've called idiot. Because not one person I've ever met or indeed communicated with on-line (myself included) is innocent of idiocy. If I have impugned your intelligence, then consider yourself apologised to.

On a more personal note. One thing I need to apologise for is for EVERY An4kiR executable. Except maybe "loadershit", because the self-referencing title makes no pretentions ( "loadershit" = "load o' shit")

I am doing what I can to repent for these with the prods I have done with the group Disaster Area. Maybe not the most technically brilliant, but seem to be entertaining enough. Enjoy (life, the universe & everything - no.42 :-)

The really bad thing with the current voting system is that a piggy drags the total "score" down, so you can't comment on your own prod without messing it up for yourself.
added on the 2008-12-23 01:25:12 by gloom gloom
I know it sound iffy, but maybe it should be possible to associate yourself with certain groups in order for your piggies not to be counted?

Not that I care. At all.
I just love how Germans are always the first ones to point out "Godwin".. -"Mommy he called me a boy!! I am a man!!"
added on the 2008-12-23 02:30:30 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
what about the re-voting being locked until your next trip to the local shrink?
added on the 2008-12-23 02:30:37 by el mal el mal
also about self-piggying... just thumb your own goddamn productions up, if you're not content about them, dont fucking release them in the first place... screw modesty, some posts in this thread indicate the thumbratio is much more important than modesty to begin with :D
added on the 2008-12-23 02:33:30 by el mal el mal
and also put that message thru a diplomacy-generator.. im on meds and a nightcap :P
added on the 2008-12-23 02:37:13 by el mal el mal
also about self-piggying... just thumb your own goddamn productions up

Except self-voting is considered "bad-form" by many, and will ultimatley attract negative criticism.
which brings me to my point... giving the original creators some workaround to comment is just silly and unpractical, so.. break with the common standards (if thumbs are oh-so important) :)
added on the 2008-12-23 02:45:08 by el mal el mal
maali: second that. There are enough accounts on pouet to massively correct a falsely placed "thumb".

Well, some may object that it's all fun and games until someone looses a glÖp. :) .
added on the 2008-12-23 02:47:10 by xyz xyz
and here's my 2 cents about the "revote" thing:

don't do it ! you cannot change an election, can you ?
would be much too confusing.

and keep the +- vote system. just extend it by adding aforementioned vote categories. default could be "all categories" (= what we got today).

if you pouet coders are into timestamping: allow votes to be corrected up to 4h to let ppl. correct errors or refine their judgement. (same should go for comments but that's a bit OT)
added on the 2008-12-23 03:11:16 by xyz xyz
I couldn't be more agree with Keops's advice than I currently am. That would totally mess everything up. Do NOT do that.
added on the 2008-12-23 03:17:49 by iks iks
my favorite is when they mention how much they love a core element of the prod like the music, add a happy smiley, then still thumb it down
owned :/
forget what i said, skope. thought you were talking about black.. ;)
added on the 2009-03-07 03:25:49 by gentleman gentleman


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