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category: general [glöplog]
Normally, in debates like these i hide in the background, but this
Oh it's simple: At this point I fucking hate you all.

made me change my mind.

Be assured, there is a group of people that regularly visit Pouet and appreciate the effort and work that goes into Pouet, just that these people don't post comments very often, don't flood the BBS and don't visit that many demo parties, they just occassionally make demos.
I know that this group of people exists because i am one of them.
Apparently this group of people has failed to give you and all the other admins supportive feedback when it was needed and for that i am sorry.
added on the 2024-09-21 22:31:20 by Paranoid Paranoid
elephant in the room, maybe, but easy to solve with some less anal rules regarding delegation
(which is not directly targeted to gargaj, but, pouet has historically been a one-man-show analogue->ps->gargaj->next spinning plates guy which is the ACTUAL problem i'd like to address)
It's a rather capitalist way of thinking to assume that a job becomes less torturous just because you're throwing money at it - but you do get to wash your hands from the responsibility of the hard parts of community management, so you got that going for you.

I can feel all your resentment. But the fact is: hard work is needed to maintain this place? Then work has to be rewarded and I think that a job is not necessarily a torture. There might be someone (not even a scener) out there that just needs a job and is willing to maintain this place in a less emotionally involved manner. If the thing that you oppose to the "capitalistic view" is a failed "communism" (or "monarchy with a single servant"?) where all the burden is on the shoulder of a burnt-out guy, I go with "capitalism". Or, philantropy? Somebody said "Everyone, according to his capabilities, shall contribute to the common good". Well, I'm no php coder, nor a webmaster, but I don't want this place to close and donations of hard-earned money are the only thing I can do.
added on the 2024-09-22 02:04:33 by soolta soolta
There might be someone (not even a scener) out there that just needs a job

that's not a very good idea.

As I understand it, the job of the Pouet administrator is mainly - content moderation, processing requests for content editing, responding to complaints, deleting spam and inappropriate content. And in general - maintaining public order on the site.

I don't think that Pouet needs daily administration of a Linux server and PHP development, and something that is not related to the demoscene.

And to moderate content, you still need to be initiated into the demoscene.

Money motivates when a person needs it. Our donations can hardly be very significant for a person with a normal income. It would make sense to donate to hosting if there were problems with this. But here, as I understand it, there are no problems.
added on the 2024-09-22 02:46:05 by bitl bitl
content moderation --> moderators

processing requests for content editing --> gloperators and moderators

responding to complaints --> emails go to the admin, FMB as you can see is gloperators/moderators

deleting spam --> in the content --> moderators, in the comments and bbs ---> admin

deleting inappropriate content --> moderators

maintaining public order on the site --> mostly admin

about money, do you think gloperators and moderators would enjoy working for free under a paid admin?
added on the 2024-09-22 03:32:49 by havoc havoc


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