Random "FXP Tristar" plz Die :D
category: general [glöplog]
;) i´m fine and will expand my chaotic stYle.! ;)
1 d0nt kn0w why p30pl3 h4t3 my wr1t1n6 styl3 t00..
it´s just MY WAY to write.!
then YOUR WAY is a VERY GERMAN WAY of writing
either that, or my guess is that you are 12.? 13.? 14.?
Nono, a German Way of writing would be much more strict about which Words starts with Capitals!
Richtig, aber die Fullstop in the Mittel of the Sentence is auch typisch German (z.B. "Skrebbel wird am 1. Mai zum 2. Mal verprügelt.!")
i´m german,yup.!
but try 30 instead of 13.!
how else could i have released demos on amiga in 1992 already.??
and skrebbel.: exactly.! i´m german,but i´m NOT german at all.!
P.S.: better.?? readable.?? (as if i´d care..! i´ll continue writing as i´m writing for 20 years already....no way some1 changes my mind on that.!)
but try 30 instead of 13.!
how else could i have released demos on amiga in 1992 already.??
and skrebbel.: exactly.! i´m german,but i´m NOT german at all.!
P.S.: better.?? readable.?? (as if i´d care..! i´ll continue writing as i´m writing for 20 years already....no way some1 changes my mind on that.!)
Your puntuation sucks. Even for a german.
What xernoby said.! Twice!.
after watching your profile (yes,i´ve been out-of-life for some years,including no Computer.!) and getting linked to OUTLINE 2008 i thought sth like.:
"oh,a party that close to where i live and that close in date....i ( == we == Bonzai Broz) should participate with sth and enter the Pardey,but after having figured the entry-fee,i have to say i refuse.! (just too poor right now.!)
how comes its that expenzive.?? i mean,do you have a 12by10meters-Biggy ,too this year.?? or what.??
P.S.: no offense,just would have liked to meet you and talk about my writing,rofl.!
"oh,a party that close to where i live and that close in date....i ( == we == Bonzai Broz) should participate with sth and enter the Pardey,but after having figured the entry-fee,i have to say i refuse.! (just too poor right now.!)
how comes its that expenzive.?? i mean,do you have a 12by10meters-Biggy ,too this year.?? or what.??
P.S.: no offense,just would have liked to meet you and talk about my writing,rofl.!

i figure,its coz of the "I"-Letters folowing after a "!" (exclamation-mark) ...somehow unreadable like that,i have to admit.!
f34r c00nZ wri7inG.! (in 1994 the writings were like that in every swapping-letter i got.! ;) ...while the swapping was just coz there wuZ no int0rnet...i´m a coder.!)
f34r c00nZ wri7inG.! (in 1994 the writings were like that in every swapping-letter i got.! ;) ...while the swapping was just coz there wuZ no int0rnet...i´m a coder.!)
What happen?
Someonebody set us up the bomb... :(
Someonebody set us up the bomb... :(
So, who is supposed to take you seriously.?
cocoon, that's easy to explain actually: every visitor gets a bed for 3 nights included with the 45 euro ticket price. also, a free of charge breakfast is served every morning. so while the ticket may be expensive compared to some other parties, it is good value for money, in my humble opinion. :-)
if you don't have the cash to visit the entire event, you could consider buying a day ticket on (for example) saturday so you can catch the live music shows and competitions. :-)
if you don't have the cash to visit the entire event, you could consider buying a day ticket on (for example) saturday so you can catch the live music shows and competitions. :-)
one question left.:
HOW 2 DIE.???
any1 interested in sending me a "Suicide 4 DummieZ"-Book or alike.?
one question left.:
HOW 2 DIE.???
any1 interested in sending me a "Suicide 4 DummieZ"-Book or alike.?
@tomaes.: SERIOUSLY.?? whats that.?? is it edible.? oh,i guess its a word i dont know,coz i dont need it.! ;)
i´m getting interested in getting a full-time-Troll while writing into and hijacking this Thread somehow.! HARRHARR.!
c00n digitateZ to troll0r.!
i´m getting interested in getting a full-time-Troll while writing into and hijacking this Thread somehow.! HARRHARR.!
c00n digitateZ to troll0r.!
cocoon, dude, you're not even in tristar, so how about behaving a bit more "normal"? :P
me <- headache
c00n digitateZ to troll0r.!
30 you say?
i´m just a bit drunk and in the mood to answer...i´d say,i didn´t start it...havoc moaned about my style-2-write and i was wondering anyway,so i asked and that lead here.!
but ok,i´ll act more grown again now and stop killing the thread.!
but ok,i´ll act more grown again now and stop killing the thread.!
kein Kommentar. Ich verweise da auf die TV Serie "Inzucht und seine Wunder".
und am-fm.... komm du ruhig mal erst zur breakpoint oder evoke. wie du es x mal vorgehabt hattest... nach wuppertal wolltest du ja auch schon xmal kommen, nurzu wir holen dich gerne ab, zeigen dir die stadt und alles was dazugehört... ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen mal mehr als nur unsynchronisierte textbausteine oder gestohlene Soundmodule von dir zu sehen, zu hören. aber was solls, mir ists am Ende zu blöd, und den Leuten hier auch... Aber erstaunlich wie weniger als 10 Spezialisten die halbe (Pouet)Scene unruhig machen können.
@Scamp, siehst du - du bist nicht alleine mit niedlichen Anfeindungen ;-)
@Scamp, siehst du - du bist nicht alleine mit niedlichen Anfeindungen ;-)
ach weisste.?? mein intellekt würde dich erschlagen,aber er is sich zu fein dafür.! ;)
mit Inzuchts-Kommentaren um sich zu werfen zeugt von inkompetenZ-im-Umgang-mit-Menschen.!
glaub ja nich,dass DU von mir jemals ein Bier spendiert bekommst.!!
und.: ICH werde auf der Evoke sein,also wenn du meinst,dass ich ein Inzuchts-Opfer wär,dann werde ich dir gerne zeigen,wer wirklich eins ist.! ;) (da es eine Demoparty ist,nur mit Worten.!! )
( he insulted me badly,saying something alike "son-of-an-incest" )
NOW i´m PISSED...and that only coz some1 said sth stupid on Pouet.!
mit Inzuchts-Kommentaren um sich zu werfen zeugt von inkompetenZ-im-Umgang-mit-Menschen.!
glaub ja nich,dass DU von mir jemals ein Bier spendiert bekommst.!!
und.: ICH werde auf der Evoke sein,also wenn du meinst,dass ich ein Inzuchts-Opfer wär,dann werde ich dir gerne zeigen,wer wirklich eins ist.! ;) (da es eine Demoparty ist,nur mit Worten.!! )
( he insulted me badly,saying something alike "son-of-an-incest" )
NOW i´m PISSED...and that only coz some1 said sth stupid on Pouet.!
Man, man, dieser ganze Spam-und-Kindergarten-Hass-Scheiss geht mir gehörig auf die Eier mittlerweile. Manche Leute ham einfach nix besseres zu tun... traurig, mehr fällt mir da nicht zu ein...
cOcOOn, es war nicht auf dich sondern den Thread Starter bezogen.