Global Warming is a SCAM
category: general [glöplog]
"a bloo bloo blo bloo hurrr" <- this thread
-_- <- me
-_- <- me
I read that Holland are leading the way by example and plan to legislate the introduction of GPS tracking devices in all new cars. The device will monitor how many miles you travel and charge an additional "eco-tax" for every mile.
Which makes absolutely no sense, since cars have tamper-proof mileage clocks, and besides a tax on CO2 emissions can be more easily and accurately added to the price of fuel, anyway. Which means that if this GPS story is true, you'd have to be a fool to believe it has to do with anything but general bigbrotherism.
As for the greenhouse effect, I don't really care. If we are raising the temperature of the Earth, and it's really going to cause us major problems down the line, they still need to show that the money spent preempting those problems couldn't be better spent elsewhere, such as fighting malaria, HIV or world hunger, right now. But of course, the second you start thinking about the most efficient way to help as many people as possible, you're being insensitive. To be a good "liberal socialist", you must be irrational.
Oh yeah ! It's so beautiful !!!1

"travel is an essential item we rely on for our daily survival."
Yeaaah, Enjoy BIG TIME !! And let me guess... you took a 30 years credit for an ugly peri-urban house ? bad news: YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PAY IT !!!! LOL !!!!

"travel is an essential item we rely on for our daily survival."
Yeaaah, Enjoy BIG TIME !! And let me guess... you took a 30 years credit for an ugly peri-urban house ? bad news: YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PAY IT !!!! LOL !!!!

you are delusional dude.
If we are very lucky, all this climate awareness will result in increased awareness of environmental issues as well (since most people seem to have difficulty distinguishing the two). But I fear that the opposite will happen. That this hysterical focus on CO2 emission will cause "being green" to become synonymous with reducing CO2 emissions, and pollution will become a second-rank issue.
Absolutely spot on, Blueberry.
While we are at it.
Here is a splendid speech of Lord Christopher Monckton.
Let aside that the man is a Thatcher-guy and can be considered a straight conservative - he's at the forefront on the scientific climate research.
Monckton speech St. Paul
those flood victims in Asia should stop bitching about it, because having water is good.
You seem to have overread the preceeding sentence, which was essential for the whole statement.
Trying obvious apologist tactics here ... aren't you ?
Cyclones, Hurricanes have been there even before mainstream media is headlining _every_ "little" one of 'em in the news.
Also, tidal waves (a.k.a. Tsunamis) that flood vast areas of south-east Asia are not exactly the result of too much man made CO2 emmissions, are they?
The CO2 "cap & trade" stuff is nothing but a new financial derivative.
Bloody Al 'I save my..err...our world' Gore is on the forefront of this process with a company that is big in trading this worthless crap.
Also this crook holds enough stok in oil-drilling-supply companies.
No conclusive decisions regarding robbery mining, polluting rivers and oceans, industrial cattle farming and petro-chemical pollution will be made
because that would interfere with the "big guys" that run the CO2 scam.
+ and to finnish, a selction of andy singer's

you are delusional dude.
No, we have to change of illusion and create a new reality that's all.

