Logo Required
category: general [glöplog]

Might look like shit on IE because of PNG transparency issues...

hahaha cant stop laughing ;-)
Kuroto's, that quite good actually, I may even use that one, a toss up between your one and the one above done in ms paint haha
Kuroto's, that quite good actually, I may even use that one, a toss up between your one and the one above done in ms paint haha
Oh default materials! Is there anything you can't do?

Command Cyborg, did you use Xara 3D for that? ;)
I have some ideas now, I think I might go something with a 3.5 floppy disk like tigers POUET image.
If I could use Disco stu, i would, but would probably get my ass sued, I still like kurotos one tho, its simple, to the point.
STFU computers is classic =)
I have some ideas now, I think I might go something with a 3.5 floppy disk like tigers POUET image.
If I could use Disco stu, i would, but would probably get my ass sued, I still like kurotos one tho, its simple, to the point.
STFU computers is classic =)
Max ;)

Max ;)

texel's logo is so neat.
What's a stus?
logo from texel is really business like... nice dude.
in german it's called STUSS. :-/
STUS Computers is missing a F. ;)
stuey, if you like mine, I will finish it (the computers font is not correct now). the other font is custom, jsyn
