Games you must play before you die
category: residue [glöplog]

The biggest, longest existing, the most realistic/expensive/adrenaline pumping/energy consuming/replayed/wanted/real life casualties causing game that even your parents have been playing...
Tiny bit off topic but, I was talking to Eskil Steinburg creator of LOVE a while back said he improved Smash's 1 million particle realtime technique to render 100 million particles realtime. 0.0
Tiny bit off topic but, I was talking to Eskil Steinburg creator of LOVE a while back said he improved Smash's 1 million particle realtime technique to render 100 million particles realtime. 0.0
executable or it didn't happen.
Games you must play before you die... Heh heh heh

Too late.
@Deus: what is the title of this rpg?
@Decipher Thats what I said :)
He said he may release it sometime.
He said he may release it sometime.

Which game is it?
I just saw the URL.
Ok, no need to answere :)
I just saw the URL.
Ok, no need to answere :)
Planescape Torment

40000 lines text 8-]

40000 lines text 8-]
I'd say Duke Nukem Forever... but nahhh, not anymore :-)
Dig Dug
Laser Squad
Rez (especially the Eden level)
Laser Squad
Rez (especially the Eden level)
Frozen synapse

ArmA 2. It's a squad level 1st person war simulator - not comparable to something like Battlefield. not the greatest graphics, but gfx are not the point of the game.
i reckon it's as close to a real war as i'd ever want to get. great "game".

i reckon it's as close to a real war as i'd ever want to get. great "game".

men of war: assault squad (has to be assault squad). Its the most unforgiving strategy game I have played since the old Close Combat series and even on "easy" you will be pressed.

imho goty 2010 for the 360, now also coming for ps3 & pc (steam) - personal "alltime top 10" title...
one of the best jump'n'runs ever. there's also a ds version, but i only have played the SNES version.

btw. you can use your xbox360 controller to play SNES on snes9x emulator - perfect experience. (but i also have this one as original module for my SNES)

btw. you can use your xbox360 controller to play SNES on snes9x emulator - perfect experience. (but i also have this one as original module for my SNES)
Best 3d game with 2d gameplay I have seen so far.

Falcon 4.0/BMS. The most realistic flight simulator ever made, and it is awesome! If you like fiddling with air-to-air and air-to-ground radars, carrying out tactical bombing missions and shooting down enemy jets using heatseeking sidewinders... this is the game for you.
you will require two things: the original Falcon 4.0 game released by MicroProse (1998) and the recent BMS mod:

every single button and function of the F16 jet is modelled in the fully interactive/clickable 3D cockpit. it's fecking awesome - it's like being in a real fecking jet!

you will require two things: the original Falcon 4.0 game released by MicroProse (1998) and the recent BMS mod:

every single button and function of the F16 jet is modelled in the fully interactive/clickable 3D cockpit. it's fecking awesome - it's like being in a real fecking jet!

this fucking game is creepy as hell O_O

short but beautiful. and different.
A couple of PSX gems.
Future Cop LAPD

Front Mission 3
Future Cop LAPD

Front Mission 3