Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

90% of the world's population are useful idiots who will not see what's comming just around the corner, until it's too late. That's why I consider you all midless scum, not worthy to clean the sole of my shoe. I detest you because your mindlessness is the ONLY reason this Earth is a living hell. Your collective idiocy is what enables the few smart and conniving to guide and trick the masses into misery and as such your idiocy infects and polluts my life both directly an indirectly.For that I HATE YOU ALL!
Nobody's eyes are closed. They're just all looking in the wrong places for whatever reason. Don't dismiss the possibility that yours may be too, as hard as that may be. Besides, you don't HAVE to let other people affect your life. It's not a necessity to live within a society of thoughtless drones if you don't want to, although it might take some sacrifice and adjustment to achieve it.
If the cause of your hatred / confusion is the mindlessness of others, rather than how that mindlessness affects you, well, it's possible to change people too. You'd need a heck of a lot of patience to do that though.
If all else fails, you could do a shit load of drugs.
srsly amitari? on pouet, on the random image thread?...
hail to the AmiTari :P
seriously, you have a very polluted attitude.
If you think you can change things for the better, go ahead, be one of the "smart" and don't misuse your power like many of our "leaders" do.
I must admit that it's a scientific fact (no references here) that 90% of mankind prefers to follow the other 10%...
seriously, you have a very polluted attitude.
If you think you can change things for the better, go ahead, be one of the "smart" and don't misuse your power like many of our "leaders" do.
I must admit that it's a scientific fact (no references here) that 90% of mankind prefers to follow the other 10%...
Stop the damn talking! stick to the topic!

...and it's not adidas.
It's Quebramar actually. My fault :)

well..ok...stick to topic...but beware, this is totally *alpha* :)

Faraday: clearly a ripoff :D

perhaps the only escape is to become like the "leaders". or perhaps the leaders were once genuinely good men with real concern for the mindless masses, yet overtime they came to learn that the masses are helpless. in fact, the masses are almost sub-human, instinct-driven animals and, like regular cattle, their purpose is to provide food. they say there is a thin line between love and hate and i think there's an even thinner line between meat and "humans":

perhaps i will open a sweat-shop in East Asia, retire to an isolated island somewhere and live from the profits of my exploitation

perhaps i will open a sweat-shop in East Asia, retire to an isolated island somewhere and live from the profits of my exploitation

you clearly forget something.

also fuck those anti-hotlinking strategies where they use ads instead of, say, goatse or tubgirl. and I even tested before posting. bahh.
we're all cattle, maybe. your insights won't change my life much though. there's no final truth, only our subjective view combined with our limited knowledge of things.
turning our back on (that stupid) society would come at a price I'm not willing to pay. so we should do what we can and try to make people around us see what we think is right. maybe that'll work. and try to not go and shop at H&M or wherever...
oh, and:

turning our back on (that stupid) society would come at a price I'm not willing to pay. so we should do what we can and try to make people around us see what we think is right. maybe that'll work. and try to not go and shop at H&M or wherever...
oh, and:

So... meat is all about dithering.
;) sort of...
You were born into the universe, not into society.
Sounds spiritual, but I don't think so.