playstation 3 or whatever
category: general [glöplog]
Smash: raw power is not all, cost is the main issue, as usual and especially in the game industry.
It's cool if PS3's Cell is more poweful than Xenon's CPU. It's less cool if it requires twice the amount of time or money to achieve results that are just a little bit better.
It's cool if PS3's Cell is more poweful than Xenon's CPU. It's less cool if it requires twice the amount of time or money to achieve results that are just a little bit better.
already people are saying they bought a wii but they're bored of it
Name one console that didn't have buyer's remorse follow it in some way.
Each to his own. I still like the damn thing. Lots.
Me too. Even if I only have Zelda, Super Mario Bros., and Wii Sports.
the SPU sound like they would be great for demomaking (stream-based, buffered-calculation possible) but poor for games (interactivity + reproductibility of results)
bonzaj+keops: you're right of course, coding for multiprocessor architectures is harder and more expensive and nobody is used to it yet.
but the message is coming loud and clear that they had better get used to it pretty fast, because that's the way computer hardware (pcs and consoles) are going - multiprocessor, multicore, multithreaded, multi-multi-multi. clockspeeds on single cpus are hitting the wall, so multi-core is how it's going to have to be.
and hey, you think this is bad? just wait until the next generation comes along. :)
but the message is coming loud and clear that they had better get used to it pretty fast, because that's the way computer hardware (pcs and consoles) are going - multiprocessor, multicore, multithreaded, multi-multi-multi. clockspeeds on single cpus are hitting the wall, so multi-core is how it's going to have to be.
and hey, you think this is bad? just wait until the next generation comes along. :)
coding for asymmetric multiprocessing systems is dope. if sony really make it easy to run homebrew on ps3 (which sounds hard to believe) i will definitely get one..
i always loved hacking the falcon's dsp. i like coding multi- core x86, i like using the 2nd cpu on the gp2x.. i love this shit :)
i always loved hacking the falcon's dsp. i like coding multi- core x86, i like using the 2nd cpu on the gp2x.. i love this shit :)
Anyone who have programmed on a simple amiga 500 knows what parallel processing is all about.
smash: Why the fuck there's no access to the gpu on the ps3 ?

LOL! I couldn't resist!
smash: you're absolutely right. Multicore multithreaded parallel processing is the future. But if you have a fixed number of threads with exactly the same rights then you can subdivide your engine as you wish. BUT if you have one hardware thread that has everything, 6 threads that have nothing, and this one thread spends most of his time on pushing the jobs to those 6 workers then there's something wrong. Wel,l the truth is that it is awfully hard to get a perfect streamed data during the whole life of your demo.
I also agree that it will take couple of good years for developers to polish their engines to take the advantage of the SPU cores.
I also agree that it will take couple of good years for developers to polish their engines to take the advantage of the SPU cores.
That's not how you eat a banana.
I agree with bonzaj - as promising as the Cell is, it's pushing too many concepts at aonce towards the programmer, most of them not too suitable for game programming ;)
And tho it's friggin' EASY to get perfectly streamed data during your demo, bonzaj, ;) you're completely right when it comes to GAMES and their completely nonlinear fully random memory access patterns. All of this is solvable of course, but this means at until the next fully cell optimized generation of middleware comes out, all game projects that don't fall under "PS3 exclusive AAA(AA) title and major publisher shoving loads of cash into our respective rectums" have a serious problem.
And tho it's friggin' EASY to get perfectly streamed data during your demo, bonzaj, ;) you're completely right when it comes to GAMES and their completely nonlinear fully random memory access patterns. All of this is solvable of course, but this means at until the next fully cell optimized generation of middleware comes out, all game projects that don't fall under "PS3 exclusive AAA(AA) title and major publisher shoving loads of cash into our respective rectums" have a serious problem.
he he, of course that you can prepare a perfectly streamed data in your demo, but remember that it is you that decide what to show in your demo, and not the CPU :D.
EA executives have found an acceptable pretext to justify their release delays :>
so, one year later, what's your current opinions about PS3 dev ?
so, one year later, what's your current opinions about PS3 dev ?
haha, ask bonzaj, kb or chaos! *ducks*
i think devs should spend more time on actually teaching their ppl how to work with ps3 instead of pumping out tons of casual crap (hello EA)
we had this same discussion with the ps2.. and if u see what for example incognito or naughty dog are getting out of the p3 at this moment, we gaymers are gonna have a bright future...
anyways i dont have a friggin clue 'bout programming, but i do think some devs should stfu and accept theres more than dx10 and windoslike programmin.
we had this same discussion with the ps2.. and if u see what for example incognito or naughty dog are getting out of the p3 at this moment, we gaymers are gonna have a bright future...
anyways i dont have a friggin clue 'bout programming, but i do think some devs should stfu and accept theres more than dx10 and windoslike programmin.
I believe "Legolas5" shares my thoughts on the matter:
Jesus titty-fucking christ, I am so sick of publishers complaining about the difficulty of developing games on the PS3... look at Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, The Darknes, Heavenly Sword, Haze.... none of the developers of those games come out with a complaint every quarter blaming the delays of their software on "difficult" hardware.
gloom: most (or all? not sure) of those games are first party, of course. (i still agree tho)
The ps3 is fucking awesome.
It's fucking expensive too... I'll buy one when it costs less than €300, if an xbox360 doesn't cost less than €200 by that time.
If Sony hadn't gimped the Linux/homebrew by disabling RSX access I would get one right now!
If Sony hadn't gimped the Linux/homebrew by disabling RSX access I would get one right now!
i bought one for Little Big Planet. too bad they septemberised the friggin releasedate WTF i want to build my little pouet planet ;/
of course they had to disable the gpu in linux, because then everybody could just code games in linux and nobody would have to pay licensing fees to sony... just admit it, the ps3 is a gaming console and not a pc for linux communists to play around with...
You sound like you are making an enlighting statement!
Of course sony wants as much cash as they can get, who can blame them?
Of course sony wants as much cash as they can get, who can blame them?