you are delusional dude.
Ok should someone go make a demo about it?
Lord Christopher Monckton [...] he's at the forefront on the scientific climate research.
[citation needed]
You seem to have overread the preceeding sentence, which was essential for the whole statement.
I didn't overlook it - I just didn't think it was worth arguing against. Honestly, you think that the 620 authors of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report collectively forgot that CO2 was a naturally occurring substance? You don't think that they might possibly have considered that fact, and accounted for it in their results?
Also, tidal waves (a.k.a. Tsunamis) that flood vast areas of south-east Asia are not exactly the result of too much man made CO2 emmissions, are they?
Nothing to do with the point I was making, which is that "it occurs naturally, therefore it must be safe" is a fucking stupid assumption to make.
And exactly WHAT reality do you want to see created Krabob? How exactly do you want the average working man to "change his life style"? Do you want us all transported back to the darkages, living in tents and freezing to death in the winter? You sound like one of these deceitful politicians who, for the past 5 years or so leading up to this crescendo of announcing Carbon based taxes, have been demonizing the average man's existence. Trying their hardest to make us feel guilty for literally BREATHING. Why? Just so that they can justify literally charging us to breath. You are sickening!
I live a very humble life. I earn slightly above average wages (25k/yr) most of which is spent on food, clothing, heating during winter, a humble mortgage for my overprice and tiny one bedroom flat (plus extortionate council tax) and - YES I'm sorry to say - I also NEED a car (a small fuel-efficient Smart car) which enables me to travel to work out of town because there is very little work available in my immediate region. I have NO disposable income and any I do have left goes into my pension fund for my old age because (despite still paying income based taxes) our government are also threatening to withdraw state pensions in a few years. I have a computer which is over 9 years old and cannot even run the latest demos here on Pouet. I do not splash money about purchasing unnecessary items of luxury - carelessly "wasting resources". I cannot afford to. I buy exactly what I need and no more. This is the same pattern for most of my friends and family and other "regular" people I know.
Yet you insane hypocritical eco-warriors look down on me and tell me to "change my habits and way of living"? You say eco-taxes are good, yet all they will do is bring hardship to people like me, while the wealthy (who have largely gained their wealth by pillaging this Earths resources to begin) with will NOT be effected. The rich (politicians and their CEO/banker friends) will absorb these taxes, and simply continue flying around in their private jets, having cruises on their Yachets and burning coal in their factories.
These taxes will take us all down a step or two. But for many who are already close to the breadline (like myself) the added cost of day-to-day essentials will mean that we will not be able to afford our rent, food, and life will simply become a struggle. For what? Will the Earth be saved simply because I cannot afford to switch my livingroom lights on? While the rich hang the 10000watt XMas tree decorations outside their mansions and fly to the Caribbean for Christmas? Is that going to "save the Earth"? Like Okkie just said, you are a delusional & brainwashed.
This whole thing is a sham, and you are a gullible fool. I still see gas guzzling 4x4s being manufactured, companies packaging their proucts in unnessesary plastics and packaging - with NO talk or mention of legislating against them at this Copenhagen meeting. The only talk is of Carbon based taxes. Because once they have the green light, it is going to be open season for taxing ANYTHING they desire. And it will ONLYl effect the poorest, least polluting members of society. And you are on their side in this farce? Either you are a millionaire or a fool - you should be ashamed!
I live a very humble life. I earn slightly above average wages (25k/yr) most of which is spent on food, clothing, heating during winter, a humble mortgage for my overprice and tiny one bedroom flat (plus extortionate council tax) and - YES I'm sorry to say - I also NEED a car (a small fuel-efficient Smart car) which enables me to travel to work out of town because there is very little work available in my immediate region. I have NO disposable income and any I do have left goes into my pension fund for my old age because (despite still paying income based taxes) our government are also threatening to withdraw state pensions in a few years. I have a computer which is over 9 years old and cannot even run the latest demos here on Pouet. I do not splash money about purchasing unnecessary items of luxury - carelessly "wasting resources". I cannot afford to. I buy exactly what I need and no more. This is the same pattern for most of my friends and family and other "regular" people I know.
Yet you insane hypocritical eco-warriors look down on me and tell me to "change my habits and way of living"? You say eco-taxes are good, yet all they will do is bring hardship to people like me, while the wealthy (who have largely gained their wealth by pillaging this Earths resources to begin) with will NOT be effected. The rich (politicians and their CEO/banker friends) will absorb these taxes, and simply continue flying around in their private jets, having cruises on their Yachets and burning coal in their factories.
These taxes will take us all down a step or two. But for many who are already close to the breadline (like myself) the added cost of day-to-day essentials will mean that we will not be able to afford our rent, food, and life will simply become a struggle. For what? Will the Earth be saved simply because I cannot afford to switch my livingroom lights on? While the rich hang the 10000watt XMas tree decorations outside their mansions and fly to the Caribbean for Christmas? Is that going to "save the Earth"? Like Okkie just said, you are a delusional & brainwashed.
This whole thing is a sham, and you are a gullible fool. I still see gas guzzling 4x4s being manufactured, companies packaging their proucts in unnessesary plastics and packaging - with NO talk or mention of legislating against them at this Copenhagen meeting. The only talk is of Carbon based taxes. Because once they have the green light, it is going to be open season for taxing ANYTHING they desire. And it will ONLYl effect the poorest, least polluting members of society. And you are on their side in this farce? Either you are a millionaire or a fool - you should be ashamed!
"it occurs naturally, therefore it must be safe" is a fucking stupid assumption to make.
Agreed. The human body contains many naturally accurring poisons. They only become deadly if the human body is exposed to them in a high amount over a short period of time. That's the same with CO2 - it is only "deadly" to the climate stability if the athmosphere is exposed to it in a high amount over a short period of time.
I mean if we are talking about climate protection we are actually talking about protecting the human species, since the planet can survive with a climate that is deadly to the human species pretty well - the planet doesn't care what species live on its surface.
that above rant is to Krabob and other nitwits like him.
you can help with small changes, too! to start with, make demos which do not need 400W video cards to run at 20 fps...
C'mon guys. Global warming is cool. Who the hell like fucking freezing cold wind in December ?
I don't.
I don't.
I think rtype should go and make a demo.
since they require energy to create, i should make one now - while i can still afford it. :P
Those graphs would be a lot more useful if they actually said what they were measuring.
How about ICE CORE SAMPLES as I clearly stated? the source is; And if you think that the IPCC did not overstate their case, I have some apartments with an ocean view you might be interested in. They are located in the Sahara desert.
-_- <- me
the IPCC were following the more moderate estimates (and not being particularly influenced by the Climategate papers) and *still* came to the conclusion that there was considerable evidence for man-made climate change.
Gasman you don't really know how to read graphs do you? I mean srsly...The graphs shows that the heat is declining and they tried to hide that part of it. They only wanted to show you the part of the graph that is raising. For the full ice-core story go here
I say blame capitalism and the economic model built around perpetual growth, since we live in a world of finite resources. Also: RØØØØØØØH!
[citation needed]
... RESEARCH REQUESTED ... just use the bloody search engine, would ya!
whatch the damn speech - he uses charts y'know.
therefore it must be safe" is a fucking stupid assumption to make.
That's as moronic and "black-white" brainwashed as it can get.
On no occurance did I say that breathing CO2 is "safe".
You're not a friggin' flower, are you ?
I said that it is a _natural gas_ and _vital for the life cycle_ on the planet.
Also this bloody IPCC is NOT a scientific "round table". It is a through and through political institution which just USES and thereby interpretes scientific data provided for them.
In this way these controlfreaks choose which paper to add and which not.
A lot of the scientists and researchers that once contributed ( ranged among 1000 at the start) to the first IPCC papers now reject what has been done with the raw facts by this political crooks.
learn some english, then write an article about it for hugi :(
You say eco-taxes are good, yet all they will do is bring hardship to people like me, while the wealthy (who have largely gained their wealth by pillaging this Earths resources to begin) with will NOT be effected. The rich (politicians and their CEO/banker friends) will absorb these taxes, and simply continue flying around in their private jets, having cruises on their Yachets and burning coal in their factories.
Amen to that!
he uses charts y'know.
that's not going to do a whole lot as GM obviously do not know how to read them. Besides if anything can be learned from this, it is; graphs are extremely thankful, does not protest or ask questions when both sides abuse them to their own ends..