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Breakpoint 2004 Website launched

category: general [glöplog]
cool, but when are the compo stats coming?
added on the 2004-02-08 17:34:21 by shadez shadez
As soon as the rules are fixed (should take another 5 days at most).
added on the 2004-02-08 18:09:25 by ryg ryg
eye: Yes, the bigscreen will be bigger this year. Last years bigscreen was so small because of logistic problems - they company that brought kinda screwed it up, and there wasn't enough time to bring a new one. The beamer we had was more than powerfull enough to serve a bigger screen. So this is a definitive yes, the screen will be bigger this time.
added on the 2004-02-08 18:42:53 by scamp scamp
reed: sorry, but you did not get the point.

abductee, i included the last phrase in my post because i knew nitwits like you wouldn't get MY point :)
added on the 2004-02-08 19:01:33 by reed reed
reed: Well, basicly you can't really compare the ASM and BP ticket prices. I didn't pick the most expensive one, but a more or less comparable one. I guess if ASM would not have gamers paying for the oldschoolers, then the ticket price for sceners still would be >40 Euros. And this was not intended to be any kind of ASM-bashing, as I highly respect this party.

added on the 2004-02-08 19:16:17 by scamp scamp
i didn't say the price is not fair - i'm just fed up with people saying it's fuckin' cheap. for many sceners, it's not.
added on the 2004-02-08 19:57:33 by blala blala
I would be also ranting about the price if I weren't there last year. But god DAMN Breakpoint is well worth it.
added on the 2004-02-08 20:02:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
blabla: Yes, you are right. Saying "it's cheap" really may sound arrogant to people who can't easily afford that much money. Anyway, I guess we all agree this is a social problem we really can't fix.

What we can do is support poor sceners that still fight their way through to the party even if they have no money at all by letting them in for free (remember raver..). We did this in the past and this is not going to change. Sadly we don't have the budget to cross-finance all people coming from eastern countries, just as we don't have the power to fix all the other social problems of the world.
added on the 2004-02-08 20:15:23 by scamp scamp
scamp, yeh no worries, the two parties just have a different approach :)
added on the 2004-02-08 20:18:00 by reed reed
scamp: <off> not blabla, it's BLALA :) </off>
added on the 2004-02-08 21:30:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
does anyone know if they are selling those bitburgers again? it would be nice with heineken or something more tasty.. =)
added on the 2004-02-10 10:59:17 by mindsikk mindsikk
ok, out of all suggestions not this, no no no... NO HEINEKEN!

(let the beer wars begin)
added on the 2004-02-10 12:03:12 by melw melw
how about becks.
added on the 2004-02-10 12:11:50 by dalezr dalezr

get warsteiner, it's simple, and everyone likes it (it seems).

or go to poland and get the nice brand of "full" (which means drunk in norwegian)
added on the 2004-02-10 12:12:54 by leijaa leijaa
in swedish too
added on the 2004-02-10 12:37:36 by mindsikk mindsikk
40 euros is more than i am paying for my flight. still, it'll be worth it.

those complaining about the prices should arrange cheaper parties by themselves, so we can go there and drink even more than we do at bp.

added on the 2004-02-10 13:11:12 by nosfe nosfe
how much are u paying for ur flight?
added on the 2004-02-10 13:43:51 by mindsikk mindsikk
mindsikk: tampere (finland) to frankfurt-hahn flights (ryanair) started at 4,99 eur / direction + taxes. Total costs (with creditcard payments etc) were around 40 eur. (i paid iirc 42 eur for my flights)

So now there is no reason why german people shouldn't come to finnish parties ;-D
added on the 2004-02-10 14:16:49 by uncle-x uncle-x
The reason we chose Bitburger for last years BP actually was this: They offer those bottles known here as "stubbies" which have a wide bottom and thick glass and therefore don't tip over and break easily - much less trouble with beer and sherds inside computer towers. :)

We'll see what we will choose this time. Maybe we'll go for two brands of beer - one common major label (Bitburger or Warsteiner) and one cheap-ass-brand for those that don't care and want to save money.
added on the 2004-02-10 14:50:52 by scamp scamp
no bitburger no no NO!
added on the 2004-02-10 15:01:37 by dodke dodke
scamp: what about beercans? (atleast they can't be broken)

We also want a selection of fine wines ;-)
added on the 2004-02-10 15:10:29 by uncle-x uncle-x
Since beginning of last year, cans also have deposit in Germany, and a MUCH higher one than bottles actually.
added on the 2004-02-10 15:33:10 by ryg ryg
You mean the Bitburger WASN'T the cheap-ass-brand for those that didn't care and wanted to save money? ;)

People should bring a case or two from their locale and leave them at the infodesk or somewhere so they can set up a full bar.. hehe.

Best solution: bring kegs, serve in plastic cups.
added on the 2004-02-10 15:48:22 by phoenix phoenix
yeah, at least with kegs we have a chance to get proper beer instead of that watery european crap ;)
added on the 2004-02-10 16:07:00 by psonice psonice
Das Deutsche Reinheitsgebot (German Beer Purity Law):

Wie das Pier Summer vie Winter auf dem Land sol geschenkt und prauen werden

Item wir ordnen, setzen und wollen mit Rathe unnser Lanndtschaft das füran allenthalben in dem Fürstenthumb Bayrn auff dem Lande auch in unsern Stettn vie Märckthen da desáhalb hieuor kain sonndere ordnung gilt von Michaelis bis auff Georij ain mass oder kopffpiers über einen pfennig müncher werung un von Sant Jorgentag biß auf Michaelis die mass über zwen pfennig derselben werung und derenden der kopff ist über drey haller bey nachgeferter Pene nicht gegeben noch außgeschenckht sol werden. Wo auch ainer nit Merrzn sonder annder pier prawen oder sonst haben würde sol erd och das kains weg häher dann die maß umb ainen pfennig schenken und verkauffen. Wir wollen auch sonderlichen dass füran allenthalben in unsern stetten märckthen un auf dem lannde zu kainem pier merer stückh dan allain gersten, hopfen un wasser genommen un gepraucht solle werdn. Welcher aber dise unsere Ordnung wissendlich überfaren unnd nie hallten wurde den sol von seiner gerichtsobrigkait dasselbig vas pier zustraff unnachläßlich so offt es geschieht genommen werden. jedoch wo ain brüwirt von ainem ainem pierprewen in unnsern stettn märckten oder aufm lande jezuzeitn ainen Emer piers zwen oder drey kauffen und wider unnter den gemaynen pawrfuolck ausschenken würde dem selben allain aber sonstnyemandes soldyemaßs oder der kopfpiers umb ainen haller häher dann oben gesetzt ist zugeben un ausschencken erlaube unnd unuerpotn.
added on the 2004-02-10 16:47:36 by xxx xxx


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